Health and Fitness, March, 2017

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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2017

Postby Lynlee » Sat Mar 25, 2017 11:03 pm

I've started to do yoga at home in the morning. Well a couple of times a week.
I found a 42 min class on youtube that I have been using. One day I'll try a different one. Its a beginning at least, and if time is short and I just do 30 min, its better than zero minutes.
Walking is not happening mostly. Another habit I wish I had back.
Just begin.
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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2017

Postby Harriet » Mon Mar 27, 2017 1:11 pm

That's great, Lynlee. I think it sounds like a good amount of time.

Isn't YouTube a blessing? :)

I know some other internet "inventions" I've thought were blessings were corrupted later with a lot of commercialism or negative behavior. But so far so good with YouTube, which has opened up a world of possibilities as far as being in control of learning what YOU want to learn. I love that.

Last evening on YouTube I watched/heard such a smart psychologist, an expert in biological problems, who discussed WHY there is an epidemic of obesity and he was fascinating. Douglas Lisle. One bottom line, he says, is that the unnaturally concentrated foods abundant now keep our receptors/neurotransmitters from knowing that we took in many more calories than they can tell. They are analyzing how much our stomachs stretch, for instance, and other tests based on normal satisfaction. But they are "measuring" for natural foods that take up a lot of space and satisfy, so with concentrated foods (for instance, oily) they "think" we didn't eat much, and don't signal us to stop, even if we got a huge meal. So we miss the truth about our meals because our bodies don't know to stop us, as long as we're making choices from unnatural processed and super-concentrated foods.

Anyway, he talked about the tactic of exchanging just one food/behavior for another. One of his patient's success with exchanging her big, variety breakfasts for oatmeal was amazing - gave her her health back.

Anyway, it inspired me. Late-day is more my problem than breakfast. It got me thinking about exchanging late-day evening eating for only one sensible item, like a potato only. (my idea to choose potato - I know it is neither harmful or exciting for me, just simple, and has complete nutrition.) My "rule" could be : No other snack - has to be a potato. Foods I put in my mouth after supper are usually poor choices, but if I had that rule, and always a small potato waiting for me, I would either turn away from the kitchen, or go ahead and have a food that would be filling and not do me any harm.

I did my stretching video (floor) this morning and it felt so good. I did realize that a thought about some ugliness I've dealt with recently crossed my mind in the middle, and my mood took a nosedive right then. But generally, very positive.

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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2017

Postby Nancy » Tue Mar 28, 2017 12:40 am

I walked with the dog today. Haulling rocks home go paint neafly every day now. Also got some axe work . The roots on the stump in front. Smaller rlots. At 60+ I was using a double bladed axe. 20 min. Later I am winded and know I had a workout & need to rest. I have a whole new respect for those who built our country with out chain saws.

Potatoes are not healthy try califlour it is great in a breakfast buritto or omlette!

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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2017

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Mar 29, 2017 9:04 pm

Quiet month in this thread!

I've been absent. My weight was 180 a few days after the trip. That triggered a mild panic and it dropped in a few days to 178. The panic didn't continue and so that weight has remained. For well over a year I was between 172 & 174 so that's my first goal.

I felt quite ill for a long time after returning from the trip. My GI system wasn't working right. I switched to larger pants and that, plus food from home as oppose to traveling, seems to have settled down my system.

In addition to that, I've started being able to do fewer steps. There have been a few days in a row when I make it to 10K but in general the past few weeks my average has been much lower, just 7500. Unless something changes, this week will be even below that. Sigh....

Anyway, rather than wait until April 1, I restarted MyFitnessPal today. My focus is on calories only, not movement. And lowering the carbs. I've been eating too many carbs lately, especially during the trip, so I think that was part of what bothered my GI system. It is too easy to have burgers or sandwiches and breakfast buffets focused on bread items as well. Even if I had eggs, it was often with toast. And that behaviour continued after getting home.

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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2017

Postby Lynlee » Fri Mar 31, 2017 6:30 am

Walked 3k this afternoon.
Just begin.
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Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2017

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Mar 31, 2017 11:35 am

Didn't track my food yesterday and thought I was over but because I was walking so much, I ended up under my calorie count for the day (when I'm given credit for the steps.)

Tracked it this morning. I had front loaded the day, regular breakfast but then snack, protein bar, lunch at 2 of chili and a bun, another snack while dinner cooked for dh but then a light, late supper at 7:15, salad with chicken and a hard boiled egg. I'm thinking the large amount of diet drinks, 3 cans, helped me keep under my calories for the day. I also sat in the recliner all evening so didn't add any calories to my day, just water.

I'm back on tracking while I eat for today. Need to fill in the plan for the rest of the day to see what changes should be made before I eat things!

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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2017

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Mar 31, 2017 9:23 pm

I had 60g (2 oz) of french fries, the big thick style, not the skinny ones, for my dinner and my GI issues are back.

Will take something, not sure what, and head to bed. It feels like a lump of dough in my tummy and radiating pain to my back. Actually, it feels like my gall bladder attacks. Sigh. My fat intake is not high today.

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