Monday Apron Attitude

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Re: Monday Apron Attitude

Postby Nancy » Mon Oct 16, 2017 7:35 pm

I walked the ddog. H brought home chicken & he got me a white pumpkin. Dinner is over. I cut out some aprons to seam & hem.

Beds are made.

Lovely weather here this week and fall folage is at it's peak now here.
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Re: Monday Apron Attitude

Postby Harriet » Mon Oct 16, 2017 7:39 pm

I am aching some! Have done a little more than may have been wise. :shock: But bathrooms are both sparkly, and lots of the rest is done well.

Dd37 called. We both knew so much of what the other had been thinking that at first we were speaking in shorthand and HRH was walking by and couldn't follow the conversation. I said to tell dsonil I'd meant to warn him. She said he came part way into the doorway of the room she was in, asked if she had seen the obit and then backed out, so he was out of the line of fire, lol!

One thing that warms a mother's heart she may never realize (and I'll not admit I noticed). She said right out loud how much she appreciated her brother, plus how he had kept her informed through this time when she wouldn't have known so many things if it hadn't been for him. She even said that though she's sure there will be marked differences in their approaches to public speaking because of their very different careers, she privately wonders if they are really so alike they may say some of the same things. (Again, I'm just listening, drinking this in. Most of the time they are very sibling-ish, staying slightly irritated with each other like they did as teens, and not going far out of the way to communicate.)

(HRH, upon hearing this after I hung up, asked me again who I was talking to... dd37? :lol: )

Happy to hear your good health news, Dee, and hope the plan for Mr. DeeClutter does the trick.

LadyM, thank you so much for not hosting that huge gathering. I would have gotten so tired hearing that you did that!!!

I think those white pumpkins look nice, Nancy. They show up against a porch or step, too.

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Re: Monday Apron Attitude

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Oct 16, 2017 7:56 pm

I created a 1st cousin (maternal side) facebook group so everyone can be involved in this proposed gathering. It appears it may only be cousin/spouse instead of multiple generations. No one has mentioned bringing their children/grandchildren/GGrandchildren. Keeping it to one generation (plus DMom) would be a doable gathering. I'm thinking it would be around 20 people. If we separated this gathering from our normal family gatherings that include childen/grands/greats then it doesn't seem overwhelming. I might volunteer to host it if it is just 20'ish people. But first I am going to settle back and observe the cousin chatting and see where it goes.

DD called when she got home and asked if DS9 would walk DGD6 home and hang out with them tonight. DS9 didn't want to go to DD's home so DH drove DGD6 home.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Monday Apron Attitude

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Oct 16, 2017 8:06 pm

Back from the second walk with my friend.

She's the building gossip so I know all about what happened last night (assuming it is true.)

Her neighbour, who I'll call Molly (and who I know and like) woke up, thought she saw smoke coming from a vent and thought she smelled smoke.

Molly went to pull the alarm in the hall but couldn't break the glass so went down in the elevator (with her walker and dog) and pulled the lobby one. Then waited for the fire department to tell them what she had done.

My friend is in the next apartment. Something woke her up, and she went to get her purse in case she had to leave, then heard the fire engines THEN heard the alarm. When she went out into the hall, there was no smoke smell but hours earlier there had been cigarette smoke in the hall from another tenant who was smoking with her door open.

Our best guess is Molly triggered her private alarm system for her apartment, then went downstairs and pulled the building alarm. That would explain:

1. Why my friend heard the fire engines before the alarm
2. Why the fire department arrived so much faster than ever before (as I said last night, within 2 minutes of the alarm going off I could see the trucks. already over 1 minute from the station.)

My friend sat with her and listened to the police talk to her. She seemed fine until they asked if she had other pets. She said no, but that squirrels come into her apartment and climb the drapes and then go back out. She lives on the 19th floor and her unit doesn't have a balcony so that isn't possible (it is conceivable for some people with balconies on the second floors next to the trees but our windows don't open, there is a screen firmly attached on the outside that we can't move.)

The police and the super from the other building took Molly back to her apartment, she had locked her apartment with the alarm on the way out and forgot her keys so couldn't get back in without the super.

For the rest of the night, the dog was yappy but it got really bad at 5. Molly had fallen, called the emergency security line for the building, they called the super, he let himself in and called for an ambulance. But the dog escaped and was running up and down the hall barking at 5 a.m. She was taken to the hospital but released and was home by 8 a.m. Her daughter was to be contacted by the police last night and again this morning by the super. Unfortunately, she may be in hospital as well (that's what the mother says.) So anyway, it was quite a night for my friend and I actually got 30 minutes more sleep than she did (she went to bed at 10 so had 4 hours before all this started.)

It made for an entertaining walk tonight, though! I also saw the other super and had a chance to thank him for making the all-clear announcement. At that point, I didn't know all the other things he had done through the night which were above the call of duty.

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Re: Monday Apron Attitude

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Oct 16, 2017 9:50 pm

Dinner dishes are all washed up (larger load than normal and we don't have hot water, only very warm in the kitchen right now for some reason.)

I've updated my bullet journal for the week and emailed a couple of people about upcoming events.

Tomorrow will be an errand day outside the apartment, plus a movie with dh.

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Re: Monday Apron Attitude

Postby Nancy » Mon Oct 16, 2017 10:26 pm

I need to dump more trash. I do not have as much to decluttered & donate this week. H is working on his office this week so that helps.

Got a compliment on my blue top today ir is a tee shirt I fringed. It is "my blue" I hope to find another on in long sleeves.

The floor was "crunchy" so I swept it made a difference.

I have the evening routine in hand.

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Re: Monday Apron Attitude

Postby lucylee » Mon Oct 16, 2017 11:34 pm

No aprons here, but I have had a good apron attitude all day long!

:arrow: Started the day with DPCs --
* L owe's, who said I had been sent the wrong receipt, but would definitely be getting the right refrigerator tomorrow, and promised to send correct receipt asap. (I have not received it via email at this point. * sigh * )
* Cardiologist's office, re: dh's heart cath Thursday (called them twice, and nurse did return my call before closing time. DH is resigned to the fact that he will go through with this on Thursday. Prayers needed.)
* Tickets for events in 2018
:arrow: Then, errands --
* Post office
* Drug store
* Service station for more ICE... I will be sooo thankful when that refrigerator arrives.
:arrow: Helped dh drain & refill 9 coolers -- (2 of these are actually just insulated lunch boxes; 1 is a drink cooler thing, you know, that you just use to pour water from; and 4 are the small coolers that carry only about 6-9 cans. Only 2 are what I would call full-size coolers. It's kind of ridiculous around here.)
:arrow: Ironed ironed ironed ironed ironed... :roll:
:arrow: Went to ds's house, and helped dgs pick up toys & organize a little while dh went through box of his parents' stuff. DS wants it out of the house and he told dh to come on over and get what he wanted; dbil has had ample opportunity. He will now tell dbil it is in outdoor storage room and dbil can have whatever he wants. I probably improved dgs's room about a tenth of a tenth of a percent, LOL. I don't think ddil will even notice. :P (I must add, however, ddil & dgs did a lot of PUPA in the living room & kitchen yesterday, and ddil said she vacuumed & mopped.)
:arrow: Cooked supper, ate, cleaned up kitchen, went out with dh for dessert (ice cream).
:arrow: Printed copies of minutes from retired teacher ladies group for those who don't do e-mail. Need to staple those and get my stuff together for tomorrow.

* WHEW * I feel very virtuous. ;)

* smiling * at all the warm fuzzies between Harriet's two older children...

Kathryn, I certainly hope you have a more restful night tonight!

LadyM, I have a friend whose extended family is huge like yours, and when they all get together for Christmas, they use church fellowship hall and everyone brings a dish. They do this a week or so before Christmas, I think, and then they have their own immediate family gatherings closer to the holidays. 20 people is do-able for a single family to host; 30... maybe. That's what's we have w/my ddad's side of the family... but 40, 50, 100... :o wow. I'm like Harriet; I'd be exhausting just THINKING about you shouldering all THAT!
I'm LOL at this:
I'm glad we were texting and not on the phone. I would have probably blurted out something along the lines of "H*LL NO.
:lol: :lol: :lol: This is probably why ddil prefers texting with me; it gives her time to compose herself!

Oh, (((Dee))) and (((Mr. Dee)))... I know what you're dealing with. I'm so glad you got a good report,
Dee, and I'm sending (((HUGS))) and prayers that Mr. Dee responds well to new routine with meds. DH here was taking M etolazone (sp?) until this last go-round. (I think he took a 1/2 pill every other day.) They took him off of it (and off Lasix) after the ablation and put him on two new meds.

DH here is actually feeling very well right now. That is why he HATES sooo much to go through with the heart cath. He is just sure it will cause him to feel bad again and he'll have to spend days recovering from the "setback" that results from it.

He does have some troubling symptoms (side effects from meds?) -- his feet are just peeling off in sheets. Not wet, runny blisters; hard callous-type skin that just peels off, and leaves his feet sore. Also, his nipples are very sore. :shock: Such a weird complaint from him, but apparently, his shirt rubs and bothers him. He has never had this problem before. I told the nurse about it and she said it COULD be a side effect of one of his meds, but she didn't think it would be b/c it is not one of the newer ones he's taking; it's one he's been on for several months with no complaints. So who knows? She said the doctor would look at his feet Thursday and see what he thought.

So, tomorrow is teachers' lunch meeting, refrigerator arrival, dh going for blood work @ local hospital, and ds/ddil/dh singing at nursing home (me keeping kids corralled.) I am sooo looking forward to the teachers' meeting, however. There are a couple of ladies there who I really enjoy talking with, and we are eating at one of the two new restaurants in town.
Tomorrow is another day.

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