Sunday Nearly Spring

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Re: Sunday Nearly Spring

Postby Harriet » Sun Mar 19, 2017 8:48 pm

Yes, it was a beautiful spring day here. Through the afternoon HRH and dstepson took down some branches and did some clean-up outdoors.

blessed, not too much too fast, okay?

Lynlee, your hair looks so nice! :)

Both dd and I needed a nap this afternoon - now that is stressful social stuff, isn't it? lol

At this morning's rehearsal, one song was completely unfamiliar. We learned it with no time to spare and then had to admit, even with that work, now only 2 people in the congregation would have a clue how to sing it. On another, the minister had decided on a round (I kid you not) without telling anyone else, and we didn't find out until he announced it to the congregation as it came up in the service. He had it on the screen and the congregation was seeing it as a round behind us, but we had no idea.

I couldn't help it - I blurted something out about needing the congregation's help a lot on this. I don't think, between dd's face, my face and our pianist's twirl on the bench so she could stare at him, mouth agape :oops: , that anyone could have missed our surprise. I didn't have a view of the two guitarists. Why bother with such careful rehearsals - all anyone will remember is poor communication. Dd and I gave the pianist a wide berth for the rest of the morning. Yipes. She was in no mood.

Dd is back at school now. We enjoyed the trip, making a couple stops for odds and ends. Oh, ds asked her to spend part of summer taking care of the children and she is seriously considering it. I think that would be good for everybody. She doesn't have to be thinking about a resume all the time when she's only 18. She could build some relationships and get some fresh air for all three of them.

I will be searching for normalcy this week. That will be enjoyable.

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Re: Sunday Nearly Spring

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Mar 19, 2017 8:54 pm

great job on the jogging d helia. for a tutor here that is the norm. a couple years ago it was 80 ... a teacher friend of mine has multiple students she tutors during the week. I think I was in the wrong line of business ;) :D

hi d lynn

glad you are feeling better d nancy

oh I am supposed to make my bed d twins :o :lol: jk

hi d lady... hope you had a nice restful time with the d kiddos fishing

hi d cathy!

hi d lilac!

hi d harriet - dd younger, dd older and dh said the same thing :D thank you :D (((for your pianist...sending her a restful evening after the surprises at church))) It sounds like a nice option for your dd. Sending you normalcy and routine this week!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Sunday Nearly Spring

Postby lucylee » Sun Mar 19, 2017 9:31 pm

Good to finally get in here to "see" you ladies! This has been a hectic day.
DH had a horrible night -- he has decided (again) to leave off the heart medicine, b/c after 3 or 4 days of taking it regularly, his breathing was getting so difficult again, and his bp is lower than normal, plus he felt sick at his stomach. Obviously, something about this medicine is just not right for him. He could not sleep even in the car last night.

So he skipped church this morning, and mercifully, he was asleep when I left.

After church, I went to a funeral (ddad's aunt) with dmom, and dh was asleep when I left for that, too.

Maybe he will get back to whatever his new normal is after a few days away from this medicine.
I got some little naps in before & after funeral, which I desperately needed, b/c I didn't sleep much last night either -- partly b/c of him, partly b/c of Queen Victoria. ;) I finally finished that book, but I admit I skimmed a large part of the political ins & outs. I was much more interested in her personal life.

I was so glad dmom and I went to that funeral! There were only a couple dozen people there -- including the three grandchildren & their spouses/children. So sad. This lady was a twin to the one that died last year who I told y'all about that has the unbelievably dysfunctional family. Well, apparently, there is some bad blood between those two sets, and only two of the twin's children were there... the only remaining sister was a no-show... but at least the two brothers showed up. (There were others there -- friends? family? -- who signed the book but did not stay for the service.)
Dmom had said on the way over that my ddad would be rolling in his grave if he thought none of us would go, and I have to admit, my attitude following was identical to his! I told dmom, "I am so glad we were raised right. :P Our side of the family is not without its flaws, but we certainly made a better showing for ourselves than the rest of them." My aunts and uncle also went, but none of my cousins, but at least my grandfather was well represented at his sister's funeral. * sheesh * It's kinda embarrassing to be related to some of these people...

And then ddil told me that ds was a little hurt that no one had told him about the daunt's death. * sigh * Good gracious -- he's about 10 hours away from home. It's not like he could have come back for it. But I will make apologies to him later tonight; he should be calling us on his way in tonight.

DH and I have managed to unload the dishwasher, get the trash to the road, eat at Sonic, go to Walmart, and unload & put away the groceries. I think I am done for the day. ;)

Harriet -- our choir seemed a little "off" today too... maybe it's something in the air.
I can never remember which of your three major schools you all cheer for -- is it the D school, or the University of, or the ... State?
Basketball was quite a disappointment to us this year, (again, LOL!) so we're just kinda bystander-observers of the March Madness. Been a long time since we had any hopes of getting into this tournament, I think. Of course, dh filled out his bracket just for fun, and he keeps up with all the games.

Waving to all!!!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Sunday Nearly Spring

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Mar 19, 2017 9:49 pm

Dh and I did the anthem in church this morning. Very, very, small turnout. Only 2 children for Sunday School (normally there are 5 - 10, plus another 10 adults upstairs.) It was good to be there though. The couple signed up for coffee hour didn't come but had told someone they were off to a sugar bush (they obviously forgot). Then, during coffee hour, oblivious, they texted a member about something else so we texted back a photo of the coffee sign up sheet and us standing with upside down (therefore empty) coffee cups and a sad faces! We are a small enough church family that it was seen as good natured ribbing, not chiding.

My afternoon service had 12 people which is almost a full house (just 2 chairs left.) They were in great voice today.

We hit up Costco on the way home to get yogurt and new shoe insoles. Dh is changing his every 6 months so I bought new for me since I've had trouble with my ankle this past week and I think it is due to gait. I did the machine again and got a different suggestion this time. The questions also included a question about weight so the system to evaluate has changed. Dh didn't bother to stand on the machine and just bought the same as last time.

We were to go for a walk but dh fell asleep in the chair beside me while I checked email.

I made up meatloaf and a salad for dinner, putting 2 more servings in the freezer for some night when I don't want to cook.

I've wasted the evening except for opening mail from the past week. I'm annoyed at our bank. It was publicly outed for signing people up for services they don't want and that happened to us. For the past 12 months I've been paying for a line of credit I signed forms to not have. I have repeatedly asked for it to be shut down and ignored all 4 times (each time I give them 2 months to correct the problem.) So I wrote my contact (the one who was to do this for me) requesting an appointment to shut down our accounts. I'm sick and tired of this runaround which now has dinged us over $300. I'll find another bank with a small business account with lower fees (the fees are high for our accounts as well but at least they are spelled out and I know I have to pay them but I don't have to pay for a line of credit I don't want.)

I need to plan out the week and respond to emails from this weekend. I'm still feeling overwhelmed and see no time when things will slow down. At least until July. I feel like I need a vacation. Of course, I just got back from one. What I really need is less preaching work at this time of the year. It takes too much of my brain cycles and a different set than my other work so switching tasks takes me ages of wasted time.

Oh, BTW, as opposed to the SHE who shut her windows against the 90* heat, we opened up ours today to let in some fresh air since it was above freezing all day. I'm tempted to leave them open all night too even though it will drop below freezing.

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Re: Sunday Nearly Spring

Postby Nancy » Sun Mar 19, 2017 9:52 pm

The next game for us is Thurs. Gonzaga bulldogs. The other team I follow Arkansas Razorbacks is out - I think.

I folded the laundry did one load today.
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Re: Sunday Nearly Spring

Postby helia » Sun Mar 19, 2017 9:53 pm

Hi Lynlee!! Yes, there were a lot of coffee shops when we were there 9 years ago too.
I hope dh gets the meds sorted out, ((lucylee))) (((Mr. Lucylee)))

I went for a 5.5 mile jog. My last 1.5 miles were the fastest. Hmm.... good sign! It felt good, and I'm not particularly tired. I'll try to force myself to stretch tonight, though.

Had a lovely conversation with my parents. My dad won an award for a paper he published 2 years ago. I'm so proud of him! :) I knew he was remaining professionally active, but I hadn't realized he was still publishing! Dh and I are both impressed. He's 80, and obviously, his mind is OK. He's coming to the conference in the nearby big city next week to receive the award. I'm going to hang out with mom for a day while ddad attends the conference. I think my mom is not so interested in the presentations and discussions of structural civil engineers.

Dh and I are calling dd18 in 15 minutes. I'll try to get a semblance of a menu plan and groc. list together before then. I'd like to get that errand done quickly tomorrow.

So, I'll hopefully get through all my main goals for today.

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Re: Sunday Nearly Spring

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Mar 19, 2017 11:07 pm

So happy for your d dad dear helia... so very cool!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Sunday Nearly Spring

Postby Lilac » Mon Mar 20, 2017 12:27 am

Dd2 called early this afternoon and said that either cake and ice cream at 4:30 or come for hamburgers and hot dogs at 6, plus cake and ice cream. She preferred the 6:00 idea, so that is what we did. When we left home dh said he was leaving early enough, so we would be home by dark. Dh and our girls all watch "The Walking Dead". So at one point he said we would stay and he would watch with them. I went outside and played basketball with dgd7 while the 3 dgss and dgd20s bf were playing baseball. It was dark out but with 2 lights and the garage lights, you could see. We got home just ahead of 10.

It got up to at least 93 today. When we got home the house was 76, so I have opened 4 of our 7 windows, to cool down the house some before we head to bed. I am doing 3 loads of laundry. 2 loads I am hanging up and the 3rd load is towels that I will dry tomorrow.

I took my first shower with my new G orilla G rip bathtub mat. So far I highly recommend it. I felt very secure while I showered.

Dgd5 took a white paper bag and wrote a note on it to dgs12/13 tomorrow. Then she taped a $1 bill to the front. Inside the bag was a small bear that her grandma had left at the house plus 20 coins from her piggy bank. She also had a bear of hers that she handed him with the sack. Almost forgot, she had drawn a family picture for him. She was so excited to give him her gifts and it was so sweet to watch.

I didn't get the yard mowed so will do it tomorrow. When dh checked out the sprinkler system, 2 solenoids weren't working so he had to run them manually. He ran each zone twice. I still can't get over the need to start mowing this early. Luckily, dh can replace the solenoids. If he can't find them locally he can order them.

Congratulations to helia's ddad on winning his award.

I'm secretly hoping that Harriet's dd18 decides to take her db up on his job offer. It will give her time to make more memories and solidify her bond with her dnephew and dniece.

blessed, slow and easy as you try to regain your health and get your life back on track.

I went ahead and put out my Easter decorations today since I had cleaned. I told dh it is early but this is to make up for the years that I didn't get anything out.

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Re: Sunday Nearly Spring

Postby lucylee » Mon Mar 20, 2017 1:01 am

Congratulations to helia's ddad!

Wow -- 93 already, Lilac? Wow. I've forgotten what state you are in. Looks like summer is coming fast.
Tomorrow is another day.

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