Health and Fitness, April 2015

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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2015

Postby Harriet » Tue Apr 28, 2015 9:14 am

Harmony, best of luck to you on the elliptical. It's great for record keeping of how long, how fast, building stamina, etc.

I realized I was craving videos again when I caught myself looking up youtube fun single-song Zumba routines one night last week. Those are very exciting, but one night of that was enough. It's quite true I don't want to be bored, but I crave some reassurance that I'm moving in ways that are carefully thought out.

Trying to remember : I don't exercise because it is interesting. I exercise because it makes me more interesting. Anyway, I'm fully back to T-Tapp now. Scheduling something a little different each day if I can, to keep myself engaged and on track.

Last evening I continued with the full workout on through lunges and balance. This morning after stretch I continued it through arms sequence. Tonight after supper hoe downs will be next in the DVD for a "sprint", and then I'll go on to the end and will have done a Total in two days.

Trying to decide if I feel good about floor workout next.

I was pressed into finishing the FastExercise book because I needed something to read while HRH was in seeing the dr. The case studies are interesting. Roger Bannister, who broke the 4-minute mile is one of them. As he was training toward that, the other areas of his life caused him to have a grueling schedule. So instead of training like everyone else, he would rush out to the field with enough time for a couple short fast sprints with a rest between, then have to hurry back. Dr. Mosley suggests that without knowing it, Bannister was increasing his abilities in a more efficient way than those who were spending a lot of time training.

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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2015

Postby RunKitty » Tue Apr 28, 2015 11:32 am

Good to hear you are back to T-Tapp, Harriet.
I ran this morning. Saw one of my favorite Doodles walking with his "mom". Hadn't seen them for a couple of years and he still remembered me! Dogs are the best!

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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2015

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:44 am

I feel like Lucylee has been posting for me this month!

lucylee wrote:I am very discouraged b/c y'all knew me when I weighed 40 pounds less, and it has just gotten worse and worse as time goes on.
I obviously have no willpower whatsoever re: food, and dh is no help at all in the realm of healthy eating.

Exactly true except in my case it is 50 pounds.

Will definitely look into the book, Harriet, if you think KNOWING better will actually make me DO better. I have my doubts.

Exercise here has been nonexistent this week

I've taken to counting my physio as exercise since at least it is doing something for me - although it seems to be making my knees worse.

Oh, phooey, Kitty... I was really wanting to give the pizza and ice cream diet a try... * sigh *

Me too!

Nothing good to share, am slipping into a deep negative mood. Made worse by the beautiful spring weather - everyone else is getting out and moving after a long winter and I'm hobbling from chair to chair, gasping in pain every 3 or 5th step.

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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2015

Postby DeeClutter » Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:45 am

I am really trying to get more steps -albeit that means making laps around the house -at least it's steps. And I know each day I "hope" my steps are more. However, it finally dawned on me that this is not going to "magically" happen. If it is to be, it is up to me. I have to knowingly push myself to take more steps and not just when I need them to do something else. I've also been aiming quite low for my daily goal. I know that right now 10,000 steps is a bit much for me. So I started off aiming for 6,000 and made that last night. But today, I know that even that is not enough so am making 7,000 my goal by 5pm and everything else will be 'gravy'. So far today I'm at 3,000 -gives me at least 4,000 to go. I can do this! ;) :)

Editing at 12:55PM - well it's nearly 1 o'clock and I've already reached my 7,000 step goal. Feels good -though I'm a little sore. I just have to keep on keeping on. Plus I had another 450 steps (about) when I'd inadvertently left my pedometer on the desk. So now it's all gravy -for me. :D
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2015

Postby RunKitty » Wed Apr 29, 2015 1:27 pm

WTG on the steps, Dee.
Sorry you are feeling so discouraged, Kathryn. Hope it turns around for you soon.
I skipped running this morning because I felt very unwell last night. Feel much better this morning, but I think I will save my energy for the next three days at work.
Beautiful spring weather here too. I'm grateful for that.

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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2015

Postby lucylee » Wed Apr 29, 2015 2:53 pm

(((BIG, BIG HUGS))) Kathryn! At least PAIN is a worthy excuse. My goodness, I have NO excuse whatsoever.
I have made progress though. Walked 1 mile outdoors Monday, and did 15 minutes walk away the pounds yesterday.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2015

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Apr 30, 2015 9:15 am

I'm restarting.

I've set a Freedom 55 goal. (That was a retirement campaign here in Canada many years ago, one that kind of fizzled because few people want to retire at 55, they have finally hit their stride at work and want to enjoy the time at work when they are most recognized and competent. I figure that's why dh won't actually retire despite saying he's retired, he likes the work and the recognition.)

By my 55th birthday (in September, i.e. 18 weeks away) I want the following:

1. Freedom from obesity. I can't make my goal weight which is 49 pounds away as of this morning. But I should be easily able to get below 174 which is the cutoff for obesity. The line between normal and overweight is 145 for me, which is still too aggressive a goal (almost 2.5 pounds per week.)

2. Freedom from knee/joint pain. I've been in pain for far too long, basically since moving here. I had bouts of pain at the old house but I also had long stretches of minor discomfort. Losing weight is key to reducing pain but I also have increase my flexibility. So I'll be tracking the days I do my physio.

3. Freedom from poor body image. I'm assuming as my pain level reduces and my body gets closer to a normal size, my poor body image will improve. But I'll be working at continuing to make the little changes that help (dress better, attention to eyebrows, finger and toe nails, etc.)

To achieve these goals, I will do the following:

1. restart food tracking using MyFitnessPal. In weight loss, food is the key, not movement. Movement helps heart and mental health and resistance training will leave you looking better when the weight is off. Building muscle mass helps increase your metabolism (and makes maintaining a weight loss easier. But for someone like me, who simply makes too many high-calorie choices, you can't lose weight through exercise only. Mentally, if I hike 4 miles, I'm off to have an ice cream sundae. Or if I have fish and chips, going for a 2 mile hike after won't come close to working off those extra calories.

2. use all the tracking capability of the fitbit website. I've added a physio tracker and bike ride tracker, for instance, and am entering my weight. Food info and activity levels transfers automatically between MyFitnessPal and fitbit.

3. reduce the goals on fitbit. I've dropped my daily steps to 7K from 10K. I've lowered the number of staircases as well. This will give me more 'green' on my daily dashboard and more positive reinforcement compared to the negative I've been feeling.

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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2015

Postby Nancy » Thu Apr 30, 2015 10:59 am

Gardening and walk 1 mi. For ex. On Tues.

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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2015

Postby DeeClutter » Thu Apr 30, 2015 3:09 pm

Kathryn, YGG. Sounds like a workable plan. You decreased your steps while I increased mine. Knew that 3-4,000 was getting me nowhere. And all too many days were even less.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2015

Postby Harriet » Thu Apr 30, 2015 7:38 pm

Tempted to bring Ramblin'Rose's PWYC post on her health from yesterday over here it was so good.

It could blend right in with all these motivational posts.

Kathryn, calendar event goals are so cool because it is such a positive thing. :idea: And birthdays qualify as a happy thought - better, for instance, than school reunions or other events with potentially competitive people. (although those have been known to motivate me, too :roll: ) Birthdays are our own personal moment. I am cheering for your pain-free knees.

Dee, wow, great job on the steps on the first day of your new plan.

RunKitty, I hope you stay well. It's better to give yourself rest than too much activity when you're not up to par.

Nancy, I need to get out to the nursery in town and get inspired to garden a little, too. I was thinking of planting some annuals. We just can't get it to stop raining right now. (thundering now, as a matter of fact)

Lynlee mentioned chia seeds. I have chia seeds in the whole food smoothie I make now (recipe from Dr Mark Hyman - I gave the link last month I think). Finally saw him make it on a youtube video and on that he mentions soaking the seed if you like. Haven't done that yet. The youtube video shows him making a double portion of the recipe back before he tweaked it, and having breakfast with his mother. After he tweaked the recipe he used avocado instead of banana, and walnuts instead of brazil nuts. I like the new recipe way better.

I kept up T Tapp and yesterday did the brain-body floor workout and today the torso workout. I especially was re-impressed with that floor workout and now am frustrated with myself because I've misplaced the second in that series, the "core" floorwork. Btw, both these have moves, one each, that I am avoiding right now, but have been able to do in the past. Working my way up to them again.

DVDs seem to be easy for me to misplace - don't know how this happens. But I have found the one I lost previously, so at least I am only losing one at a time.

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