Health and Fitness, August, 2015

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Re: Health and Fitness, August, 2015

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Aug 17, 2015 7:31 pm

Ended up with 11.5K steps today instead of my goal of 7.5K. May be sore tomorrow although it is flat ground here.

Had to dig my belt out of my clothes bin in the car and use it with my capris today. They are cream. It is a man's black leather belt. But otherwise I'm wearing the crotch too low. So it is another sign I'm either stretching my pants or losing weight!

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Re: Health and Fitness, August, 2015

Postby Nancy » Mon Aug 17, 2015 11:14 pm

Did my walk pushing the stroller w toddlerN in it.

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Re: Health and Fitness, August, 2015

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Aug 18, 2015 8:45 am

Uhoh, the scale in this hotel says I'm 181 pounds. That would be up 8 since I left instead of down 2. Of course, if I was up 8, I'd think my clothes would feel tight, not loose enough to require a belt.

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Re: Health and Fitness, August, 2015

Postby Ramblinrose » Tue Aug 18, 2015 11:10 am

I was on the track today at five. Will do weights and gazelle later today.

Haven't gotten on the scale as I don't want to loose my focus, but have stayed on the plan and like you Kathryn my clothes are fitting better.

I am going to measure today. Meant to do it yesterday but forgot. My leg muscles are becoming more defined and I am really sore all over from the workout I get yesterday.

I will be so glad when the weather breaks or the workout place gets a/c. I am anxious to see what 3-; days a week will do to my body while

consitantly working out there. In the meantime I will try to duplicate some of the routines at home, especially push-ups, planks and ab work.
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Re: Health and Fitness, August, 2015

Postby helia » Tue Aug 18, 2015 12:26 pm

Maybe that scale is broken, Kathryn?
YGG RRose!! I am so impressed by all you're doing to get in shape. And you're not letting the hot weather stand in your way.
You seem to be very consistent with walks and cycling, nancy.

Scale said 146.5 last week, but yesterday it was back up to 148. I'm trying to be a point n azi.

I jogged this morning and it went better than the last 2 times. Maybe my body is getting used to it again. I went 2.26 miles in 31 minutes, still slower than I was going before the trip but faster than last week. Some other factors that may have helped me go faster: I was in the park, not the arboretum, so the path was paved and I didn't have to cross rr tracks. Also, it was early, so the temps were good for jogging. Hot humid weather slows me down like almost nothing else. . .

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Re: Health and Fitness, August, 2015

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Aug 18, 2015 1:48 pm

Having vegetables ready to eat makes staying on track so easy. I put them into serving size containers so I can just pull out of refrigerator and add to my meal.
Today I have cucumber, carrots, turnip greens and green beans ready to serve. I can add a serving of all 4 of those vegetables to a meal for only 100 calories. That a lot of food!

Yesterday was an eating nightmare however I consider it an improvement. I did not give up. I had no time to prepare. On the road for hours. In big city hospital. STRESS. a full evening of back-to-back activities. Little ones needing constant attention. However I am pleased how hard I tried. I kept track of everything I Ate and the numbets say I did awful (2200 calories ). But each meal I considered the options and choose the healthiest option available. Welll......untiL night time eating hit me. But I did mange to limit it.

I have been keeping more aware of how much I am sleeping. I wasn't good at manually starting FitBit One when I started/stopped sleeping so I switched to Fitbit Charge which keeps track of sleep automatically. I was a bit dismayed to find I was regularly sleeping less than 5 hours during a 24 hour period. No wonder my energy level was getting low! Now that I have my sleep hours documented, I am remaining aware and have increased my average sleep hours up to 7 hours daily. Most of those hours are above 95% sleep efficient. I can tell my energy level is returning, so the effort to increase sleep has been worth it.
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Re: Health and Fitness, August, 2015

Postby Ramblinrose » Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:43 am

Stayed on plan yesterday, walked track, did floor exercises during commercials while watching Extreme Weight Loss on TV. I've had the pleasure of meeting Mitzi who was the featured client on last night's. What I didn't know was she was also a hoarder so it was interesting how she overcame her two addictions...eating and hoarding.

During Mitzi's year long journey, she trained with a woman named Ernestine. I follow her on fb. Ernestine is the oldest world body competitor and is 80 years old. Most amazing Is she didn't start lifting weights until she turned 70 :o
Last edited by Ramblinrose on Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Health and Fitness, August, 2015

Postby Ramblinrose » Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:54 am

Meant to add...

Mitzi was 53 at the beginning of her journey and in a year's time lost 40% of her body weight. I can't remember her starting weight but it was close to 265 lbs and her finally weight was 148. I have a blast with her, but didn't know her full story. When we meet the EWL people it is usually after they have completed their journey and unless they are speaking directly to the group we"re asked not to take and post pictures of them until their show is aired.

In Mitzi's case, she was a guest at the meeting and I just happened to be working a table in the back of the room where she and another client were. So happy I was able to spend the one on one time with both of them. They are great inspirations and motivators.

I watch the EWL show while on my glider. It's two hours long so I was able to get 5 miles in while doing ab and strength exercises during the commercials ...

Btw, I have decided NOT to get on the scales until next Friday. I've never done this before but what I have discovered is it has taken the stress of watching the scale. I know IF I eat on plan and IF I keep focused on my exercises THEN I will loose weight and change my body

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Re: Health and Fitness, August, 2015

Postby RunKitty » Wed Aug 19, 2015 12:04 pm

Great idea, Lady M, to have the serving-sized vegetables always on hand!

I'm sure it's extra motivating watching EWL while you are working out, RR.

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Re: Health and Fitness, August, 2015

Postby helia » Wed Aug 19, 2015 12:30 pm

Weight was down a little this morning. I went for a jog, but I went too late and it was getting hot. I went at roughly the same pace as yesterday, but I cut it short by 1:45 b/c that's when I was back at my car, and I was feeling hot and tired.

I'm hoping to go tomorrow afternoon. Our temps are supposed to drop significantly overnight. Yay!

What is EWL?

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