November Declutter Challenge, 2015

Share your decluttering activities and ideas.
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November Declutter Challenge, 2015

Postby Harriet » Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:02 pm

In the 2011 book, Farming: a Hand Book, Wendell Berry writes:

“Don't own so much clutter that you will be relieved to see your house catch fire.”

Our houses are our resting place from long work days of many kinds. Everyone doesn't do the milking or the haying for themselves any more. But whatever our pursuits, we still look up toward that house on the way back there after a long day, and truly need it to be our comfort, and the place we care about. How can you organize and declutter this month to reveal more of the comfort of your home, and remind your family and guests that it is loved?

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Re: November Declutter Challenge, 2015

Postby Harmony » Mon Nov 02, 2015 1:06 pm

Harriet, your last couple posts of the year were funny! You have certainly made progress.

I had a piece of Chocolate 10/31. One. I won't have any other candy.

Once a whole house decutter is done, it doesn't feel as satisfying to go into an area and find just 1 or 2 little things to toss. I must keep telling myself this is how to keep from having an overload and keep from needing that whole house declutter. I find I'm not as motivated when the declutter isn't quite as severe.

Health concerns kept me from finishing all of the challenges. But, this month, neighbor has told me she is doing a yard sale (this coming weekend) and has told me and one other neighbor we can bring our stuff. This is not a great area for traffic, but she is advertising it, so it may get enough people. Unfortunately, I've been going over and over to GW and most of my sellable stuff is gone. I'm also a little low of energy right now... but I will give it a shot and see what I can contribute.

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Re: November Declutter Challenge, 2015

Postby BookSaver » Thu Nov 12, 2015 10:41 pm

Today I gave several yards of quilt batting to a friend. It was given to me by a friend and I've tried for over a year to think of a use for it. In the meantime, it was taking up a lot of space in my sewing room.

The problem was that it was Thinsulate, warm but with a plastic coating. It felt weird. It seemed like an odd texture for making a blanket. I thought I could use it to make table runners and such, but then I was told that the plastic coating meant whatever it was used in would not be heat safe, and I didn't know about washing and drying. That is useless to me.

The friend to whom I gave it makes dog blankets for a rescue shelter, and she says it works really well for that. She is in the middle of making a bunch of them this week so she will use up all of the stuff immediately.

I kept a small piece, just large enough to make a pair of mittens or a cat bed. I'm glad the rest of it is out of my house and will be put to very good use.

Now I just need to keep sorting and keep giving away sewing & craft supplies. I'm not going to live long enough to use it all. :roll:

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Re: November Declutter Challenge, 2015

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Nov 22, 2015 10:56 am

My home and brain are anything but decluttered- clutter means I loose focus all together!!! I'm overwhelmed- happy but overwhelmed
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: November Declutter Challenge, 2015

Postby Harriet » Sun Nov 29, 2015 10:04 pm

I have nice decluttered spaces, blessed, but more of my home has had to become storage because of all the upheaval we've had. So, hmmm... . can I say I'm successful if I've had to change the ratio of living space to storage space? On the other hand, if you take my own and my parents' spaces as a whole, our family is much better off than we have been in the last few years. As LadyM said in PWYC today, about her 11-months-stored 40 feet of shelving storage, "This type of project needs several efforts". I would say, mine needs many.

Here, living and dining are doing great on decluttering except the china hutch area, and that is just a toughie, no two ways about it. Front bathroom - doing great. Our bedroom - remarkably better, including our bath. Hallway, upstairs and HRH's office, remarkably better. Kitchen, okay. Storage building - neat and straightened. The rest - sigh.

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