Health and Fitness, September 2017

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Re: Health and Fitness, September 2017

Postby Nancy » Sun Sep 17, 2017 12:11 am

Did 20 min. Apx. On the ex. Bike and walk w 2 kids & the dog today 1 mi. so got that done.

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Re: Health and Fitness, September 2017

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Sep 17, 2017 7:48 am

Any Blood Test Now - I didn't know about using them. I love having options. Thanks for sharing!

My health/fitness progress seems to be doing a dance. One step forward, two steps backward, two steps forward and one step backward. I keep adding different types of exercise that I don't hate doing. I usually do 3-5 of them each day. My daily goal is to do 30 minutes of continuous exercise that raising heart rate and/or causes my skin to glow (aka sweat).
1 - Walking
2 - Jog (interspersed with walking to get/keep my heart rate up)
3 - bicycle riding
4 - Playing basketball. DS9 and I do this almost every weekday as a regular part of his homeschool.
5 - Gardening
6 - Swimming. The season for this is almost over for the year. Maybe another month depending on how tough we are. :)
7 - Hiking

I got my flu shot this week. I have 3 friends that went to the doctor and tested positive for Type A and Type B flu this year. The flu season has arrived here. I asked the pharmacist about taking the flu shot so early (we normally take the shot in October). She said it was a judgment call because the flu shot is good for 6+ months. If we take it too early then we're leaving ourselves unprotected in the late spring. It wasn't too hard of a decision to make. I am 100% sure the flu germs are in our community now, I'll have to take my chances in the late spring.

I do find it a bit weird (good, but weird) to go to Sam's and get a flu shot. Now it is part of the shopping list bread, milk, flu shot, eggs, etc. Although it is weird to me, I do like it! Sam's doesn't charge anything for giving the shot and it was a painless stick. The insurance pays 100% for the flu vaccine. After taking the flu shot there is always the curious thought in my mind.....will I have a reaction to it? I found it comforting to remain near trained medical staff for an hour or so after taking the shot. I did my typical Sam's shopping while knowing if I had a reaction that I would have immediate help. Did I over think it? Maybe. Weird. But a good kind of weird.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Health and Fitness, September 2017

Postby Nancy » Tue Sep 19, 2017 5:49 am

I had to get up in the nite to move around. Sts ate befie bed bs was up, hydrating as well. Thinking I will use exercise bike later on.

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Re: Health and Fitness, September 2017

Postby Harriet » Tue Sep 19, 2017 11:03 am

LadyM, that's a great list of potential activities. I smiled at your phrase, "exercises I don't hate" :D

Harmony, your post stuck in my brain. Doctors need to be "cut a little slack" I suppose - they can't be who they used to be in our lives. I was listening to an interview of an older lady doctor getting ready to retire, who left regular practice in 2007 for private practice, so the last 10 years of her career she'd planned, to 2017, could be the way her first 10 were, giving a half-hour to each patient. She said she had watched as the time suggested went down to 20 and then 15 and then 10, and she knew she would rather take a pay cut and just be in private practice.

Even so, how long does it take to hear a patient is willing to be more active, and then encourage that.

I do have new doubts about exercise lowering actual weight. I've heard more and more about the "set caloric expenditure" - I was expecting more rebuttals and criticism but they don't seem to be coming. (On a personal note, my own friends seem to be able to come up with individual arguments, such as the publicity Mark Spitz got for his huge calorie intakes during the Olympics without seeming to gain weight.) I wonder if, in the US at least, so many actually don't even expend those few (300 maybe) extra calories through activity. But that can't be the whole story - it must be that we don't realize our food spoils the efforts.

In 1990, when I was 34, and my older children were about 10 and 5 (and very few people even had a place to attend Jazzercise, much less owned exercise videos), there was no state in the US that had greater than 14 percent obesity - it would have been unheard of - and 10 had the data to prove they had less than 10 percent obesity. (6 states had so few problems with obesity they weren't tracking it yet.)

I saw the obesity map which came out after 2014, and they'd had to add a new (highest obesity) color from the year before - for WV, Mississippi and Arkansas, at greater than 35 percent obese citizens. Colorado lost it's standing as the single state with lowest color (going over 20 percent), so even there things were getting worse. Where I live, we were holding on with the majority, between 25 and 30 percent.

Looked it up and 2016 has now gotten reported, with Alabama and Louisiana added to the greater-than-35-percent color, so that's 5 states headed toward 40 now. And now Colorado, Hawaii and Massachusetts are the last lone holdouts at "only" 20 to 25 percent, and they're losing ground. Here the good news is we're still in the majority BUT the bad news is the majority has changed. In 2 years it's become the "30 to 35 percent" group.

On a tangent for sure, but gee, this really is hurting people. As if it's not bad enough western countries have this situation, other countries try to emulate us so much, and it turns out health-wise, things are getting worse for them, too.

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Re: Health and Fitness, September 2017

Postby Nancy » Tue Sep 19, 2017 5:33 pm

I walked the ddog for my exercise today.

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Re: Health and Fitness, September 2017

Postby Nancy » Wed Sep 20, 2017 7:40 pm

- Did lots of stairs today doing laundry.
- 30 min. On exercise statationery bike.
- walked ddog 1 mi.

I must be getting better! :mrgreen:

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