Health and Fitness, February, 2015

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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2015

Postby FelineFriend » Wed Feb 04, 2015 7:28 pm

:mrgreen: Lost 3 Lbs. this week.

But my denim jeans are tighter, so I put on the 16-W ones. I needed the extra "room" to help with the bloat. :idea: :roll: At least I've got 3 pairs of 16-W jeans, and they are pretty colors and comfy. ;)

I walked at a moderate speed for 30 minutes.

I did housework today, for activity, too. It's nice to keep busy and active, on the house and all, because you not only move more, but the house looks better, too. It pays off. :)

On the news this morning, it said that people who wanted to lose weight needed to eat fewer carbs and sugars, eat more fruits and vegetables, eat less over-all, exercise in faster increments, but most of all, try to add weights and muscle-building exercises to your regimen, too. :idea: :) I thought those tips were all very good ones, too.
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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2015

Postby Nancy » Wed Feb 04, 2015 10:53 pm

Wtg ff !

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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2015

Postby FelineFriend » Thu Feb 05, 2015 1:17 am

Thanks, Nancy! :D I wondered if you knew the maximum weight a Gazelle holds, for people using it. :?: I thought about getting one, but DH said I have my recumbent stationary bike, which I avoid because of ankle problems. But my podiatrist said :idea: if I use it for 5 minutes, for 1 full week, then stop daily, after going 5 minutes, I can add 5 minutes, each week, until I get up to 30 minutes or more. Then, he said I could bike regularly, for 30+ minutes straight. I need to be more proactive about it. :oops: Maybe, if I post here, when I do five minutes, plus put it on my to-do list AND my calendar reminders, it would make me "remember" to do it. :!: :) I think I'll do that. DH also said if I have a ton of exercise DVD's and videos, walk a lot, use my pedometer, he doesn't see why I need more equipment, like a Gazelle. He's afraid I'll buy it, use it for a bit, because it's new, and then lose interest. :oops: :o :? :( I used to have an elliptical trainer, but it was free, and difficult on my ankles. It was hard for me to use, so I gave it to my BFF next door. She was so excited to get it and she uses it faithfully every morning. I need to do that with my bike! :!: :idea: :arrow: :P If she can do it, she's my age, only 5 months younger, then I CAN, TOO! :D Yes, I do think by adding exercises to do, to my calendar reminders AND PODA, will be super to do.

Also, would this be a good idea? :?: I was "thinking" how SHE's use 3 x 5" cards a lot. If I sat down, put the day of the week- Monday, Tuesday, etc... - on 7 cards, then wrote down exercises to do on specific days, I could sort of make myself a weekly workout program, day by day, and use the specific card, for each particular day. :idea: Also, I could decorate the 3 x 5's with cute stickers. This way, I could write down days, when I want to use hand weights or do heavy lifting and harder muscle-working activities. And 1 doctor told me once, I should alternate days of excessive activity followed by a day of lighter exercises. Has anyone else ever heard this before? :?: My old PT (who was the owner of the clinic) told me how I use so little of weights, when I use my hand weights, or soup cans or those stretchy bands, and she said I "could" use weights every single DAY and she said it would NOT hurt me and she said I didn't need a day of rest. But she said body builders, who work a long time, with really heavy weights, probably should take the next day off or lay off a bit more. It's sort of confusing. I've heard conflicting opinions from 2 professionals. Now I don't know which one's advice to actually follow. I guess the main thing is, to just get my workouts onto 3 x 5's and JUST DO IT! :!: :)
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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2015

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Feb 05, 2015 10:20 am

Lowest weight I have recorded since Oct 30. We are eating out less and not keeping foods around that aren't good for us. DH is taking Qsymia which is a dr prescribed appetite suppressant and he has lost about 20 pounds since the end of December. I'm not happy with his diet - he eats very poorly IMHO - not making choices which will help him learn to eat a maintenance amount of food. In addition, he is to take supplements because of his gastric bypass and he forgets to take them often.

Anyway, I need to increase my activity and get back to my 10K steps a day, get to the YMCA some day to start using the elliptical, and continue eating well. I tend to not get enough fruits and veggies.
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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2015

Postby Nancy » Thu Feb 05, 2015 11:31 am

Ff try an internet search for answers to that question of load capicity on gazelle. I got mine used it had been sitting outside and squeeks until after like 15 min of use. I have oiled it too.
Yes your ex. She Card idea would work!

I do not do the total gym for arms every day like if I raked leaves I count that instead. I do need to get back on track with arm ex. the wet rainy weather we have had I have not been doing outside stuff as much.

I did remember my a.m. meds today.

Not much activity yet heading out to the chichen pen shortly it is wet and slick so I have to be extra careful. Did not get the roo inside today he is crowing.

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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2015

Postby Harriet » Thu Feb 05, 2015 5:25 pm

3 x 5s... by day, and use the specific card, for each particular day. :idea: Also, I could decorate the 3 x 5's with cute stickers. - Feline Friend

In all honesty, not trying to be funny, this one little kernel of the idea is the kind of thinking that works for me.
I realize everyone is different. Some type of "check-offs" (and card/stickers are a good type) do seem to give my brain a signpost, or goal, or marker, that spurs me to do whatever it takes to signify the "finish".

Every-other-day thinking for workouts is what makes sense to me. Ramblin' has thoughts on this I'm sure. She might say certain weight-bearing exercises are the ones to alternate, and unless weight-bearing with exact same muscles it's not as important. (Putting words in her mouth maybe, but she loves me and will be kind in her rebuttal!) ;) I believe we use such a range of muscles during exercise - some we don't even know are engaged - that some alternating is just "a good thing" to keep in mind in general.

Twins' how cool 8-) to regain your recent low weight - success for sure. That's wonderful if weight control is happening for dh, and now if he can put nutrition closer to the top of his priorities that will be great.

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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2015

Postby Nancy » Thu Feb 05, 2015 6:33 pm

I did a short walk in segments pushing the stroller with toddlerN in It today for exercise.

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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2015

Postby FelineFriend » Fri Feb 06, 2015 9:53 pm

My activity level for Friday was good, but Saturday was a bust. :o :( :? I'm trying better today, to be more active, since I've been up since 5:15 a.m. I DID finally make myself a saucepan of 1-serving of Grits. It was so filling. DH hadn't been able to find a box of them anywhere, for such a long time, and these are so delicious. :P

I'm feeling a LOT better, since my colonoscopy, and I feel, since I cut out the morning yogurt, which is stupid for me to eat, because I'm Lactose-Intolerant anyway, it's super to now have IBS, gas, bloating, and pain. 8-) I'm so happy!

DH will be gone to a retirees luncheon on Thursday, he leaves at noon and returns about 2:30 - 3 p.m.. It's such a good time, to bake the muffins on that day. :idea: It'll fill in the quiet time. I'll listen to music or the radio, too. I love the radio.

This morning, around 2:20 a.m., I woke up very nauseous, thought I was going to throw up, went into the bathroom and let out a very hefty burp, which points to Gastritis again. :roll: Had it last May, or so, was on a special med for it, the Dr. said stress could cause it, and my diet. I notice how, when I DO NOT SNACK at night, at all, especially after dinner, and go to bed with an empty stomach, my acid and last dose of water with a pill, stays on my stomach, sort of churning, to give me this acid-burping thing. :o :? I don't know if I should eat a few crackers, or toast, prior to bedtime or not. I'll ask my Dr. when I see him in a couple of weeks, what he thinks. :idea:

I gained 1.1 Lbs. in 1 week, but I'm not unhappy about it. I had lost 3 Lbs. one day this week. Also, whenever I have a weight gain, I'm feeling relieved and hopeful this is a sign my Thyroid level is turning around. :) I hope it will turn around on its own, I hope I won't need further tests or an appt. with a specialist, to get to the bottom of these lab readings. I'd love to just start feeling much better. When my weight goes up, I DO get "hopeful" about this situation. :mrgreen:
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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2015

Postby Ramblinrose » Mon Feb 09, 2015 12:09 am

The weight capacity of my gazelle is 300 lbs. I have the elite and bought it abt 7 years ago . At this point I probably have 1500 miles on it. When it starts to squeak I oil it all over. I love it because it's easy to use and takes up just little floor space, maybe four feet or so when moving.

I have mime where I can watch tv. During the day or at night if I am watching something that Sweetie doesn't care for instead of just sitting on the couch I use my gazelle. It's a no brained for me and it's fun and easy to do. You can find out more information by goggolng "tony little's gazelle".

Adding weights to exercise as we grow older is very important. Your body really needs it to stay strong. It's been proven key to a longer life.... Just look at farmers...they work hard, eat well and get plenty of natural exercise.

When using weights there are several things to remember. Firsts light weights need more repetitions for toning. Heavier weights build up the muscles and there bulk your body. There is plenty of information on the net about how many repetitions and sets are needed. Plus magazines like Fitness, Shape and Womens health are great reads to improve your body if you can get past some is the ads and stuff. I'll never look like most women I find there but I gleen great information.

You have two muscle groups... Upper body and lower body muscles... Or above your waist and below. You can work out your body in two ways. First whole body workout every other day OR upper body one day, lower body next and the. Repeat two more rounds so is you start on Monday you would end on Sat. Sunday you rest. Here's why.

When you work with weights they tear small fiber tissue from your muscle... It takes your body36-48 hours to repare it's self and during that time it adds fiber to heal the muscle. Small weights pull away small amounts of fiber making the muscle longer and tighter or what we call toned.

When you use heavy weights the tears are bigger so your body produces more fiber thus it bulks the muscle.

When you use weights you caloric energy increases and you continue to burn calories for 36-48 bourse after you exercise with weights. It's very important to EAT proteins immediately after you workout because the body needs it to repair your muscles. Carbs are important to but I am the wrong person to ask about that because I am very carb sensitive and much watch what I eat or I gain.

These past few days I upped my carbs intake because of my event and need my body to store it's energy for yesterday. In doing so my weight increased by four lbs. I drank two gallons of water both Thur and Friday so I could hydrate my muscles as well as my body organs. It made a huge difference in my performance. During the five hours of intense physical work of running and such I did NOT need to pee once... A fact that all the women commented about themselves during that time. And we were drinking addition water during the race.

Point being it really pointed out the importance of water for our bodies. So starting today I will make sure I drink at least a gallon a day for the rest of my life.... No excuses.

Tomorrow I expect to be sore... Sweetie put is as it is the pain leaving my body. I am looking forward to the soreness... Where ever my body hurts will be my map of what muscles to focus on that need to be strengthened.

My son said it best to me today... Him: were you tired after the race? Me: no Him: could you have done more? Me: yes. Him: what does that tell you? Me: I can do more Now I'm not bragging, but I am surprised that I didn't feel like I had hit my limit... It goes against everything I thought I knew about how the body grows old, but I can say I was honestly amazed how well my body performed.

I read a very interesting article the other day by a 100 yr old exercise instructor who is a woman. The interviewer asked her what the instructor's secret to long life was... Here's what she said...

1. Keep moving, never stop
2. Eat healthy, cheat every once in a while
3. Never leave the house without makeup, be proud of who you are
4. Never ever have gray hair no matter what... Her' was brown, not blonde

Think that's the best advise I've ever heard so I'm going to do it :lol:
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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2015

Postby Ramblinrose » Mon Feb 09, 2015 12:22 am

Here's something to add... This might not be a happy statement but it's true.

The true diffenition of aging is really our bodies are deteriorating, inside and out. Think of us as a flower... We sprout, we grow, we flower, wilt and then die. I am trying to keep my body out of the wilting stage :lol: :lol: :lol:
Live Boldly, Take Risks, No Regrets...Jilliam Michaels

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