Make Wednesday whatever it is you Need!

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Re: Make Wednesday whatever it is you Need!

Postby Harmony » Wed Nov 01, 2017 11:23 am

Blessed, what I see with people these days is that everybody seems angry. I've seen questions about this anger in several places recently and last week our Pastor mentioned it in his sermon. If the terror and the wars in the world would just go away we might all settle down.

I'm not sure what I need today. A quiet day, that's for sure. How to get that is the question.

DH managed to meet inspector at other job (not the bad one) and got a passed inspection. He was able to show him pictures in his little flip phone :shock: and it was all a-ok. SO good that happened, we sure needed some good news here.

I am knee-deep in a cut and paste project. Bank loan papers get printed off with a darkly highlighted column that is unreadable. I am remaking each page so I can read it all. :roll: Tedious.

Kathryn, thought of you last evening. Saw a picture of somewhere in Alaska: a moose had attacked a lady's mailbox and her Prius sitting in her driveway. They said it was typical rutting behavior in this season. The car was pretty smashed up!

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Re: Make Wednesday whatever it is you Need!

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Nov 01, 2017 11:52 am

And.... this is why I can't meditate.

I sat down to do it and the dang car repair place called AGAIN to tell me they can't get the tire off because they can't find the locking nut tool. Just 10 minutes prior, I told them exactly where it was (under the floor of the station wagon are 4 compartments and under that the spare tire.) But they've already emptied the station wagon section's compartments and they can't find it in the pile of junk they have strewn everywhere. So he called me again to tell me it isn't there. I literally said, "do not make me drive up there and find it for you."

These are the bright bulbs that phoned yesterday to ask how to take the parking brake off. It is nothing special, a floor pedal next to the brake pedal. Like every other automatic transmission Toyota and many, many other brands of cars. I'm getting close to the point of having my insurance company pull the contract and take us elsewhere.

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Re: Make Wednesday whatever it is you Need!

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Nov 01, 2017 1:43 pm

Found out why the temple secretary was making a mess of the facebook events for the temple. She was using her cell phone and couldn't see the entire line she was writing.... :roll: She says the rabbi wants her to do it, not a middle person.

OK meeting - I picked up some temple minutes to bring home and digitize to get myself out of there. Committee chair really couldn't articulate the "assignments" for the archival material that we just got, so others were frustrated.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Make Wednesday whatever it is you Need!

Postby Lilac » Wed Nov 01, 2017 2:27 pm

I am home and have just finished with a 20 minute ice pack. They were running way behind. It was 11:20 before they took me back. After 11:30 when he gave me the shots and then he started around noon. He was only able to remove the tooth. He put something on the bone to build it up before he does the implants. I go back in 4 weeks to have him check for how it has healed. Then he said we can determine an appt for the implants. I was disappointed not to do it all at once but I am just glad that jagged tooth is out of there. I have been dealing with it for over 6 weeks. The dentist said that more people complain about removing a tooth than they do the implants, so if that's true, I am good to go. Thank you for the thoughts and prayers. Kathryn, the soft, warm bubble was very comforting. We dropped off 2 RXs on the way home. One is for a narcotic and I will only use it if I have to.

Dh got a text from dd1 asking how I was doing and then she told him that dgd21 is planning to leave her boyfriend and move back home. I just hope she is sure and doesn't start moving home and back in with him. They have been living together for 1 1/2 years. I think she has only stayed this long because she loves his family, especially his parents and sister.

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Re: Make Wednesday whatever it is you Need!

Postby Lilac » Wed Nov 01, 2017 2:45 pm

Dh is on his way to pick up my RXs.

My dm had sent me a package that arrived before we left. It had a new top in it and a little sweater on a hanger Christmas ornament. Also a note that hoped it would cheer me up and make my dental experience better. She is a such a loving and thoughtful person.

My blood pressure was up. I am sure it was a combination of the dental surgery and the waiting to hear about the results of dgs11s MRI. But if it is up when I go see my dr. in December, I am going to talk about increasing my RX for high blood pressure, which is from the diabetes. Before that diagnosis, I always ran on the low side.

It is such a beautiful day outside but no walk for me this evening.

Glad I was smart enough to not wear makeup because the nurse washed my face from my nose, down to my upper neck. I bet I looked a sight. Sorry for TMI.

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Re: Make Wednesday whatever it is you Need!

Postby Elizabeth » Wed Nov 01, 2017 2:47 pm

Good afternoon everyone! I am doing a late check in, because I went to the foot doctor who drained a cyst and removed a suture from the surgery that was supposed to dissolve, but was being pushed out instead. Yesterday was homework with DD15 who has gotten a bad habit - instead of starting the homework, she reads goof-off stuff from the internet until dinner. Normally that does not take long, but last night I had to deliver a sample to the vet, so she lost a LOT of time. I have informed her that I am not wasting my data allowance on internet junk! I did get a little Halloween cleanup in the kitchen and did bills and budget. I realized today, there is one more bill I should schedule. The tacky tourist sunburn did come off and I did get a picture.

What I need is an anti-procrastination day. I will get that cat litter, remove Halloween from the yard and work on de-Halloweening the house. I need to practice my dance, but cannot for 48 hours. I CAN watch the videos and take notes though. I should finish crocheting a blanket square, send some emails, send some pictures, put stuff in the freezer, do that last B&B item, and set up and work on Christmas crafts, which will be due VERY soon!

lynlee: Those people who envision a carless society rely on other people living in high density urban housing, which most people HATE due to noisy neighbors, pet restrictions, lack of yard for kids and pets, and restrictions on painting and remodeling. Of course, those people only want THE REST OF US to live this way. They still expect to have their large house in the suburbs and the urban tax payers to fork out enough to send trains and buses directly to their McMansions. Don't know about Australia, but it would not go over in the US, where the majority of people want to be upwardly mobile enough to get OUT of high density housing!

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Re: Make Wednesday whatever it is you Need!

Postby Nancy » Wed Nov 01, 2017 2:59 pm

The boys were a no show.
I raked the yd for 15 min. In back.
I dropped off our mail in ballots.
Did a rock drop.
Store run done.

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Re: Make Wednesday whatever it is you Need!

Postby lucylee » Wed Nov 01, 2017 3:05 pm

Another day, another change in plans here. But this change was for the good!
We thought we'd have dgd all afternoon, while her mommy and daddy cleaned up her "big" Christmas gift from Santa. (DDIL bought a L ittle T ykes kitchen for FIVE DOLLARS from a friend. It really looks great, but needs a little clean up, b/c it had been outside -- probably in a playhouse or something.) Anyway -- after I was up, s2s, Bible reading done, etc -- ds called to say dgd was napping, and they could do this while she slept.
So -- quiet time here till around 5:00 or 5:30, when dgs arrives to spend the night.

Also hopeful that our A.M. plans for tomorrow will be changed. DDIL said that if our high school volleyball team wins today, there will be no school tomorrow for any of our schools, as they will be advancing in the state playoffs. So -- I'm suddenly very interested in volleyball, LOL! DGS will still spend the night, but there will be no early morning run to get him to school. Maybe we can all just sleep till they get home from the eye doctor.

Friday, I'll have to take him to school and have dgd all day -- at least that's The Plan at the moment. ;) DS will be out of town and ddil working. She is off today & tomorrow, and I think going to have a lot more time off in November & December. She is still PRN, with no benefits, which is a BIG negative, but it just occurred to me that God DOES know what He's doing. ;) If she had gotten the full-time position or even part-time w/benefits, then it would likely be much more difficult for her to take off for all dgd's medical appts. So... as usual... things do have a way of working themselves out.

(((Lilac))) Hope you're sleeping by now and have as little discomfort as possible from this dentist appt. DGD21 is not babyK's mother, is she? Hope that situation works out okay, too.

Kathryn -- the auto shop certainly sounds a bit incompetent, doesn't it? * sheesh *


More things to be thankful for:
I do not live in an area plagued by rutting moose.

Things to LOL about:
I first read that as: "a MOUSE had attacked a lady's mailbox and her Prius." ROFLOL... that would be a mouse from a horror movie!

Blessed, it does seem people on FB are always stirring up some kind of drama. So easy for people to hide behind their screens and feel invisible. (I do that here, but not in a mean way. I do that b/c I'm always embarrassing myself. Not creating drama, just talking too much about myself.)

Thinking of your dsis, and your dbro, (((LadyM))).

I have cards to do... plenty of tasks... but I am going to go finish my book. I'm reading "The Woman in Cabin 10." It has taken a sort of ludicrous turn, but I've got to see it through now, LOL.
Last edited by lucylee on Wed Nov 01, 2017 3:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Make Wednesday whatever it is you Need!

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Nov 01, 2017 3:41 pm

Lilac - glad to see your appt went okay.

LucyLee - Do you mean The Woman from Cabin 10? I am becoming a big fan of using so I looked for The Girl from Cabin 10 book but couldn't find it.

I enrolled DS9 into 4H. Crazy how much information they required just to enroll a child. His first 4H meeting is tomorrow after public school so I had to stick with it and get it done.

The new puppy got his shots and chipped. I went online and filled out the information for the microchip in case the puppy every gets lost.

Homeschool Day #80 is in the books. DS9 did well today.

DH and I made Beef & vegetable stew in a 22 quart roaster oven. It is filled to the top. This is the first time we have made such a big pot of stew. I hope it tastes as good as it smells and looks.
Last edited by LadyMaverick on Wed Nov 01, 2017 3:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Make Wednesday whatever it is you Need!

Postby lucylee » Wed Nov 01, 2017 3:45 pm

YES!!! Woman in Cabin 10 -- not girl. I had just noticed that.
Tomorrow is another day.

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