Health and Fitness, December 2015

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Re: Health and Fitness, December 2015

Postby Harmony » Mon Dec 21, 2015 11:01 pm

I failed way worse than you LadyM. I had butter and sour cream and bacon bits (real ones) and 3 times the chicken I should have with cheese on top. Except for my breakfast bran, this was the only meal today. But still, way too much and the wrong things. Oh, did I mention creamy dressing on the salad too. But I was good, I left the sugar out of my iced tea and the butter off my little piece of bread!

Oh well, sometimes there are other reasons to do things. DH and I needed this little time and this little indulgence. We needed to "connect" in some way. He had told me this year was odd, he wasn't feeling Christmasy at all. Said he feels like he's in limbo or something. We determined a lot of it is his difficulty with his hands. Anyway, it was worth all the bad food just to see him (and me) happy a bit.

Tomorrow is another start.

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Re: Health and Fitness, December 2015

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Dec 22, 2015 9:05 am

Harmony - I'm so very happy you and DH could have such a wonderful meal together. IMHO, well worth enjoying the moment and every bite.

I am feeling myself slip into too-busy-to-maintain-focus mode......aka survival mode. LO normal school routine is non-existent. DGD4 here for a few days scrambles more of my routines and requires much of my focus. DH newly retired without a routine set up yet. We have 3 medical appointment this week with DH facing possible two surgeries. OH and there is the fact that Christmas is in 2 days and I am not ready. Company arrives tomorrow for a few days. ARGH! Yup. I am clawing and fighting to maintain healthy habits but I am admitting to sliding into survival mode. After putting kids in bed last night and DH gone working at xMPB late doing repairs with new late night binge eating hit hard. I kept the calories down by binging on air popcorn but still I hate the overload that shows its effects in my eating.

Yesterday overall = 99%
Sleeping 111%
Calories 91%
Steps 77%
Hydration 115%

TOday is a new day. A new start. A new opportunity.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Health and Fitness, December 2015

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Dec 22, 2015 9:09 am

It's okay to be in survival mode, Lady M. In fact, I'd think that most of us are feeling the pressure of Christmas coming up, then you have the change in routines (LO out of school, dgd4 with you, DH home more) double teaming you.

Could you decide to drop your focus on one or more of the issues you're tracking and focus on only one or two for now?

I promise things will get back to "normal" but it may not be until after New Year's day.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Health and Fitness, December 2015

Postby Harmony » Thu Dec 31, 2015 5:45 pm

LadyM, we really really needed that little break just for DH and I. I think DD listening to me on the phone recently agreed, thus all the restaurant and movie gift cards.

I determined that over the Christmas holiday I would probably not make any progress, but I did not want to backslide either. So that just meant loosening the focus a little, but still keeping my goal in mind. I did have a small hamburger on the way up and back and I had Christmas cookies up there but I bypassed the one starch at a dinner and did not have pie. It really was not hard.

Christmas day dinner dsil made of all things, an elk roast from a hunting trip. He said it was a very very lean meat. Boy was it good. Still, meat isn't my hot button. Creamy things are. and Cheese. I had a couple small cubes of cheese but did not pig out.

I went up there and came back at the same weight!

I've lost a couple pounds due to this illness, whatever it is, so that may not stay off, but in this month I've lost 4 1/2 lbs. Which means in 2015 I've lost a total of 11 lbs from my highest. And I have a big goal for 2016.

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Re: Health and Fitness, December 2015

Postby Nancy » Thu Dec 31, 2015 6:52 pm

I need to get on the gazelle today.

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