Health and Fitness, April 2017

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Health and Fitness, April 2017

Postby Harriet » Fri Mar 31, 2017 9:51 am

I have been inspired to believe that when a people are truly healthy in body, mind and spirit, they can heal themselves. And if we all get together in inspired health, we can heal the world. - Terry Shintani, MD, JD, MPH-Harvard

Are you INSPIRED to encourage health around you? Definitely something we relate to as homemakers! We can direct so many healthy ideas so that they don't just stay ideas, but become real in our households and do some good.


This is a thread about gaining and maintaining strength for our wonderful calling, Homemaking. As we care for our own health, we grow more capable and competent to care for our families, our neighbors and our communities. As we become more effective, our hopes for ourselves and those we care about get the best chance!

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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2017

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Apr 02, 2017 3:24 pm

Posting in case someone else wants to do this walking challenge. It starts April 5th until July 13th
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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2017

Postby Nancy » Sun Apr 02, 2017 9:28 pm

I have done ex on the stat bike today.

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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2017

Postby Harriet » Fri Apr 07, 2017 5:10 pm

Thanks for the link, LadyM. It's actually a great time of year for it. Sorry you had to miss yoga the other day, but I don't see how you get so much done anyway and am amazed you do yoga too!

Ohmigooness, this is so long! Sorry.
I would have written a shorter letter, but I did not have the time. ... attributed to Mark Twain

Dee, HRH and I looked up his info and numbers. In November 2014, because of kidney concerns (pain, previous operation for removal of "L" shaped stone, multiple stones in the past, plus bs readings) and also gout, his general practitioner took a first-ever reading for his protein/creatinine ratio (didn't check anything else), which was scary as the dickens and that started all this. It was .70 and it should be .20 or lower. Ultimately, he was referred to this kidney dr but we were of course already scurrying around internet and books, etc., finding out about lowering acidity and animal protein in meals, and starting some veggie meals. Learning this would also stop the kidney stones was huge, but made us mad that we had to find it out for ourselves.

This dr diagnosed hematuria syndrome (just means kidney pain), checked for squamous cancer cells which thankfully were so few that it was normal (most of us have some) and listened to HRH's promise to eat mostly vegetarian to stave off the biopsy. Dr gave a speech about how yes, you could halt the loss of function this way, but not to expect much in numerical improvement. In 9 months, ratio was down to .32, which was great in comparison. By that time he was getting closer and closer to vegetarian. In a few months, by March of last year when he was vegetarian for sure, it was down to .28. The other day it was .24 and dr pointed out that he'd cut the remaining amount above normal by half in just one year. Dr. would like it at .20 eventually, of course, but is super happy with this trend, which seems to be continuing.

Now about creatinine level alone -
In the blood - 1.21 a year ago (we have nothing from the time when all the other numbers were at their worst, and we don't know why, except gen prac did the other test) and now down to 1.07 (1.20 is top point of normal range)

in the urine - 300 when referred to kidney dr, 211.4 a year ago and now down to 173.5 (normal range is 40-300 so may not mean much - dr just says it's more proof kidneys are having an easier life)

Also less blood in urine (everyone has a little but his was high, and now dr has stopped testing this, didn't even mention it the other day), way less pain or maybe gone completely - every once in a while he thinks he feels it - , no kidney stones since, no ER.

Going through these papers, HRH finally admits to me that dr said the other day he'd privately thought HRH would already be on dialysis by this date and might already be on a kidney transplant list, and had been watching the 60th birthday coming, wondering if he was not doing his job if he didn't hurry to get him on the list when he could still say patient was "in his 50s" rather than "in his 60s" . (turned 60 in Sept) But dr had promised to hold off on the biopsy so he gave the benefit of the doubt.

Also HRH says to tell that he had to have dye tracing twice after his brain aneurysm in his late 30s and wonders now if that was hard on his kidneys. (similar to you, Dee? unknown) But he says obviously he must have gotten better if it was, since no problems were evident then until late 50s. ( ? Hmmm... I'm not sure about that logic.)

The knowledge on kidneys has grown recently by leaps and bounds. We used to think kidney cells had no ability to regenerate (after all, kidneys are basically filter-packages made of blood vessels) but now we know there can be some. Google the words : "cells regenerate in kidneys" to find some Harvard and Stanford studies in the last year or two. So if there is at least some regeneration, and you let kidneys just process the easy plant foods, rather than the high workload of animal foods, they do take that opportunity to heal.

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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2017

Postby Nancy » Fri Apr 07, 2017 5:14 pm

Walked this week for my ex. I also did some axe work on the bush, yard work as well 1 hr. Total one day 10 min. Axe wk. 30 min. Yd. Wk. On another day as well. Cutting back on liquids a bit coffee soda etc. a bit. Walking & journaling helps relieve stress. Had some re Hank was out again not here but the group was haranguing sp. me for info I could not give pc was off line charging. Sigh... then dd had issues today ack what a week. Spring break has been hectic. And taxes , phone issues....

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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2017

Postby Harmony » Mon Apr 10, 2017 12:01 am

I am not doing much these days except wishing I was doing more... :?

But I wanted to say that I am very happy for Harriet and HRH and their success with the changed diet. I find changing my diet the very hardest thing. And if I let my guard down it goes right back. Course, you did not have a choice...well yes you could have let it ride to whatever end happened good or bad...but I commend you for your diligence. 3/4 of the people in our Small group are diabetic, one is pre-diabetic, and still they eat the sweet snack afterward even if there is something different also provided. Are you completely vegetarian now too, Harriet? Even when you are eating out away from DH? I hope all the numbers continue to be good or even better and stay that way for the rest of HRH's life.

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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2017

Postby Nancy » Mon Apr 10, 2017 12:44 am

I did yard work today for my exercise.

Lost 2 posts so I will try to edit this one. Tues. Ex. Included house work, mowing & walking the dog along the river.
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Apr 11, 2017 11:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2017

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Apr 11, 2017 7:01 pm

I walked over 10K on Saturday in NYC and over 15K on Sunday. Very humbling because I was hurting big time both days. Back and feet primarily. I had a period Sat afternoon to nap, but on Sunday I had very little downtime and a lot of standing in line or moving slowly. A lot of the walking was on very crowded streets which I think is hard because one is always having to change gaits and dodge incoming pedestrians.

I really need to get my weight down, too.
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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2017

Postby DeeClutter » Fri Apr 14, 2017 9:12 am

Thanks for the info, Harriet. I'm studying it. Does HRH have protein in any form? Wondering about cheese etc.
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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2017

Postby Harriet » Sat Apr 15, 2017 12:59 pm

Thanks, Harmony, that is truly my wish, too. I need him around!

Yes, I am completely vegetarian, but not vegan. I have cream in my coffee and butter in some things. I don't read bread packages to see if butter or egg is in the recipe, I just enjoy the bread. Use an egg in my cornbread. I do look more suspiciously at my (rarer now) veggie omelets these days and wonder if I'm rationalizing about the shredded cheese, butter and egg that surely overpower the veggies, while I still say, "veggie" omelet, lol.

When out with others, I just figure it out. It can be easy sometimes, but there are puzzles, too. I eat the same way, no matter who I'm with - the children are all used to it by now. I often don't even need to comment because there are choices I can make. If dd18 is there she always suggests Mexican for me, and Oriental for HRH - her favorites and she knows we'll be content, lol.

By now I thought I would have had the lipid panel of blood work done, but I'm avoiding dr's office for a couple reasons. Our long-time general practitioner has moved and the new one HRH saw said, "don't get used to me, I'm retiring" (smile). Also, they aren't asking me to come; I'm under their radar. I like being under the radar while I can.

I worry about our church Sun night meals for the same reason you mention, Harmony. Bringing and serving of especially unhealthy foods seems to be on the rise, fast. Why is that? You would think it would be the other way around. Good choices take up very little of the table space, and the rest down the line is pretty much saturated fats spaced out between desserts or near-desserts. Mostly we are a church of age 50-up, although there are a few young families. Lots at my age, lots considerably older. Folks that we are well aware have sicknesses that would make you sad to hear about it, come to the church and are served as if they were happy-go-lucky teens.

Dee, plant protein is a gracious plenty, but as far as animal protein he's not vegan either (though closer than me) so he does get some, like I do. Cheese - he sprinkles some cheese on a pizza, sure, just tries to be thoughtful about it. Or cheese sprinkled on a veggie burger (though I'm more the one who'll do that.) If he ever decided to become vegan, which isn't out of the question of course, then cheese would be out.

Quality protein is abundant in every plant - nobody can have protein deficiency unless they go into malnutrition first and have deficiency of everything. I remember being taught briefly that someone thought they proved plants needed to be combined in certain ways to get enough of particular amino acids or it wouldn't be "quality" protein - somehow different. But that was disproved long ago. My dgirlcousin and I are convinced we heard it in school, and she says she kept the rice beside the beans on her shelves for years because of it, thinking she needed to eat those two at the same time, so each would make up for some mysterious lack in the other. Meanwhile, all over the world, huge populations of people continued basing their meals on just one or the other (or different plants entirely) every day like they had for centuries, and living longer than our folks.

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