Make Wednesday whatever it is you Need!

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Re: Make Wednesday whatever it is you Need!

Postby lucylee » Wed Nov 01, 2017 3:47 pm

Corrected that title.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Make Wednesday whatever it is you Need!

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Nov 01, 2017 3:54 pm

The Halloween candy and cookies are winning the battle. My willpower ran away.
Chocolate Chip Cookies.
Oatmeal Cookies (bags of cookies homemade by aunt/uncle and Greats)
Twix bar (mini)
M&M's (Mini)

I'm going to insist that DS9 package up candy and cookies to take to church tonight and share with those who don't have any Halloween sweets.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Make Wednesday whatever it is you Need!

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Nov 01, 2017 4:10 pm

I know the battle is real d lady!!!

home again - I had the loveliest time with df and then went to lunch with d mom. I have been socializing a bunch and I have loved it but reality must set in. I hadn't planned on being out all day. It is 3:09 now - where does the time go.

all the halloween is on the counters and chairs - the outside decorations are in the garage again.

i am going to read how all of you are and will come back to say hello
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Make Wednesday whatever it is you Need!

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Nov 01, 2017 4:24 pm

oKAY. I had to empty some of the stew out of the roaster so it could be transported without spilling. I used some of my biggest pots to put the stew into and hopefully, it will all travel okay. We loaded all the food items into DH pickup. DH and DS9 have left for church to continue cooking for tonight. I'm staying here until DGD6 is finished with cheerleading lessons and then I'll go to church and help setup/serve the meal.

We finally made it to the top of the local pipefitters to-do list. We have been waiting for months. He is supposed to be here tomorrow or Friday to run gas lines and install a gas fireplace. FINALLY! The fireplace (fake logs) was a Christmas gift from last year. It has been sitting here waiting to be connected so we can use it. I need to do some prep for the pipefitters. Access to get underneath our house is a trap door in DS9 closet. That means all of the stuff in his closet must be removed. *POOF*
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Make Wednesday whatever it is you Need!

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Nov 01, 2017 4:35 pm

Very frustrated. I had emailed a county recorder in IL for a rural county where I need to do research - no answer. So I called today, and they are anything but cooperative! Can't search marriage records (from 150 years ago, no less), can't photograph a record, and they charge $2 per copy. Oy. So I think they want me to send them a list of what I need to look at, then show up to look at it.

I need to finish up a.m. routine here and do some things preparatory to the evening. I have last Tai Chi class tonight - until January if I decide to stay with it.

I am also having difficulty with Halloween candy, but only the Snickers.

-clear kitchen counters
-clear breakfast bar counter
-make the bed
-start a lol, fold the load from the dryer
-get the mail
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Make Wednesday whatever it is you Need!

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Nov 01, 2017 4:39 pm

d lady lol the moose! Your stew smells wonderful all the way over here! Good for your ds and 4H!

My mom's df had a problem with a bison one year. She had sliding glass doors throughout her house on both sides (you could literally see through one side to the other). For some reason a near sighted and bad tempered bison saw her walking through her house and charged the window and miraculously the glass didn't break. It followed her from one area to another hitting the house time and again. She finally had to lie on the floor because she was afraid of it pushing its way into the house. She sat there an hour and it finally roamed to another part of the area.

My d mom has been chased by a buck into her house (it jumped into her garden and thank goodness she was near her door and not in another part of her garden. it's that time of the year - rutting season! People here in the suburbs don't seem to understand that. lol they see Bambi and not realize that it's not a good idea to get close to the deer especially if they are pawing the ground with their hoofs.

I got a warning from a female doe two years ago - I didn't see the baby right away but knew to back away and go in the opposite direction. she didn't lower her head so I knew it was just a warning but it was a definite warning! lol I think I saw her smile when she saw me turned the other way.

D twins.. sorry secretary posting wrong information is still a problem. Eventually the rabbi will have to explain to her not to use her phone.
so frustrating that you can't get that information!!!

d lilac sending healing thoughts to you today!

d harmony I hope you get a nice quiet day. I am hoping people start seeing and being good examples; especially those who are leaders in the country and our communities. I was just shocked on how mean these individuals were about a complete stranger. I wonder how their grandchildren and children react when seeing such bullying behaviour.

d kathryn hope you had fun at the coffee shop meeting. so sorry about your car!

d lucy hope you have a lovely night with your grandson.

hello to all.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Make Wednesday whatever it is you Need!

Postby CathyS » Wed Nov 01, 2017 4:43 pm


The CD player is "fixed"... as in, it wasn't broken, just reminding us of it's age and how many thousands of songs it has provided us over the years. So, the music is on, and it's LOUD!! Right now, Meatloaf is playing.

I have "Old Faithful" by Peg Braken in the oven. Previously browned pork chops over a bed of rice with tomatoes, green peppers and onions over the top. Pour some chicken broth over that and sprinkle with thyme, salt and pepper and cover it with some foil. Stick it in the oven at 350 for an hour and supper is ready. I have been making this for many, many years. It's good if you continue to make it according to the original recipe. I have messed with it, and it's better to follow the recipe.

It's raining here and not warm at all.

Absolutely no kids here last night at all. I had some Holloween Kisses if I needed to give out anything. Between a closed road and no street lights and a long driveway in a very quiet area, we weren't expecting anyone to actually show up.

I got my B 12 shot this morning. I have an appointment for another one in a month.

Now Stevie Wonder is singing. I love the randomness of "All random".
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Re: Make Wednesday whatever it is you Need!

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Nov 01, 2017 5:11 pm

hi cathy!!! so glad your cd player is working! I can just imagine you dancing about with your music playing! hope you are having a great day.

I just heard from a sweet woman I used to know... how fun!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Make Wednesday whatever it is you Need!

Postby Harriet » Wed Nov 01, 2017 5:33 pm

I'm grateful on your behalf, too, Lilac, and hope he proves right about already being finished with the part that makes most people complain.

Dstepdil, dstepson and HRH are frustrated. They moved many things around in schedules because of promise of a visit - maybe - from dstepgd and new baby. That was supposed to be at 2:00 and it's way after 5:00. Sigh. I try to stay out of it. I don't know if she understands the phrase, "work schedule". Correction now - she texts she figures she'll just come Friday. Um... ... hope that works out for dstepdil, but HRH can't get away then.

A TEST - :shock: - happened to me re: keeping organized. Decades ago, my ddad was an honoree of a non-profit organization that honors one person at their banquet each year with a really nice, detailed lapel pin. The company that used to create the pins for them went out of business. Another company has been found, but requires a "model" to do the work soon, or the 2018 honoree won't get a pin in time. Committee member called, hoping against hope I could find Daddy's pin - her dh had misplaced his, as had others who were called, and the committee was beginning to despair. It's just that they were more and more embarrassed in front of each person they had to ask. I was able to find it immediately, and his pin would be so old there's no doubt it's an "original" to its design.

Truth be told, it was the only lapel pin he owned, and he never owned many lapels, lol. So it was by itself here in a bitsy furniture cubby rather than with jewelry. It wasn't until she asked about it that I rushed and put it into a plastic button-baggie and then into the best small jewelry giftbox I could find on short notice. She drove straight here upon hanging up the phone and went into tears when she saw it. We wrapped the box with a rubber band against any possible loss! I will be without it for as long as 6 months while it is on its important new mission. :)

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Postby Elizabeth » Wed Nov 01, 2017 5:47 pm

Upgrades to a report finished, tested, and uploaded. The reported discrepancies turned out to be a training issue with one of our warehouses, not a problem with the report. Now, I can get back to the contract numbers. Well, after I process the Medicaid enrollment cube.

The vet tells me that Tiki is due for her rabies vaccine and city license. She will not do the former on a cat with her health problems, so we cannot do the latter. Only a problem if she bites someone. In Home City, there is no legal provision for an animal who cannot get vaccinated. People are working on changing that, but we aren't there yet. Given her age, the city may well decide she is deceased.

My foot feels ok, but I will continue to take it easy. I will have someone carry the cat litter from the store for me. Not sure what I will do when I get home. If I could delay another day, I would!

lucylee's DGS's entire school gets a day off for volleyball?!?!?!?!? I guess it would be a whole week for football. YEESH!

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