Health and Fitness, December 2016

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Health and Fitness, December 2016

Postby Harriet » Thu Dec 01, 2016 12:56 pm

Okay, be calm now... .. but it's December. :shock: We can do this!

Much Sugar, Oils and Salt ( :!: SOS ) will be on the offensive against us this month. We can hold the line. We can resist! ;) We can still have plenty of fun, plus meaningful times!

Through this month we might (might) be considering resolutions and goals for the coming 2017 year. What are your thoughts in that direction? Do you respond well to those?

Through this month we might be assessing how we've done in 2016 as far as healthy ideals or meeting goals, or what we've changed in our methods, record-keeping, or priorities. How are you changing?

Let us know if there are any calendar date goals that you will be meeting this month - maybe you have scooted some number down or up satisfactorily and want to brag, or maybe you are into some clothing that surprises you, or are able to tell how you've increased stamina. We want to know! We want to cheer you on.

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Re: Health and Fitness, December 2016

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Dec 01, 2016 2:10 pm

Dfriend that I walk ddogs with recently read and is implementing "Always Hungry? ... TF8&btkr=1

It's a low carb, high protein and fat way of eating. I'm trying to transition toward that way of eating. I've had a headache going off and on for two days, is that from fewer carbs?
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Re: Health and Fitness, December 2016

Postby Harriet » Thu Dec 01, 2016 9:44 pm

How I've been changing in 2016 was in becoming vegetarian with HRH, and with dd18 following us somewhat. First half of year we were having a little more veggie meals every month, and by June I was having all veggie meals with just some dairy/egg - he was pretty much at that point months earlier. As far as dairy/egg I'm eating a little less of that as I go along. Small changes. Whether I will ever actually decide to drop even that and become vegan, I don't know.

I'm very pleased and feel well. I didn't try to lose, but weight has dropped about a pound a month since June. It's not fast, but since I see no reason it won't continue and it doesn't take effort, that's a win-win. The big win here is that HRH feels way better and so we both worry less and we do more together.

There was a big T-Tapp sale for cyber-weekend and dd36 spent some serious $$. Called me and said check it out, which I did. But I didn't buy anything this time. I have such a good "library" of exercise DVDs already I decided to "re-read" what I have.

Still recording what I eat in a document on my computer. And I just keep copying the little chart every 5 days (how wide the document is) and pasting in check-marks as I go. Very close to perfect days a few times lately. I often think, maybe tomorrow. But I don't have to be perfect.

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Re: Health and Fitness, December 2016

Postby Nancy » Fri Dec 02, 2016 12:20 am

I walked the dog after dark today to see the lights. :idea: :idea: :idea:

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Re: Health and Fitness, December 2016

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Dec 05, 2016 1:11 pm

Thanks, Harriet, for the good start to the month.

I'm impressed with your shift to vegetarian. I don't think I could do it unless it was imperative for health. Dh is very much a meat eater and I'm a fussy eater so am not sure I could open myself enough to other types of food.

What will you do for the holidays? And big family meals?

Halal is my new focus, keeping that in mind when thinking about church meals and if I have the NFs over. Not only that, there are different types of Halal (it seems very political and ownership of the slaughterhouse also counts to level of Halal.)

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Re: Health and Fitness, December 2016

Postby Harriet » Sun Dec 11, 2016 10:00 pm

It's true a person will do a lot when it will support somebody in the family, but also I love this kind of intentional variety in foods and eating for improving health - I find it facinating. Initially, when we found out too much animal protein affected HRH with gout, we'd have some meatless meals. Gout's incredibly painful, but not life threatening. Back then it was the only thing we knew was wrong, except kidney stones (which were scary). Then we found out those might be related, and started learning more. And when the dr said his kidneys were compromised, and animal protein would let them keep getting worse, to the point of dialysis someday, it became a much bigger deal for us.

Anyway, I love variety in meals. You all know I've always been interested in nutrition and used to chase my older children around with homemade juices when they were younger. The other day, I had purple cauliflower, and today some of dd's young man's Dad's own mustard greens from his garden - Florida Broadleaf Mustard, he says. Cool! Got dstepson to eat some of the purple cauliflower. HRH is way more suspicious of new tastes, but he does a great job with solid, standby meals.

I was always the one reading up on this type of thing, and then HRH would learn because I'd put a book in front of his nose or go on and on about a video until he watched it. I'd go on a research binge whenever the doctors told HRH something new. When HRH's meals were vegetarian but mine weren't, it was obviously keeping him from sticking to his plan. Plus I knew it would be good for me, too, and challenging. So I joined him in a "cold turkey" promise/project, and then he could be as fastidious as he'd really always wanted to be.

For Thanksgiving there were all the other traditional "T-day" foods on the table that we scoffed down and loved - mashed potatoes, cornbread dressing, cranberry sauce, beans, big veggie tray from dstepdil, rolls, and we filled our plates as full as anyone. We just didn't have the turkey breast that the kids brought. The rest of the family ate that. They knew we would avoid turkey but it wasn't really a topic. They all are getting used to it by now.

If they question it, they have learned that Mom will start teaching again. They quit questioning. ;)

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Re: Health and Fitness, December 2016

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Dec 18, 2016 11:42 am

Very interesting reading about giving up meat. I am thrilled it is working so well for Harriet and HRH!

FitBit chatter - I've used the Fitbit One for the past 4 years. I carry it in my jeans pocket. A couple years ago I briefly tried the Fitbit Charge but quickly went back to the One. I recently decided to give the Fitbit Blaze a try and am pleasantly surprised how much I like it. The Blaze is BIG but that does make the screen easy to read. I especially like the Blaze reminder when I haven't moved enough in the past hour. I like knowing when I am in fat burning heart rate. I like receiving notifications (txt & calls) without having to pull the phone out of pocket. I like that it automatically records sleep/wake times. This is the first device that has lured me away from my trusty Fitbit One. DS8 is eager to inherit the One.
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Re: Health and Fitness, December 2016

Postby Nancy » Sun Dec 18, 2016 11:59 am

Sat. - I failed to get my steps in yesterday, but did rest my back.
Sun. - Did 5 min. On the gazelle, 25 min. Apx on ex. Bike. Walked ddog to the corner once and then later around the block and did an arm workout with 5 lb. wts. Plus several trips out to the hen house and around the yard when I did. It got up to 15* outside here today.

I got on the gazelle for my exercise this evening.

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Re: Health and Fitness, December 2016

Postby Harmony » Wed Dec 28, 2016 1:35 pm

LadyM, I've been thinking about your thing with wheat and how that pain has recently gone away.

Do you think you might have had an undiagnosed ulcer which healed when you changed your diet, or perhaps the antibiotic you're taking for your broncitis might have healed it?

I did not do really good this holiday and I will be really glad when everything is gone around here.

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Re: Health and Fitness, December 2016

Postby Harriet » Wed Dec 28, 2016 5:24 pm

I deal with stress by having some food going into my mouth. Dd36 brought even more kinds of fudge this year, plus Hello Dolly cookies with black walnuts. So easy to "take just one". I'll get over it!

blessed's posts in J and C have hit home with me. Yes, 2017 needs a good start for fitness for me. I can't seem to take the time needed recently. Everyone else's needs seem more pressing. Earlier in the day rather than later, I think. When it's later, I grow so weary, plus every interruption possible seems to turn up.

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