Health and Fitness, June, 2015

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Re: Health and Fitness, June, 2015

Postby Nancy » Sat Jun 20, 2015 12:18 pm

Walked half block from one yd sale to the other. I did 20 min. On the gazelle.
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Re: Health and Fitness, June, 2015

Postby Ramblinrose » Sat Jun 20, 2015 12:57 pm

I am laughing at y'alls posts about food gifts.

This Mother's Day my son sent me a box of those delicious chocolate-covered strawberries that are all the rage. Quite elaborate and expensive I must say. Thankfully there were only 12 berries covered in all sorts of chocolates. My son's gf made the comment of ... i bet you loved and hated the gift. I did eat several over four days. However I closed my eyes, held my nose and ditch the rest.

Yes to Choice #1 LadyM...see you have mastered the garbage can cover-up routine just like me. :lol:

Harriet... I have one of those white boards, but it is larger than Harmony's. I write my exercise routine on it...weight size, exercise, reps and sets and use it to keep me on track....the fitness group that I belong to has our routine written on a large white board with what we will be doing that day. I picked up that trick because it is easy to use and easy to adjust.

Kathryn... because I am staying away from any sodas, diet or otherwise I make sure to carry my True Lime black cherry limeade naturally flavored water stick with me. They're made from real limes and stevia. I can added it to water where ever I am.

Success.... I did find my other bathing suit when I returned to Macy's AND it was on sale so I bought it for half-price. However it was a costly trip for me. While there I ended up buying a pair of shorts and two knit dresses. I wear tons of dresses in the summer time because I find they are much cooler. The trick is finding one that don't make me look like I'm dressing up for a party. I think the dresses originally cost $59. I tried on several and chose the one I liked the best. But when I went to pay for it,and because I was using my Macy's card discount and it was on sale, it ended up costing $17. :shock:

I started to head out the door to my car when I fool, for that price you could wash your car in it and it wouldn't matter. So I went back and bought a second one. LOL Didn't have success with the sandals, but found a cute navy blue striped canvas purse on sale for $14. It was just the right size and had my name on it, so I bought it. It will pack well when I travel which is an added plus. So this morning while I was working outside, I sprayed it with Scott Guard so it will repel dirt.

Last year I bought a pair of cheapo sneakers at Wally world for $5 bucks. I wanted something I could work around the house in. I need a wide and tall toe box and they fit. I came home, put my foot arches in them, and then sprayed them with Scott Guard. The sneakers wore great and when I washed them, came out very clean. However after a year it was time to retire I promptly bought a new pair the other day and proceeded to do the same thing. I spray many things with Scott Guard and because I keep many things for a long time, the Scott Guard really helps in keeping them looking good.
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Re: Health and Fitness, June, 2015

Postby RunKitty » Sat Jun 20, 2015 2:02 pm

LadyMaverick wrote:I am enjoying reading here and learning from each of you. Me too.... :D

OH the joy of being gifted with favorite treat. It is a joy to be enjoyed. That someone cared enough about me to take the time to learn my favorite treat and to go buy it especially for me. That act of love is to be treasured. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy just thinking about the honor.

Then I have two choices -

Choice #1 - Immediately enjoy a few of the treats. They get the joy of giving. I get the joy of receiving. Once this experience is over - quietly get ride of the rest of the treats. Dump the contents into a trash can....making sure to mix it with yucky trash so I can't retrieve it.

Choice #2 - Keep (hoard) and eat the rest of treats. However this choice means that warm & fuzzy feeling gets trumped by the feeling of disappointment and despair when I actually eat all of the treats (gluttony).

BTDT. Recently I made choice #2 and I deeply regret it.

My gift is usually a box of chocolate truffles from my DH. I do treasure this gift and have convinced myself to enjoy it longer by limiting myself to one a day. This has worked well and hasn't resulted in weight gain or guilt. I did the same with the chocolate covered strawberries last year, though I cut each one in half and shared with DH.....still just one a day. If I can make a strict rule of one a day, I will follow it. If it's a fuzzy rule, like just a few or a serving or something of the sore, I am lost. :lol:

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Re: Health and Fitness, June, 2015

Postby Harmony » Sat Jun 20, 2015 2:43 pm

Sugar is addicting to me. I am just now acknowledging how much. DD stopped in to say goodbye to DH at his jobsite on her way out so he knew about it. He does not have the problem I have. He will go have 2 jelly beans and not touch the bowl until the next day. I always think it is not fair to restrict him when he doesn't have the problem I do. When I got the chocolate covered strawberries (huge) for Mother's Day, I ate one or two and told him the rest were his. They did not "call to me" all the time. Pure candy does.

I need to get back on track. Since DH knew about it, I packaged each left amount in plastic container and told him to put them in his bedroom, or somewhere, they were his I couldn't handle it. We'll see how this works. I also told him the canister he insists on keeping on the counter filled with cookies (he eats a couple after dinner every evening) would have to be exchanged for one that I can't see into. The one we use is clear. I have a blue flowered one which I can't see through.

I feel like this is just all wrong. I am a grown woman and have never conquered this. For Pete's sake, what is wrong with me?!

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Re: Health and Fitness, June, 2015

Postby RunKitty » Sat Jun 20, 2015 3:39 pm

Harmony, stop beating yourself up. It's not a lack of will power. It's your body's reaction to the sharp rise and then the sharp drop in blood sugar caused by foods which are high on the glycemic scale. That is what causes the cravings. Some people are more sensitive to this than others. You are doing great!!

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Re: Health and Fitness, June, 2015

Postby Ramblinrose » Sat Jun 20, 2015 4:14 pm

Hey Harmony...ditto what RunKitty said. And if it makes you feel any better I do the same thing with Sweetie. If I can see it, they call to me. That what addiction does. I make Sweetie hide his stuff in his office. I may know its there but if I can't see it It cant call to me. I am the same way with bread. I keep it in the pantry, but on a lower shelf so when I open the door its not sitting there staring me in the face.

And I have no problems admitting to it...It is what it is, so good for you and your actions. (where's the hand clapping thingie???)
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Re: Health and Fitness, June, 2015

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Jun 21, 2015 9:05 am

Ramblin Rose: tried 1 oz of the chicken breast instead of nuts and milk last night. Had 84% efficiency in my sleep. The night before I did nothing and was at 71%. The two nights prior to that I did milk and nuts and came it at 79% and 83%.

I think you have helped me improve my sleep efficiency. Thank you so much!

(Pain plays a role too. Last night I was restless until 2:30 when I put on the Voltaren gel and I slept deeply the rest of the night.)

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Re: Health and Fitness, June, 2015

Postby Nancy » Sun Jun 21, 2015 10:40 am

I have been cutting back on my intake somewhat. I need to keep up with my exercise. This is amazing to me how much exercise h gets at work and still battles the waist line bulge it is just not fair cannot eat like teens any more.

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Re: Health and Fitness, June, 2015

Postby Harriet » Sun Jun 21, 2015 4:39 pm

Yes, what RunKitty said.

Interesting about what to eat at night. I remember the advice to have potato at night and not at other times, to try to keep stress from affecting the moments when you are trying to get to sleep. Definitely a personal thing to determine. Of utmost importance to me is to avoid acid reflux, which is a sleep-destroyer.

It's best for me to have nothing for at least the previous two hours, and no chocolate or acid "feeling" tomato-y dishes at last meal of the day. Also have had to learn this about a few other general types of food. For instance, I just never think Mexican food at all except for lunch, even though some meals would be fine. Better to keep it from being an evening meal choice because it's just too easy to mistakenly have something spicier than planned.

Smoothies have become almost daily for me, as a full meal for either breakfast or lunch. But they have not proved a weight loss strategy. I'm more interested lately in adding nuts and seeds, always have berries, and I'm usually basing on the nutritious creamy bases like avocado, without worrying much about trimming calories at the smoothie meal. Have tried cashew milk in smoothies and it is very nice - a thumbs up for that, at 12 calories for a half cup.

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Re: Health and Fitness, June, 2015

Postby Nancy » Sun Jun 21, 2015 7:25 pm

2day for some exercise I did some pruning in the front yd.

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