Health and Fitness, October 2016

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Re: Health and Fitness, October 2016

Postby Lynlee » Sat Oct 15, 2016 1:32 am

Dee - thyroid meds here too. What I was told was 30 -60 min before eating, or 3 hrs after eating.
Some mornings I need to eat and go otd, so take meds with me for 3 hr later. It depends on the activity whether I eat first, or later. If its energy dependant like yoga or driving - I eat first. If its church or train trip, I take meds, eat later.
I believe some take their meds' before bed.

If you wake with a low bs - the bs needs trump the thyroid so tend to that first.
If you can rely on taking them through the night that is doable, unless you could get confused and take them twice. /not good to do that. So look for a system so you know what is done or not if you go that route.
(I have had that problem, but you might not.)

Yesterday I bought new sneakers from ath lete's foot. First time I've shopped there and had my feet checked.
I had a choice of 1 brand that fitted, and another that didn't really. Cost was twice to three times my usual. It would have been more but he found a discontinued last pair and sold them $30 cheaper than the almost $200 wanted.
My supplements are slowly helping with foot pain. (I discontinued for a week and the problem came back.)

Walked yesterday. I want to get back to the daily walking habit. Taking the supplements should help.
Just begin.
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Re: Health and Fitness, October 2016

Postby Harriet » Tue Oct 18, 2016 12:13 pm

A "universal snake-bite venom" is going into human trials soon, after working in the lab for 28 different venoms, at California Academy of Sciences and Yale Center for Molecular Discovery. It is basically a drug that was developed to treat sepsis, called varespladib. It seems there is one enzyme in all those venoms which is the main bad guy : sPLA2. That's what causes the damage to the victim's nervous system. So in the future, no one will have to try to catch or photograph or even remember what a snake looked like to get exactly the right ER help. This will be good for everyone, really terrific for Asia and Africa.

By the way, their best advice when encountering a snake that could be venomous is to walk exactly backward the way you came. Also don't try to catch a venomous snake after someone is bitten because the chance of additional snakebites is greater than the likelihood that it will be helpful to catch it.

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Re: Health and Fitness, October 2016

Postby Nancy » Wed Oct 19, 2016 10:04 pm

I walked the regular walk with ddog around noon and did a weekly hike in the field after three for our exercise.

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Re: Health and Fitness, October 2016

Postby Harriet » Fri Oct 21, 2016 1:28 pm

Able to check off all 24 of the Daily Dozen yesterday, finishing up with exercise last evening - actually after 11:00 - which I didn't think earlier that twinge in my back would allow. It's not easy to get all. But when you realize you are close, and see that only a couple check marks remain, it is motivating to try a little harder.

That makes 3 days this month so far, which I consider a big success, really. No individual thing is hard or rare to do at all, it's just fitting all that health into one day, lol. It gives you a whole new respect for advice not to "ruin your appetite" with filling things that keep you from "having room" for nutritious ones that might earn a check.

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Re: Health and Fitness, October 2016

Postby Nancy » Fri Oct 21, 2016 6:44 pm

Took the ddog gophering in the field, I took a long handled thing with tines on it for moving tumble weeds as my walking stick.

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Re: Health and Fitness, October 2016

Postby Harmony » Fri Oct 21, 2016 9:23 pm

Harriet, I don't understand that nuts and seed thing with diverticulitis. I know for absolutely SURE that those will send me into spasms. When I was young I could eat those things and they never bothered me. They didn't cause my problem, but now that I have it I can't go near it. I'd thought almonds were ok, but I discovered the hard way they are not. They say popcorn, well-popped, is ok but NOT for me. The worst nut for me is walnut. Again, learned the hard way making Christmas cookies.

Coconut bothers me and so does pineapple. Seeds are not so bad but one does not eat as many seeds at a time as they would nuts I think. I have a fine line of what's ok and what's not. I need fiber but must be careful not to overdo it. A couple cornmeal muffins will send me off to bed crying. Lynlee asked me about some ground up things, I believe I'd do ok on them. I can eat flax seed ground up, which I sprinkle on my oat bran and it causes no problems.

My case is quite severe; the dr. after the colonoscopy said I have 100+ pockets. It's caused by chronic constipation due to the brain meds which dull the nerve impulses in the brain and also in the intestinal tract. the ads we now see for those taking pain killers (Rx) which cause the same. So there's the medical record of Harmony...

I don't understand how high fat diets work with the cholesterol. How can eating cheese, meats, cream, butter, bacon, sausage, not cause high cholesterol? Honest question, I really want to know.

I used to take my levothyroxine at my bedside 1st thing. Now that I can't drink plain water and can't leave my drink out all night, I get up and take it in the kitchen. Then I take my other meds and supplement and have my coffee. I usually don't eat for 1 - 2 hours. Don't know if this is good or not. I've just changed to this routine and lab tests in a couple weeks will tell.

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Re: Health and Fitness, October 2016

Postby Harriet » Sat Oct 22, 2016 12:37 pm

Number one predictor of correct or incorrect thing to eat: That you know good and well what's best for your body and how it will react! Harmony, if you have problems with something, that's just IT. To my knowledge, that study started with people who had no known diverticulitis at the beginning and then followed them. So in a way, that's not talking about you anyhow.

Another example of "know thyself" (smile) is HRH, who has spent a lifetime reaching for potatoes every time any digestive discomfort happened. Many times the conventional wisdom would say that's bad, don't eat those. Sometimes he would go along with it. But to this day, he will go into an attack of something (?) with pain and there is nothing so balancing to him as ordinary white potatoes, and any time he goes without them for a while he knows it. Btw, even after colonoscopy he has had no diagnosis that has "stuck", but two died-too-young first cousins had Chron's, one well studied. (The second refused doctors because of the experience of the first.)

He would agree with you on pineapple. That's out for him.

Back to seeds
Hemp seeds are little round healthy ones that are soft in the first place. Taste like peanuts to me. Wonder how that would be for you - better or worse? Another seed that's healthy and can be purchased already ground up to a fine powder is chia. Look those up and see what you think. I buy ground chia at Whole Foods and probably won't go back to whole - hard little things that some recipes say soak first. Ground flax or chia packages will say refrigerate after opening. So will hemp, although I don't think anybody bothers to grind it; it's so soft it would probably mush up.

It's been my experience that Bob's Red Mill ground flaxseed is more coarsely ground and (boxed) King Authur brand is finer ground. Maybe I imagine it, but it seems to me the golden flax tends to grind up finer than the brown - most people see no difference.

I feel discomfort after sunflower seeds, none after pumpkin seeds, even though they are similarly sized. This does at least tell me that there's a big difference in seeds. The Flat-Belly diet used to recommend eating sunflower seeds with applesauce every other day. I would be in misery afterwards, and it was one of the reasons I began to question the book.

Some people say they soak all nuts. Can't remember the reason. It's healthy to do that for some reason.

In my ignorance, I'll go ahead and tell you the 3 straight nut butters I keep on hand, not knowing if they would be good or bad. Coconut butter and almond butter I use in smoothies, and sesame butter I use in stir-fry sauce.

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Re: Health and Fitness, October 2016

Postby Harmony » Sat Oct 22, 2016 9:46 pm

Well I've determined that sometimes it's not what I eat, but the combination of what I eat it with! I can do peanut butter if I'm eating bread at the same time; but by itself will give me awful acid reflux. We had dinner out tonight and I ate lots of things I don't usually. I had butter and sour cream. Well, sometimes ya just gotta do it. It had been a tough day.

I do agree, we usually know how our body reacts. I can have coffee if I have some sort of dairy in it. Not without. Tea is way harder. I understand the potatoes. Always thought they were sorta bland. I can drink skim milk when my tummy is upset, most people cannot.

Is Chron's hereditary? I know that's a particularly troubling thing to have. I worked with a guy who had it badly and wouldn't take the prescribed steroid and he really suffered. He would go into the men's room and we could all hear him groaning.

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Re: Health and Fitness, October 2016

Postby Nancy » Sun Oct 23, 2016 10:25 pm

I walked the ddog this afternoon. Picked up the yard watered hens felt better after I did that.

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Re: Health and Fitness, October 2016

Postby Nancy » Thu Oct 27, 2016 5:46 pm

I went for a walk w ddog. It is 2:45 I am at 8,064 steps in so far today so I am good. Got my step quota in by 5:00 p.m.

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