what is important to you Sunday

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Re: what is important to you Sunday

Postby DeeClutter » Sun Oct 15, 2017 1:37 pm

It should be big enough that you'll find it, Nancy. :) Speaking of 'finding', I came across a newspaper clipping of a cousin's engagement picture from probably 1952 or so. Db and I met up with her in FL this past spring for the first time in probably 60 years or better. Think I'll take a picture of it and send to my db -he's really into the genealogy of our family and I know he'll appreciate it.
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Re: what is important to you Sunday

Postby CathyS » Sun Oct 15, 2017 2:10 pm

Okay first load of laundry is in the dryer and the dishwasher is now going. The last load of laundry is waiting in the washer. I had some stuff waiting to be put away and I finally got it all done except for the socks. I am also working at clearing the island.

Jelly didn't completely set, but dh said he would still eat it and he is now calling it jam. He doesn't want the hard work and mess to be for nothing.

He is currently hanging a few things around the house. One sign says "If you think I'm a witch, you should see my sister!" I have a very small wall between the main part of the kitchen and what we think may have been a mudroom or a covered porch at one time. The front door to the house is in the middle of this area. Dh put a shelf up there last year and I have a bunch of deliberately dusty bottles up there that have labels like "Spider's blood" and "Ghost dust". I love that shelf with those bottles. Just a bunch of Hallowe'en decorations that stay up year round.
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Re: what is important to you Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Oct 15, 2017 2:58 pm

Good day so far. I'll post more later. I have something to add to the discussion on crying.

On our way to see dgs and family.

The rain is coming down in buckets but our wind should be less than Cathy and Dee are getting.

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Re: what is important to you Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Oct 15, 2017 5:15 pm

have fun seeing your dd, drill and d grand baby d kathryn!

hi d cathy I wish you could come here and help me with my laundry mountain.. well done getting your work done today
I belong to a canning, preserving etc. Facebook page - they help me a lot when I run into issues .. you might enjoy it.
"If you think I'm a witch, you should see my sister!" hahahahaha

d dee that is so so cool that you found that! brilliant!

dd younger washed some cloths of mine with hers (thank goodness)

I got all my halloween decorating done - I have sweet halloween not gruesome - I definitely am a scaredy cat when it comes to gruesome Halloween. ;)
It took me a long time. I also pulled some of the Christmas out of the crawl space and put it in the basement closet for future.
I am putting all the Thanksgiving in the basement at the bottom of the stairs for easy change out.
last year I bought those paper cut out smiling pumpkins and misc. on sale and put those up on the front window. There are many little children now and I do not want to scare them. So cute it is.

i need to go to Jo ann fabrics tomorrow to finish scarecrow - I thought I had fabric paint or embroidery thread - non
I also thought I bought white thread - didn't

I also want to decorating the front door

lucky d mom forgot about my house!!! :D

I was supposed to see a violinist but I have been out of the house a lot and I really wanted to stay home. the tickets were $10 a piece but I needed this r and r
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Re: what is important to you Sunday

Postby CathyS » Sun Oct 15, 2017 6:53 pm

We had a horrific rain storm. Hard and fast. Thankfully it didn't last long. Lots of strong winds before, during and after. It calmed for a while, but the winds are back with an ominous looking sky northeast of us. During the height of the storm a helicopter flew over and it was flying low enough to think "Why is there a helicopter going over?" Turns out a 10 year old went over that decorative railing at Niagara Falls and he was being airlifted to a Hamilton children's hospital due to a broken femur. ~sigh~ Where were the parents?

Where is this crying discussion, BTW? It's October...
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Re: what is important to you Sunday

Postby Nancy » Sun Oct 15, 2017 8:02 pm

I got my sewing machine to sew on a feed sack yea!

I walked the dog. Took w naps. Have been sneezing a lot. Rest & renewal day is successful. I completed a dish cloth.

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Re: what is important to you Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Oct 15, 2017 8:09 pm

hi d cathy - how scary about the 10 year old... they move fast and don't think of danger - he will think next time - hopefully! glad the rains stopped by you. I found out from my d cousin that they had 8" of rain since yesterday and everything flooded.

hi d nancy sewing, taking a nap and walking the dog... great!

d mom was super super cranky... we all went out to dinner and my goodness she was not a happy camper. I did empty the dishes when I got home and flip flopped the laundry.

good night all - sweet dreams
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Re: what is important to you Sunday

Postby CathyS » Sun Oct 15, 2017 9:00 pm

Oh my goodness!! I decided to clean the oven. It needs to be scraped a bit more tomorrow, but I have 2 damp paper towels over the bad parts on the bottom. One was where part of a casserole overflowed last week. I have used the oven twice since then, and the burning smell was really bad today, so I sprayed it after it had cooled down for a couple of hours and then I took out the racks and sprayed. Most of the stuff came up within 5 minutes. I decided I would try it this way as I have heard that it works nicely when the heat helps.

Wayne said he didn't even smell the cleaning foam. So nice when your partner isn't carrying on and coughing and saying they had to go to the hospital because the fumes just gave him cancer... (I don't miss that nonsense one bit!!)
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Re: what is important to you Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Oct 15, 2017 9:29 pm

Cathy: a few of us have been talking about crying, might be over in J&C.

Today's church was the second point in my church's 2 point charge, so our sister church. It was their anniversary and the guest preacher was a member of my village's Presbyterian church (that had me preach for them for a few weeks last year.) He's a musician and has played with dh and I. So we were sure to be in church to hear him.

Anyway, just before church started a family from my church came in and sat behind us. Their son has been battling cancer for a year and was looking fab. I hadn't seen them since June when the mom had told the doctors that she would not bring in the child for the next round of drugs because they had been accepted for a week at a camp for families battling cancer and the family needed a break from doctors and appointments and treatments. I applauded her for standing up and stating what was best for the family so I wanted to hear how it went.

It went very well but she didn't want to talk about that, she wanted to talk about his scan results from last week. He's in remission! Just then, the service started so I turned back to face forward and suddenly was overwhelmed with tears of relief. Thank heavens dh always carries two handkerchiefs! I used one to dab my eyes while I tried to sing the first hymn.

There's so much bad news these days (I'm getting to the age where friends having cancer and heart disease is common plus the world news is awful) so I'm thrilled to hear a real joy for a change. But it took a good five minutes before I was sure I wouldn't start crying again.

I ended up doing the grace at the potluck lunch because the minister was trapped upstairs greeting people. It was a lovely lunch and I found out from CM that our refugees have an apartment now. So she sent me the floorplan. For some reason, no-one thought to tell me. The last I heard (on Wednesday) was they didn't have anything.

The apartment is really small, the living/dining room is 10 x 13 and the kitchen is 5' x 8'. So, my words all along "don't gather a lot of furniture they may not have room" appear wise. The love seat, nesting tables, and 2 chairs for their tiny dining table will fill the room completely. We are going to have to buy a bed because the odds of having one with drawers underneath donated are too low. There is no room for a dresser and a double or queen size bed in the room. The set of plastic drawers I got will tuck into a corner so they are a blessing.

After the potluck was my own service which went really well. The rain started as we arrived and was really bad on the way to dd's but stopped by the time we got there. We visited for an hour and then did a Costco run on our way back. The rain started again as we arrived home. It was horrendous and the wind has done all sorts of damage around the area. There's a police car down on the parkway and with the binoculars dh can see a tree down blocking a lane.

After the storm I took photographs of the gorgeous sunset. It was stunning. But the wind is still shaking the building. At one point, I was listening to the furniture on the balcony shift and it suddenly occurred to me I had rushed in this morning to turn off the oven timer and had not put away the rocking chair cushion. Miraculously, it was still there and I braved the balcony in the gusts to pull it inside. I wasn't about to go farther onto the balcony to put it away in the deck box!

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Re: what is important to you Sunday

Postby Harriet » Sun Oct 15, 2017 10:52 pm

that discussion was Friday evening in PWYC and Saturday midday.

I've been amazing today. I've helped dd19, ds, his children, HRH, the church, and reassured dd37 about being welcome to spend a night here. I don't need to remember everything - just know I did the best I could turning from one thing to another, and then get a good night's sleep!

See you all tomorrow! Big cleaning day maybe Apron day - energy is my big hope.

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