Health and Fitness, May, 2016

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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2016

Postby Harmony » Fri May 13, 2016 8:12 pm

A few seasons ago one contestant (man) who had won I believe gained back most if not all of his weight and they did a show where Bob went to see him. This guy had a tough time, because after all the perks and $ from the show, he'd used it all, bought a house I think and was having work and $ difficulties and had gained the weight back. This was the guy who began trying to lose again by going to a small boxing gym. Maybe you've seen that program.

He'd told Bob, "I did it before, I know how to do it again". I was surprised Bob told him NOT to do that, to just eat right and do some exercise every day. At the time I wondered why he told him not to do what he'd done before. Do you think they know what's going on? Possibly.

It is a little discouraging to realize how very hard our bodies work to get the weight back. I suppose it's nature trying to keep us from dying of starvation, something that maybe was more necessary during times when there weren't supermarkets stuffed with food.

You know, if they prove that losing weight that way is counter productive to real success, there goes the show - pffft! I'm sure anything the show's officials say is flavored by that.

Me, I'll just keep inching the turtle that didn't win the race...

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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2016

Postby Nancy » Sat May 14, 2016 2:25 pm

I had a low in the nite had cheese cake so counted the for bfast. Bs was up of course when I got up slept intill 8! I have been cleaning up th e carport and driveway. Exercising the dog in back yard. Cointing that for my exercise today. Did 2 hrs. Still not done but made some progress. Taking a breather now before the next round.

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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2016

Postby Harriet » Sat May 14, 2016 4:57 pm

Dd17 has been loving the Eat Your Greens Smoothie and having a small one before school lately. She says the trick is to plan to pour into the prettiest glass glass in the house, and you'll look forward to it.

This is how she adapts for 1 serving in a blender:

One large handful kale, or mix of greens
2 leaves Romaine lettuce
1/2 cup frozen wild blueberries
1/4 cup pomegranate juice
1/4 cup of a nut milk
about 1/3 banana (half is too sweet)
level tbsp flaxseed meal

she likes adding 1/3 cup broccoli sprouts

Ramblin', my NutriBullet has been doing well. With very liquid recipes like this one, we are super careful to have the lid on tight and level, and to have the ingredients under the fill line. Sometimes she even asks me to check behind her before she inverts these cups. Even she feels odd turning upside-down after blending right-side-up all these years.

Got a definitive answer on a nutrition panel video - brown and golden flaxseed are the same in nutrition, so pick either one. Was glad to hear that, since it's been kind of a toss-up which one I'll find, plus I have a favorite in the golden.

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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2016

Postby Harmony » Sat May 14, 2016 11:22 pm

I add a couple tablespoons ground flax seed on top of my cooked oat bran, splash some milk in, mix it up and eat every morning. I used to chop up a few prunes and add them too, but don't seem to need them now that I'm drinking the juice drink. Even though it has only spoonfuls of juice in a glass, it seems that's all the fruit I can handle. Surprising result to me. I might have a small slice of melon in the evening, but that's enough fruit for me.

Unless I pass by the mulberry tree and find some ripe berries the birds or DH didn't get...

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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2016

Postby Harriet » Tue May 17, 2016 8:42 pm

The book How Not To Die is an amazing value as far as the amount of info all in one book. He gives so many citations for studies that the notes section is huge. Also with all proceeds from sale of the book donated, that's a good value bonus as well. The introduction was full of new-to-me facts and had me following dd and HRH around saying, "let me read this to you".

Dr Greger's purpose is to face the facts about leading (U.S.) causes of death, consider why (or why not) each is also a leading cause of death worldwide, then offer studies that show promise that the average person can do for prevention. In other words, there is nothing here about new gene therapy hopes at research hospitals, etc. Just do-able daily prevention. So a lot about kale, walking, teas. There is some personal disillusionment that he does get out of his system about old studies that were ignored that should have given us a lot more good info in the past and would have saved lives. He does mention personal experiences with patient deaths, and they are tough, but he doesn't dwell too long.

It's interesting that we had just discussed the study that proposed that medical error should be placed third in causes of death in the U.S. Dr. Greger definitely addresses that. But the big difference in the way he catalogs leading causes of death to teach about them, is that he does it according to area or system of the body. So that, for instance, cancer deaths are not all under one heading near the top of the list. They are divided according to the system of the body affected, and he has the main systems as headings/numbers with causes listed, including cancer among them. "Lung diseases", for instance, includes deaths from asthma, COPD and cancer together. "Liver disease" includes cirrhosis and cancer.

It certainly helps me, at least, to stay on a topic of one area of the body at a time. He gives the blood cancers a separate heading/number of their own, which is informative to me, because I didn't realize there are more deaths from blood cancers than from either breast or prostate (which he also gives their own distinct headings).

2nd half of the book will be about the "how", and I can already tell it's not going to include many eggs. ;) But that's all right, I want to hear it.

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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2016

Postby Nancy » Tue May 17, 2016 10:43 pm

I did two walks today too muggy to mow that will have to happen on a different day.

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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2016

Postby Ramblinrose » Wed May 18, 2016 9:53 pm

Harriet... The fasting thing is not new but has been brought back around again. It addresses the metabolism thing by fooling the body that it is starving. Some do it once a week, while others do it twice.

As for the biggest looser, part of the problem within the show was no addressing the emotional side of why the contestants eat. Jason, remember he trained those on Extreme weight lose told me the other day that most of the contestances have gained much of their weight back. Without divulging too much person information, he said most were either sexually or physically abused as a child. He is insists that without working through issues the weight comes emotional eating. One of the contestants who eventually became very open about his father physically abusing him for many years. His father was the high school coach and much beloved in the community.

Of course it came out about his father which landed in him in prison. My friend was still in hs at the time and had a tough time. During the show he received counseling and with Chris Powells physical support confronted his dad in prison. His father continued to deny what he had done.

My friend went on to loose 200 lbs and has kept it off, but he will be the first to tell you finallydealing with this issue is what made things click in his head.

My other friend who live here in the area was doing great. She lost 135lbs and kept most of it off. Her solution was to move from Kentucky away from what was causing her to eat and relocate here. Chris and Heide live here and gave support for a while, but it was her "new" friends that she discovered here which has really helped her. However her parent moved in with her for the winter and you guessed it, she gained gained 40lbs back

.if you look at the contestants families you may have noticed most were obese themselves. Keeping the weight off is very difficult when everyone around you is eating unhealthy so it's easy to fall back on old habits.
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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2016

Postby Nancy » Wed May 18, 2016 10:13 pm

I finished mowing this morning. Did 30 min. Of yard work that helped to get the kinks out after spinning.

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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2016

Postby Harriet » Sun May 22, 2016 8:17 pm

That does make sense, Ramblin'. It seems like Jillian discussed an emotionally crippling past with a contestant on Biggest Loser at least once. That was about the time I gave up watching, and I'm kinda ashamed to say, I think watching her try to counsel the woman on that issue was one of the things that was too hard for me to watch. Just so many tears in front of an intrusive camera. I have no idea which contestant that was, or whether she was in any way better off.

Although I'm only concentrating on high nutrition now, I still see some wisdom in the IF idea of alternate day lower and higher calories for people who get benefits from it. There have certainly been success stories. It doesn't make a calorie difference - your calories are the same per 48 hours, so like you say, the body is cool with it and doesn't go off the "starving" end. If indeed it does help to spend some time with less digestive work to do, that's good.

And I think what Bob does, which Mercola has been doing for years - skipping breakfast, very easy - is fine except for diabetics. I wish when the concept of skipping breakfast was mentioned, the expert would SAY that it's not wise for diabetics, who don't need a lot of food, of course, just something every few hours to stay on an even keel. In that case, they didn't talk about it at all, and I can't help but wonder if someone who's diabetic thought they would try it and then felt awful. Gee, who would think that someone who was hoping for help with overweight might be diabetic!?!

Yes, everyone has to deal with how they will react to their family's different eating habits. Also, if someone(s) is/are making you nervous, you eat nervous. :? Right now I'm trying to be proactive and make a plan for when dd36's family comes. I need to combine their needs and expectations with HRH's requirements of very little meat and very little sugar, with my own hopes about staying on my plan, too.

Thoughts so far - make lemonade with natural but non-caloric sweetener and have ready in a pretty pitcher with lemon slices. HRH's type of veggie hotdogs for Saturday lunch with the boys. Big and attractive fresh fruit bowl available on the table. Big fresh veggie tray available.

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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2016

Postby Harmony » Tue May 24, 2016 1:06 am

Yesterday's news had a gal who'd been a contestant telling some secrets and apparently going to sue. She says they were put on 800 calorie diets, given weight loss medicines, encouraged when they would throw up ("good, you'll lose more weight") - and if all that is true, good grief. Myself, I didn't much like when they'd be yelling at those contestants who were out of steam and unable to keep going on the treadmill, etc. Stuff like that is NOT motivating to me. Jillian was extremely bad about doing that and I wasn't sorry to see her go. I'm predicting this show will be cancelled sometime soon.

Anyway, I've been trying to move more. Every day walking - not much, but some until my foot quits hurting. Or if I can't walk, I get on the bike. Today I did the gardening which is very hard for me now and later I walked another 15 minutes. I wish I was more limber. My back gets stiff as a board.

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