Health and Fitness, May, 2016

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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2016

Postby Ramblinrose » Thu May 26, 2016 1:58 pm

Well today's challenge on my diet bet is to get in 12k steps. Will need to use my glider to help. This Memorial Day weekend runs Friday-Monday and the challenge is 44k steps. Will have to work on it because Monday we are going downtown to watch the Diamondbacks to play.

My bet ends on the 31st and I have two lbs to go. If I drink my water, keep up with my steps and eat clean I think I can do it.
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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2016

Postby Ramblinrose » Fri May 27, 2016 10:29 am

Made my 12k challenge yesterday by getting in more than 15k...

This weekend challenge is 44k steps and starts today. Made it to my class today but am glad I get to sleep in tomorrow:)

Stayed on eating plan and am down 5lbs. Met my first goal, now onto the next ...
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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2016

Postby Nancy » Fri May 27, 2016 1:35 pm

Yard wk. Is my ex. Today dug lut a shrub and mowed the front yard.

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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2016

Postby Ramblinrose » Sat May 28, 2016 11:11 am

Am happy to report that I stayed on plan... Ate clean, except for 4 potato chips and three French fries that I swiped from Sweeties plate, and got to in my 15k steps. Down a bit.

Now need to repeat, today and tomorrow to reach my diet bet Memorial Day challenge. :D
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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2016

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat May 28, 2016 12:45 pm

Still weighing myself daily. Deleted all but that and the MFP goal from Rewire and concentrating on getting those habits developed. The MFP goal is to track, not perfectly, not within my calories but to track.

Weight is bouncing around the same 3 pound range. Which is a good thing I guess. If I was really working at weight loss, I'd be disappointed, but at this time I'm working on better eating habits and tracking.

My steps count is staying closer to the 10K/day range (managed that 2 weeks in a row and should for this week.) That number is up over 1K/per day so another good thing.

Got the bike out and had my first ride. I'm slow (had trouble overtaking walkers!) but at this point I'm just starting out, not expecting perfection from myself.

In summary, this is the month I've spent being kind and encouraging to myself.

I've completely given up on my weight loss goal by the time the baby comes. That is no longer realistic and I won't push myself for something for the sake of a date. I love that I've spent the past 6 months within the same 3 pound range. That beats the heck over the 23 extra pounds I was carrying before. That's the joy and the accomplishment. If I get to the next stage done, wonderful. If not, as long as I stay in this range, I can be happy with my new eating patterns.

BTW: my sister-in-law, during her year of losing weight both met Jillian Michaels and did her 30 Day Shred. Over the year she lost well over 100 pounds (mostly over the first 6 months) but the shred did something to her hormones and messed her up emotionally. She lost all control, seemed bi-polar and was terribly unhappy because she could feel/hear her rages against my sister but didn't feel she could control them (she said they felt like out-of-body experiences.)

In the end, they split up. So she lost not only the weight but her marriage. And I'm guessing her job because she just got back for a 10 week motorbike adventure all over the southern US. She is a school teacher and school doesn't end until the end of next month and it is too soon for another sabbatical (she did the weight loss over a sabbatical year.)

Oh, and she's gained back about 1/3 or more of the weight, judging from pictures. On the other hand, she looked too skinny before so this isn't entirely a bad thing.

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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2016

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun May 29, 2016 8:20 am

Today is #100 consecutive days of walking. I am so very pleased to have accomplished this. I have seen a huge improvement in my stamina and leg strength. When I first started walking my leg muscles ached and I came home and immediately put my feet up and rested. I started with 1/2 of what I am doing now, but I was exhausted from the walk. Fast Forward 100 days - I come home from my daily walk ready to start something else. Instead of needing to rest after the walk, my energy level is high and I am physically strong. I have been doing 30 minutes of walk 99% of the time. One of my DFriends that walks with me want us to walk longer each day. I am resisting it because I think adding more might tip me over into burn out mode. 30 minutes is easy and doable. I'm staying with it. I just checked and today I weight 4 lbs less than I did 100 days ago. Establishing a consistent walking habit did help tremendously with my physical strength, stamina and energy however it wasn't the weight loss solution I am seeking.

Today I start a 100 day challenge to log everything I eat and drink. I will consider myself successful each day I log everything - regardless of the calories & nutrition counts. My goal is to consistently do this until Sept 6th.
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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2016

Postby Ramblinrose » Sun May 29, 2016 4:18 pm

WTG LadyM....100 days in a row, that's amazing. I would like to do something like that, but I hate the idea of getting to say Day 83 and come down with a migraine. That would really take the wind out of my sails.

I did complete my 15K steps yesterday. Stayed on my food plan, but didn't get in all of my water. I need to complete 44K by tomorrow's end. got in another 10K today and will getting more. I get on my glider and call my mom on Sundays . In fact anytime I'm on my phone, I'm on my glider. Only problem is I am not a big pone talker lol

I have half my water down for today and still have the afternoon and evening to get it all in. Right now I am getting ready to eat my lunch, because I'm hungry :lol:
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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2016

Postby Harriet » Sun May 29, 2016 8:35 pm

Ramblin' that's cool to hold on closely to the weight YOU choose. Congrats!

Kathryn, yes, what a blessing and success to have shed the 23 and be holding in the range still. Every month doesn't need to be a big change. Some are "now let that settle" months :D and you can still surprise yourself later with more change.

LadyM happy 100th day. You're wise to avoid burn-out or the other words that might describe that. You don't have a very sedentary life outside of your walks, frankly. It's not as if you finish your walk and watch soap operas and eat bon-bons. Your 30 mins is added to a lot already.

It's my joy to find more variety of nutrition lately. Found hen-of-the-woods mushrooms at the healthy foods store and have enjoyed that. Our green-eyed boy4 says it looks like a brown chicken! (and he treats it like something to pet, not something to eat! lol)

It's been pointed out to me that HRH is a vegetarian, in the opinion of some friends. I can see their point. He has been moving gradually more toward it for a long time, and it's best for his health. He's not as adventurous as I am about new foods, but he is getting a pretty good variety of plant foods. And even though I have an egg about 4 times a week, he has only egg white. (But he has felt better with only egg white since having the gall bladder out, so that's not really in response to the same thing.) On the occasional day, he probably has only vegan meals, but doesn't plan it. I wish he could switch to a little more healthy breads, but he does choose - mostly - those with cut grains, visible grains, so I don't say anything.

Dd17 is joining me in various greens smoothies of nutritious veggies/fruits/seeds. I think the fact that dd36 and ds31 have that well-known history of putting up with ditsy Mom ;) during her (many) juicing years, and just knocking back the kale juice or whatever, rather than arguing, helps her see it as something do-able, not so odd. She says that mentally, she knows her body is bound to crave these, after the usual teen fare.

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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2016

Postby Harmony » Mon May 30, 2016 12:27 am

I inched my way out of the plateau I'd been on, but we'll see what the scale says after a bad eating day today. You'd think a turkey sandwich on a grainy whole wheat bread would be healthy... well, they added bacon, avocado (surprisingly good!) and the bread was thick slabs! And I ate the whole thing. :oops: I tried not to eat much else all day but I did end up having a big salad and a few tablespoons of leftover italian.

I was acutely aware during my stressful paperwork hours how hard it is to cope with things while doing this diet thing. I'm not surprised that people have such emotional troubles over weight-loss.

I tried to do some walking every day but that wasn't successful. I walked or biked 7 out of 10 days, that was better than before. If my foot was sore or I was achy from too much the day before, I biked. So I'm changing my goal to some sort of exercise every day.

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Re: Health and Fitness, May, 2016

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon May 30, 2016 9:56 am

I so enjoy reading about the success and efforts.

RR got me thinking....... When I started my effort to walk everyday, I didn't have a set # of days in mind. My goal wasn't to reach any certain # but to establish a daily habit. Have I messed up by setting #100 as a goal to reach in logging food? That makes my goal to reach a number instead of establishing a habit. It may seem like a small difference but I do believe it makes a difference in WHY I'm doing it. My WHY isn't to reach a number it is to establish a habit. If I log food 29 out of 30 days I will still consider it a success, not a failure. thinking.....

I have returned to logging on MyFitnessPal. I enjoy switching to other logging software but I like doing it with SHE friends more.
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