Monday Memories of Fall Foliage

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Re: Monday Memories of Fall Foliage

Postby Elizabeth » Mon Nov 06, 2017 5:36 pm

<SIGH> Just realized I need to move the Effective date from the contract table to the contract/warehouse mapping table. That is going to be a colossal pain in the tailbone!

It's annual enrollment time for me too. The vet tech called and Geezer Kitty's stumbling could be a side effect of the meds she is on. So that is one worry off the list. She is going to talk to the vet about treatment/final options.

In answer to LadyMaverick's question of "what do people do without good insurance?" The answer is simple, they die. But only after accumulating massive debt. If I get something bad, I want to spend my last $$$ on vacation in Tahiti, not on futile treatments that make me miserable and deplete DD15's inheritance.

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Re: Monday Memories of Fall Foliage

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Nov 06, 2017 6:08 pm

ended up frustrated as my local quality hospital that we have always been apart of has pulled out of bc bs in our area so now we have to go to a different city and loose all of dh's dr.s. Having our own personal insurance stinks. It used to be wonderful, expensive but wonderful.
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Re: Monday Memories of Fall Foliage

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Nov 06, 2017 6:11 pm

ok - dogs are eating even though it is 4pm as they think its 5:00 lol - dh doesn't want to feed them until 5 the new time but they were starving.
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Re: Monday Memories of Fall Foliage

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Nov 06, 2017 6:33 pm

CathyS - If DH remembers his A1C # after his doc appointment then I consider it a successful report. I usually log into medical records and download his lab report or call doctor office and ask the nurse. I hope your DH pays more attention to diabetic findings than mine does.

Have you used office in a bag or version of it you set up your self. I am doing that today in a tote bag for now & would enjoy discussion about this. What to put in it stamps, journal, pens, etc. Thanks.

Nancy - I used to have a dedicated office-in-a-bag. Now I have narrowed down to a few office type items that I use and keep them in my regular backpack.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Monday Memories of Fall Foliage

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Nov 06, 2017 7:01 pm

heading out for about 1/2 hour.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Monday Memories of Fall Foliage

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Nov 06, 2017 8:37 pm

have a great night!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Monday Memories of Fall Foliage

Postby Nancy » Mon Nov 06, 2017 8:57 pm

Thanks LM for your response.

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Re: Monday Memories of Fall Foliage

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Nov 06, 2017 8:57 pm

Note to self: NEVER leave apartment without cell phone. I've been thinking about that lately due to the unreliable elevators. But they have emergency phones that work (don't ask me how I know!) so it would be more for something to do while waiting for rescue.

On the other hand, should you, for instance, arrive at the recycle room to the sound of pouring water, it is better if you don't have to get back up to 22, grab the house phone, go to the kitchen where the emergency numbers are, and call it in.

Now my cell phone has both the 24/hour "get me a super" number and the overnight security patroller's number in the address book. I just have to remember to always bring my phone with me!

Dinner is done. The excitement over the flooding is done. I think I'll work on the boxes of stuff in the van now, sorting it. And bring upstairs the dolly so I can load the van with some of the chairs.

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Re: Monday Memories of Fall Foliage

Postby helia » Mon Nov 06, 2017 9:56 pm

Hello friends! My ears must have been burning. I've been thinking of you all and popped by earlier today and saw that Harriet and blessed had mentioned me recently. I wonder about you all and what you're up to from time to time.

Life in helialand has been very busy this fall. It feels busier than usual but I'm not sure why. Dh is swamped at work, as usual. I had 3 trips away within 4 weeks, and maybe that was partially why I felt busy. We went to NYC to visit dd19. Two weeks later, I went to IL to visit my parents while dh was out of town on a work trip. Then, we took a long weekend 1.5 weeks later to attend our eldest nephew's wedding in London! That was a SUPER fun trip! All dh's siblings + spouses and their children were present. That group numbered 29 people, including the bride! However, the total number should actually be larger since our own 3 children were absent, and a baby nephew is due to arrive late this month. There were also 3 girlfriends/boyfriends present with various nieces and nephews not included in the count of 29. . . .And dh's father is too frail to make the trip over from the Netherlands. Dh has a very large and very warm family! Whenever I'm with them, I'm sad that we don't live closer. The wedding ceremony and the entire day were not only beautiful and loads of fun but also very meaningful, full of dnephew's and his bride's faith. Dh and I arrived Thurs. a.m. and returned home Monday afternoon, so we had a nice long weekend! We did a little sightseeing, some of it with various siblings + families. I visited the British Museum on my own that Friday as dh had an afternoon of meetings with a funding agency. BTW, the London tube is so clean. We were astonished! There is no comparison with the NY metro system which is filthy.

I also ran my half marathon! I didn't run the official one in Detroit b/c the weather that day was awful -- 70* at 7 a.m., high humidity, chance of rain, and winds of 20+ miles per hour! Instead, I ran my own the next morning. Dh did the same with his marathon. Anyhow, it's nice not to have the pressure of a training schedule and goals hanging over my head, though I'm still trying to keep up with some running for exercise, and hopefully I can do that through the winter as I did last year.

Anyhow, as for today. My main accomplishments were: jogging 4.5 miles, doing most of the a.m. routine (never made the bed), prepping for and going to payroll, prepping for and going to Hebrew class, dinner with dh + after dinner clean up.

We're going to skype with dd19 in about 30 minutes. I'm going to work on my book club book before then. I also need to fold and put away some laundry.

Take care of yourselves, dear SHEs!

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Re: Monday Memories of Fall Foliage

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Nov 06, 2017 11:07 pm

Nice to see you back, Helia!

I'm off to bed now.

I never got downstairs, emails came in. The move is coming together well, though and should be finished by 1 on Friday and again at 1 on Saturday. Nice that it won't be a full day each time.

The other team is driving me crazy. Person one is saying I have to have the bed ready having bought the new items she's picked out. And then saying that W & R will be staying with her mom so it is OK to have an internet installation appointment on the day they arrive (they'll have to nap.) Finally, I just wrote her back, pointing out the inconsistencies (if they aren't going to be at the apartment, why can't R pick out the sheets herself so she gets the colours she wants?) Plus I let her know my co-chair (the head of her team) has told me W & R are going to the apartment that day.

Which reminds me, I have another email to send.

Anyway, after I do that, I'll head off to bed.

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