Health and Fitness, July, 2017

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Health and Fitness, July, 2017

Postby Harriet » Sat Jul 01, 2017 7:32 am

Inspiration comes to us this time in the form of the calendar! It is the half-point of 2017. We are 6 months in with equal time to go, and it’s a great time to take a step back and consider “where we are”. :idea:

Do you deserve a pat on the back 8-) for healthful eating, for increasing activity, for getting back to postponed check-ups, for meeting goals or other positive strides since 2016? Maybe there was a specific resolution you can now revisit, or some personal success you’d like to let us know about.

Would you like to share either plans for consistency over the next 6 months, or goals to meet by 2018? We’re truly interested.

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Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2017

Postby Nancy » Sun Jul 02, 2017 8:41 am

I walked the dog last nite my full walk glad to be able to do that wout a cane or walking stick.
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Jul 04, 2017 7:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2017

Postby helia » Tue Jul 04, 2017 1:16 pm

This thread might be helpful for me to post monthly goals and maybe weekly plans. I hope that's OK?

1. Be able to run close to 10 miles.
2. Continue to work on balance, flexibility, and strength via yoga class.
3. Lose a little weight. I'm not overweight but feel I could stand to lose maybe 8 lbs. If I can lose even 5 lbs. by the Oct. half marathon, that would be helpful!
4. Perhaps go to the Dr. for shoulder injury from last fall that is bothering me more now.

Our yoga class is cancelled this week b/c it meets Tuesday evening, July 4. . . I'll have to go again next week

Plan for July 3 - 9:
X M - Run 4.5 miles flat -- did with a very good pace for me.
X T - Run the arb hill -- did with an OK pace for me.
W. Off Day
Th. - Run sprints. Return to 1/2 mile lengths. Add one more?? Maybe not yet.
Th/F - WW meeting. I'll have to go late in the morning either day. Payroll is shifting my schedule.
Sa. - Try for 9.5 miles again. Flatter path along the river. Go EARLY when it is still cool.

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Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2017

Postby Nancy » Tue Jul 04, 2017 7:42 pm

Walked 75% of my reg. Non flat walk w ddog this morning while it was cool out still. Last one did a full walk on level ground maybe w night ago not sure.

Half way point has me struggling trying to hold my own barely and slid back a bit this year. :shock:

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Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2017

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Jul 06, 2017 1:30 pm

Peeking in.

I'm under the weather. Not sure if it is mental or physical. But definitely not myself.

Maybe the new tracker will help. Maybe not.

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Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2017

Postby Nancy » Fri Jul 07, 2017 12:53 am

Today's ex. 2 times around the grange like a middle size yard, shopping, watering the yd. Hen chores and to the corner with a reluctant freaked out dog. Saw a deer a buck in velvet.

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Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2017

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Jul 08, 2017 9:34 am

I have not (not) been following my w w - overtime I start on a program I binge like you wouldn't believe. It's self sabotage - I am tired of that behaviour
Night time I forget what I am doing and just eat - no awareness

this am:
1/2 english muffin with sunflower butter.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2017

Postby Harriet » Sat Jul 08, 2017 11:38 am



We do deal with a back-and-forth, don't we? Both of you are inspirational, consistent persons and so many times I've been able to say "Yay!" for you. I'm glad I get to read your posts here. They remind me about times I've been consistent, too, and that let's me say, "yay, me!", too, and gives a shot of confidence. There's an "I did it once, I can do it again" feeling.

I hope that tracker is really helpful for you, Kathryn, and that you feel better, and Nancy I hope you can walk right on away from the cane.

Continuing with morning 20-minute sessions of exercise DVDs - not every morning, but say, 5 times a week.

Continuing to have mental health difficulties from upheaval at my church. Preoccupied often. I am trying the idea of wearing something to remind me to think about good health habits - right now one of the colorful 1-inch hair ties on my wristwatch. Am hoping sometimes seeing it will snap me out of doldrums and get me to drink my water, plan the next smart meal, etc.

The hip/thigh discomfort is still there when I'm on my feet a lot. Dd18 and I plan trips out to grocery, for instance, with an eye to spending less time on concrete floors if at all possible, just because of this. I had no problem at all walking all over the historic site Saturday, on the uneven natural ground, after having slept on the couch, btw. Didn't feel it Sun after switching with dd to sleep a night on her mattress. But the next morning (Mon) after I had slept back in my own bed for a night, it was bothering me terribly and I was favoring it all day. Mystery. Was it the intense weekend? Or did my body object to my mattress that much? Hmmm... ..

I received my certificate for my course and it's very cool. A positive in my life. Definitely want to frame it - maybe hang it in the kitchen! I have the blessing of the university if I want to give a power point or other presentation and say I'm a graduate of the program, and I can have the little emblem with the big word "graduate" on a web page if I ever have one.

One of the students asked about the word "nutritionist" because he's a personal trainer building up a client base and wants to be professional about it and cite this correctly. Of course the fact is, it's a word like "hunter" or "artist". Anyone is as much a nutritionist, hunter or artist as they decide they are, when they decide they are. People do get It mixed up with other, regulated words but there's no organization to say one way or another like there are for dieticians or personal trainers.

I have learned about myself that even though other students were very interested in the parts of the course that dealt with psychology of eating, or addiction, or why a gene expresses, I am fascinated by nutritional biochemistry. Memorizing doesn't come easily to me, really, and I have to go back again and again to pronounce words or remember what a string of letters stands for, but I still like it. It's so interesting to see the results of experiments, population studies, migrant studies, etc. I like the "aha" moments. How do you determine health, for instance - what do you have to take into consideration before you can say one person is healthier than another. Who is the healthiest person on the planet. (She is probably an Okinawan woman between the ages of 17 and 34, and her nutrition is gorgeous! :D )

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Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2017

Postby Harriet » Sat Jul 08, 2017 12:13 pm

Hi, blessed I didn't see you there! :)

I started my post before you were posting and then had to leave and come back.

For you and me it's the late meal (or, maybe, not knowing when to quit on the late meal, lol!) that is difficult. Advice I have heard on this is to switch your best-planned meal with your worst-planned one. Maybe that could be lunch for supper. But even though it sounds funny, sometimes I switch my planned breakfast to 7:00 p.m. Because I always know what I want for breakfast and plan it very well, make sure it's healthy, very filling, etc., I know my tummy will be content. I have been having my large bowl of oatmeal and fruit at 7:00 p.m. So that's an intended meal, I feel "finished" and full, so don't have the desire for late-snacking so much.

Another piece of advice was to allow late snacking, but on vegetables only. Have them ready for your snack and front-and-center when you go in the kitchen. I'll have a small cooked (maybe even peeled) potato there waiting on me at front of fridge, very ordinary and nekkid, and usually I'll be uninspired enough ;) to decide I don't want a snack after all. But if I do have it, it's not a big deal. If I had the same amount of potato in the form of some oily chips, I'd be feeling bad about it. Nancy had suggested why not make it cauliflower.

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Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2017

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Jul 08, 2017 3:08 pm

Dd is starting to think about a regulated eating plan for dgs because she wants him to have a good relationship with food. Given her OCD, a formal plan is the best I can hope for.

We did discuss today that my strategy was to put out food and the kids could graze. My feeling (probably LLL led) was that if the food was healthy it didn't matter when the child ate it, at lunch, dinner or snack time.

The plan dd's leaning towards is more three meals a day and two snacks. The parents are in control of when and what the child has available (but chooses at least one thing the child likes) but the child always controls how much.

The plan is from the and I'm proceeding carefully with this. I pointed out I need to know vocabulary as well as eating preferences. It is the regimented snack time that I push against. I feel it is better for children to eat when they are hungry, within reason, rather than when they are told they are hungry. There are to many of those signals in our society today (i.e. church coffee hour equals a time to eat.)

My expectations are that the table itself is a joyful place to be for a child, not because of the food but because of the fellowship and so I'd like to encourage the child to stay at the table as long as possible, even when they are done, but because the table isn't just for feeding the body, it is for feeding the soul.

Anyway, we talked more about it today and will as time goes along. Right now she is worried because he's such a slow eater so feeding him is taking hours and hours out of her day. And snack time hasn't been introduced yet!

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