Tackling Tuesday

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Tackling Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Nov 07, 2017 8:45 am

Go forth and tackle the day!

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Re: Tackling Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Nov 07, 2017 8:49 am

I've been awake since 5:15 and up since 6:40. Wasn't to bed early either. This is not good.

Tea and chocolate are consumed. Moving logistic emails sent (this is coming together incredibly smoothly!) Responded to comments on my facebook posts (about the plumbing flood downstairs last night, and one about finishing reading a book - facebook helpfully reminded me that the last book I finished reading was a year ago!)

I should get moving now. It is a shower day as opposed to a sponge bath day. And laundry for me (the broken pipe was the laundry drain stack for the building laundry rooms so I'm figuring they'll be not working today but my washer is on a different stack.)

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Re: Tackling Tuesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Nov 07, 2017 9:00 am

I woke up to a puppy licking my toes! His leash had come undone giving him the run of the house. Until he is totally house trained we put him on a leash at night to limit the accident area.

Today is a typical Tuesday for me with one extra activity.
8-12pm Homeschool
1-3pm DS9 speech appt in city
3-5pm DS9 putting flags on Veterans graves at local cemeteries
5-6pm WW meeting

B: Smoothies
L: Soup & Salads with chicken breast
D: Hamburgers with grilled onions. Chip & Dip
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Tackling Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Nov 07, 2017 9:19 am

how wonderful it was to see d helia on yesterdays evening post!!! Congratulations on a half marathon as well! So happy to see you!

good morning d lady! I love that your ds is putting flags on veterans graves -
Good morning d kathryn, thank you for starting us! I hope tonight you have a restful sleep

today: dh and I have to go to the laundry mat as our washer won't get fixed until the 14th :shock: :D :lol:

I am going to play - pick that card just to make the day interesting.

My card file is on the table ready to tackle.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Tackling Tuesday

Postby DeeClutter » Tue Nov 07, 2017 9:38 am

It was great to see Helia peeking in last evening! Hope to see more of you in coming weeks. Know how busy one can get!

I'm still in the throes of trying to decide on health care. I'm about to say the heck with it and just stay where we are. But that leaves us unable to see doctors here. If we stay with M V P I could see the primary care dr. here in January but not after that. Have to think on this. Almost thinking of getting an insurance broker but it's too late for this year.

I'm taking dh to meet dd at her school this afternoon. She has a Solar Bears game in Orlando tonight & dh has decided to go with her. I won't go as it would mean we would have to drive home well after dark. I'll drop him off and come back to Lakeland. We are going to a game with her Thursday morning -it's 'students day' and she arranged for the day off weeks ago. Game's at 10 or 10:30. Then we plan on a trip to nearby Ikea and have lunch there. I need to get a saucepan for home. Decided I've been looking for something that doesn't even exist. Especially after I got here and dd has the same set with no medium sized saucepan. :roll:

Need to get back to exercise. I'm feeling the lack thereof. So, think I'll go for at least a 2,500 steps this morning before it gets too warm.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Tackling Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Nov 07, 2017 10:54 am

We are having the same trouble d dee re insurance. Hope it all works out. We had an insurance broker years ago but know they don't do the network and since we were kicked off the insurance when the network came in - we don't have a leg to stand on so we had to leave the broker and now if can't get private insurance from a good company because dh had cancer, dd younger has a pain disorder.

d dee have a wonderful time with your dd on Thursday.

now for bathrooms
facing I don't wanna's but I missed this job last week.
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Re: Tackling Tuesday

Postby DeeClutter » Tue Nov 07, 2017 11:04 am

I'm in the process of cleaning out the refrigerator -always a 'must do' when we come down. Taking a short break to give my back a rest however and here I come.

Dh is busy taking things out to the recycling cart and the trash cart. Trash gets picked up on Wednesdays and recyclables on Thursdays. Have to learn the new routine. Had recycle bins -3 of them- when I left in the spring. Knew the roller carts were coming. Don't even bother breaking some things down -except large cardboard boxes- like we used to.

Have finally decided I must have left one bag up north -somewhere. Chances are it's in dd's MH. Will look when we get back up there in June. Although dh may find it when he returns the beginning of April. Have no idea what's in it other than my robe and the pillow shams that go with the quilt I brought down for our bed. Sooner or later I'll wonder "where is?"

DD and I are tentatively planning on going to Disney on Friday (she has the day off for Veteran's Day). I have not used my annual pass yet as it was soon after I renewed it that I had the heart attack in January.

Want to work on the health care item once we finish with the refrigerator.

You may well be right, blessed. We could most likely have trouble changing insurance plans because: I have diabetes type 2, Have had 2 heart attacks (one 23 years ago) resulting in quintuple bypass and 2 stents this time. Dh has had cancer (Hodgkins disease), a heart attack, replaced the aortic valve, has 10 stents, 2 knee replacements, rotator cuff surgery, congestive heart failure. I may just leave 'well enough alone' and contact a broker next year. That will probably mean I need to cancel my appointment with the cardiologist in January but my primary care dr. is 'good' through February of '18. I looked at BC/BS under our retiree plan but that too is an HMO/medicare. Doctors here won't take the HMO. So, like you, stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Tackling Tuesday

Postby Harmony » Tue Nov 07, 2017 11:12 am

Dee, could you call the drs. you want to use down here and ask their office what insurance they take? I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. You too, blessed.

I enjoyed reading Helia's post last night. Wow, a trip to London and we didn't even know!

I am feeling better but I am taking things slow. Got the kitchen caught up a bit and my desk.

I am doing better with the time change. I'm able to get up a little earlier comfortably. Heard something on the radio about it yesterday. Originally the time change was to save people energy costs, but further research has determined it doesn't really save anything. :roll:

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Re: Tackling Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Nov 07, 2017 11:26 am

Got a discount coupon to sign up for Headspace, the meditation app. It doesn't appear that I can use it because their website is awful and it can't be used through the app itself. As well, it seems to have broken my LastPass since the password for my account has been changed to DummyPassword and if I try to correct it, LastPass won't save the changes, saying an error occurred. Sigh...

I'm not totally on-board with paying $18 per month for the meditation app. The discount coupon get's me a year for about $100 so that's a decent savings except I have to pay upfront. Given that it took me over 20 days to get through the 10 day introduction pack, I'm not sure this is a good use of my money.

So much for my plan to meditate every day this month! Sorry Harriet, it is the 7th and I failed out the plan back on the 4th.

I'm s2s. I need to get going on things but am stuck in place.

Again, the apartment is too hot. It went down to 25* degrees and I slept with the window over half open all night but still the bedroom is over 74*. The thermostat is turned down as far as it goes but still I'm being heated out of my room. The rest of the apartment is a bit lower except for the office but I simply don't go into there to work. Still, it feels too hot to do anything.

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Re: Tackling Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Nov 07, 2017 11:32 am

powder room done - cleaned out under the sink as well
it's amazing what skipping a week will do - yucky
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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