Wow! It's Wednesday!

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Re: Wow! It's Wednesday!

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Oct 11, 2017 12:38 pm

I watched a genealogy/dna webinar just now - solving "brick wall" problems with autosomal DNA. Some things I need to remember and try sometime. Altho, I can watch the webinar again, and I have the syllabus too.

The big three for me for today:
tax return
visit dmom

I have grown to hate to visit my mother and it's hard to go. She can't carry on a conversation and I don't know what else to do but sit there. :(

-brush up teeth, wash up face, et al
-finish up grocery list
-start a load of laundry
-look at tax return to figure out what needs to be done
-finish kitchen clean up

Maybe I'm just in a mood today. I really don't know that I'm getting much out of the tai chi class I'm going to on Wednesday nights and I'm wondering if I should go tonight, and whether I should stick with it in the first place.
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Re: Wow! It's Wednesday!

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Oct 11, 2017 12:43 pm

I need to get moving. My time this morning before leaving was efficient (load of laundry done, breakfast with ds plus good conversation, got the kitchen cleaned up and dishwasher running.)

Time out was efficient (just over an hour and dropped off stuff at dd's, hugged dgs, picked up ds, dropped him at home and inquired about an available apartment in his building.)

Then I stalled at my computer reading Reddit. Sigh....

Maybe I'll go walk over to the store for lunch, just to get a walk in. It would be cheaper to eat here but I have been short steps these days so the extra walk might be worthwhile. Or I could clear off the treadmill. Hmmmm.

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Re: Wow! It's Wednesday!

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Oct 11, 2017 1:39 pm

I have been up and going strong for over 8 hours. I stopped to eat lunch and put my feet up. I have over 5K steps and haven't left the house (except to take DGD6 to school).

DS9 has the attention span of a gnat today. Homeschool day #70 is happening, but it isn't going smoothly as usual. REminding myself......Some days are better than others.

A DFriend and coworker (we worked together for over 30 years) came by this morning to look at rooms that I want him to paint. He is retired now but does some small jobs. Because of our visiting, it took over 2 hours. He told me how much paint to buy so I'll do that this afternoon Eekkkk! Looking at the clock. I'm limited on time this afternoon so not sure how I'm going to fit paint color decision/buying in. He will be here in the morning to start painting so it has to happen

DBro has an appt with Hematologist doc today and will find out the results of his tests. DBro should learn what stage his cancer is in and the treatment plan. I have lots of nervous energy today while waiting to hear from him.

The rest of my day looks like....
** Finish homeschool lessons with DS9
** 3:30 pick up DGD6 from school
** 4:00 - drive 15 miles to pick up a couple dozen of freshly made cinnamon rolls (I ordered them to support the elderly person who bakes them. I am taking these awesome cinnamon rolls to church so they won't be a temptation for me to eat every single one of them!)
** 5:00 - drive 35 miles the other way to get 13 pizzas that we ordered from Sam's Deli
** 6:00 - drive 20 miles the other way to church and get set up to feed 50-70 people.
** 7:00 Worship service and clean up meal stuff
** 9:00 arrive at home.

>>>>>>pick a timeslot to insert paint shopping somewhere in there. Looks like that will have to happen before getting DGD6 from school. That means I need to end break time and get going again... like NOW *POOF<<<<<<<<<
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Re: Wow! It's Wednesday!

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Oct 11, 2017 1:49 pm

I moved the pram off the treadmill. Dh had put my bike away so there's room for it where my bike was until we move it to ds's storage locker this weekend. He has two chairs in the locker that we are giving to the refugees so those will probably get moved here at the same time to save a trip later.

I didn't actually get on the treadmill but at least I can now. I did have soup and a tomato for my lunch.

If I sit still and do nothing, the apartment stays looking great. I'm really enjoying how good the apartment looks at the moment. I can't tell you the temptation to simply sit still and do nothing!

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Re: Wow! It's Wednesday!

Postby Harriet » Wed Oct 11, 2017 1:55 pm

HRH's shoulder got progressively worse. By 5 a.m. he was yelping as he tried to move. He was, thankfully, able to be seen by the new P.A. at our physician-office this morning, and she called in the FNP trained in sports injuries, who also examined him. They believed it was muscular as he'd first thought, although he couldn't help but notice the pain mimicked the poke of the acid crystals of gout - and we never intend to go through that again, so felt a little :? . They gave him some serious pain meds (muscular injection and prescription). They had him wait there long enough to make sure the injection helped, so we could all rest assured it had absolutely nothing to do with bone/arthritis/gout at all.

So he has a severely pulled muscle and I have a sound-asleep patient recovering on the couch. No driving for him for a while. As far as the question, "WHAT did you DO to your shoulder?", he has no idea.

I hate being broke.

Elizabeth, you are broke but sensible. Broke but sensible beats flush but careless any day. If everyone planned like you do for the future there would be a lot less stress in the world.

I hate cooking.

Austin, part of me wants to say "join the club". But hey - I open cans with the best of them! ;) Paper plates take some work off the clean-up end so the whole meal turns out less of a chore. With NS, make sure you get all the fresh foods they say you are due on their plan - nice healthy salads at supper, something fresh for snack, etc.

((Twins')) I would jabber on, I guess. Is this a sudden end to conversation or gradual?

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Re: Wow! It's Wednesday!

Postby DeeClutter » Wed Oct 11, 2017 2:04 pm

The same for dd in her area, Austin Granny. Their house, their neighbor and house across the street were only places that didn't lose power on their entire road -lots of homes. Their only damage to the house was the garage outside lights were twisted off. Lots of tree damage though. She almost felt guilty when they had new carpeting installed that Friday in most of their house. But a friend said, "Look at it this way -you're providing work for those who might not be able to otherwise." Not sure if they've taken down the window covers yet, but wouldn't be surprised. They were waiting to see what the last one was going to do. DD teaches in Davenport at a brand new school -almost to Clermont.

Went down to the rec hall and walked many laps. Thought I still had about 2,500 steps ago. Imagine my surprise when I used the calculator and realized I'd done 10,500 steps so far today (my goal is 10,000). Alrighty then! I'm happy and I can veg if I want to -not.
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Re: Wow! It's Wednesday!

Postby Harmony » Wed Oct 11, 2017 2:30 pm

Guy at the end of the street has piles of stuff still there. They seem to be slow picking up all the debris. I think they did better after H. Charley. Down south of us they had such stinking going on that they brought in dirt and mulch to cover layers of it in their landfill. I'll be glad when this hurricane season is over.

Today wasn't much of a wow. Calls made to county office (the people who manage the loans won't help us with job snafu) and she has now complained about other stuff. Electrician looked at the old water heater installed incorrectly and it has a 2011 sticker on it. We started OUR work a few months ago. :evil:

Took key over to let worker in. Took bags of wrong merchandise back to 2 stores. Drove up to DH's job to see why he wasn't answering his phone all morning.

Stopped at store, bought woe is me stressed out food I shouldn't have.

Did get to talk with DD2, who I haven't spoken to in weeks, and there is nothing wrong just a lot of work and time spent with the DGSon's sports practices. It was comforting to know there wasn't something going on between us, that we are still good friends. Whew! It was a blessing to know, in the midst of all these angry people around us, that there are still ones who like us.

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Re: Wow! It's Wednesday!

Postby CathyS » Wed Oct 11, 2017 2:46 pm


I wasn't going to go to stitching this morning. I turned on FB and dh had asked if I could bring him a long sleeved t shirt for work. So I had to get dressed and get moving. Decided to go to stitching. It was very boring and where they sit is sort of dark. I got a tiny bit of backstitching done.

Came home. Dh came in the door maybe a minute behind me. He had lunch. After he left, I went to the bank to pay some bills and then I went and got gas.

Major decision. I received an invitation to a one day special sale along with a notice on it that they would like my 14 Focus. Good timing as the warranty is days away from expiring. My car was paid for the day I picked it up, so I'm thinking I should be able to get something new for very little money. The 14 Focus has a bad enough transmission problem that they extended the tranny warranty to 10 years, I think. I have had it changed twice since I bought it! I think my pretty blue car has to go.
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Re: Wow! It's Wednesday!

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Oct 11, 2017 4:06 pm

Paint shopping/buying has been done. DS9 picked colors of his bedroom walls to match DanTDM. THANKFULLY the store person was very familiar with DanTDM and pulled him up on phone and used it for color matching. DS9 was thrilled. Me too because it was Simple. Easy. Quick. The accent wall in DS9 bedroom will be this and the other walls will be that. When I looked at the colors in the store I didn't realize how dark they are. I thought the main paint was a light grey when I was looking in the store. OH WELL. It is what it is. I don't care enough to make a change. DGD6 begged to keep her accent wall green. That's fine with me. The other walls in her room will be an off-white paint that we have on hand. The kitchen ceiling will be kilz and painted. Those paints are already on hand too. Thankfully the damage to the ceiling from water pipe break in the attic is going to a minimum to fix.

I just ordered DS9 a Smile More pullover tie dye hoodie. This is his most desired clothing item in the entire world. We are going to decorate his bedroom using Smile More theme......on top of the DanTDM colors. This makes no sense to me, but it does to DS9 so all is well.
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Re: Wow! It's Wednesday!

Postby lucylee » Wed Oct 11, 2017 4:21 pm

Hello, AustinGranny! So good to see you popping in again!

I never posted at all yesterday, but it was a pretty terrific Tuesday.
DGD and I were here alone for the afternoon, and we ;) got the WHB vacuuming done, plus changed the sheets on the master bed.
Last night dh & I went to see American Made, which is based on a true story. We both enjoyed it. I sorta have a fascination with the CIA, so it was right down my alley. (Not especially a Tom Cruise fan, but I'm not actively opposed to him, either.)

Today, dcousin's husband, the repairman, finally came to look at our trash compactor and pronounced it dead. :cry:
So... SS check came today, and now over half of it is gone again. Ordered new trash compactor from S ears.
Actually, we're getting by okay without it, you know? But there is now this big gaping hole in the cabinet space, and dh seems to think we MUST have a trash compactor.
Also on the good side though, credit card was credited a refund finally, so I guess that sorta cut the cost of the compactor in half? It's all in one's perspective.

(((HRH))) and (((Nurse Harriet)))

Broke but sensible beats flush but careless any day. If everyone planned like you do for the future there would be a lot less stress in the world.
Ditto that, Harriet. * For more on my thoughts in THIS regard, see J&C...

(((Twins))) So... sorry about your dmom... I know that has to be so difficult. Could she look at picture albums with you, perhaps old pictures would jog old memories. I've heard old memories come easier than recent ones for elderly patients like this.

I want to sit and do nothing, too, Kathryn!
I have no nana-duty until 6:00, when I am taking dgs to Wed. night church. However, tomorrow, I'll have dgd at 9:00 a.m. for about an hour, while they meet with teachers/IEP stuff/etc... and then Friday, I'll have to take dgs to school at 7:30, pick him up, and have dgd all day. AND we just found out today that dgd MAY have hand-foot-and mouth disease... * sigh * DDIL took her to the doctor earlier today. Fever, irritable, etc. At least we now know it's not strep, ddil said.
Tomorrow is another day.

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