Tackling Tuesday

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Re: Tackling Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Nov 07, 2017 2:39 pm

laundry room: :D
cleaned hoses that are visible
swiped the top of the washer/dryer
hand vacuumed floor
swiffer rinsed
vacuumed under storage shelves
swiped sink top
cleaned door handles
Managed clutter
changed out towels from each bathroom
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Tackling Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Nov 07, 2017 2:41 pm

d lady - how fun to come across a friend!

d nancy - I am sure those cupcakes are wonderful
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Tackling Tuesday

Postby BookSaver » Tue Nov 07, 2017 3:23 pm

I'm still adjusting to the time change. And the cold. Sometime this week I'll need to pull winter clothes out of storage.

Took over an hour this morning to plan meals for this month. I'll do a big grocery haul today to stock the pantry for winter.

Hmm, apparently I have winter on my mind ... maybe because last night at work the boss asked me to unpack and set up a wonderful Christmas village scene that a friend of hers donated to the library. All of the little buildings had snow on the roofs. We won't get out any of the other Christmas decorations yet because that is scheduled for after Thanksgiving. This donated set is so huge, though, that it didn't make any sense to carry it all down to basement storage for only a few weeks. In fact, we'll have to do some major rearranging of the storage area to make the village boxes fit in there after the holidays. Good thing that is Not My Problem to figure out.

Today's 6x6:
1) menu plan and grocery list (done)
2) finish sewing group financial reports & email
3) vote & other errands
4) fill the car with groceries
5) 2-3 loads laundry
6) kitchen declutter

Every time I see Elizabeth's "WTF" items I initially translate the abbreviation to What The F*** :shock: before I remember that she means Worst Thing First. :lol: Well, sometimes both phrases fit the job ...

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Re: Tackling Tuesday

Postby lucylee » Tue Nov 07, 2017 4:23 pm

I have not cuop yet, but I just had to tell y'all about how I tackled MONDAY.
(Unfortunately, the following list of ta-das means that today I have done N O T H I N G. (Except eat, which is worse than nothing, in my case.)

BUT -- YESTERDAY -- I was a serious dynamo.
I told y'all I was going to get back on track w/my cards, and I DID.
* s/s bathrooms, cleaned bathroom mirror, cleaned dh's shower
* changed sheets
* washed all our clothes and hung to dry
* dusted living areas and master bedroom/bath
* talked to dmom on phone... multiple times
* talked to ds/ddil on phone... multiple times... (Thanksgiving plans are all up in the air again.)
* texted w/dbro... multiple times...
* went to movie w/dh (LBJ -- we enjoyed it, although dh is not an LBJ fan.)

So today... nothing.

Thanksgiving plans are up in the air b/c ddil's parents are postponing their trip till the next week -- when dgd's MRI was rescheduled.
DH is still adamant that we ARE having Thanksgiving with HIS side of the family this year, even if his brother is a no-show.
DS & I think that is stupid -- if for some reason dbil & dniece cancel out on us, ds and I think we should attend my family's gathering, even though that is where we went last year. But it seems VERY important to dh that we keep up the tradition of alternating years his family/my family... even if his family only consists of ds/ddil/dgrands. :roll: I'm trying to just roll with it, b/c it is very depressing to dh that his family IS getting smaller every year, and I am praying dbil & dniece WILL be able to join us. I'll host it, since ddil will be hosting next week with her parents (a repeat Thanksgiving dinner, so I'm making a double batch of dressing & freezing half.)
:!: TA DA -- just sent dniece a text.

And guess what, ddil called to tell me she has changed her major. Again. She has decided she WILL apply for nursing school next fall. (This is the sort of thing that drives dh crazy... change change change... back and forth back and forth... Some people are just not built that way. DH and I both knew before we graduated from high school where our career paths would lie, and we stayed in that career, in the same building for 25 years in his case, 30 in mine. That is just not true for everyone.) DDIL said she originally thought that her perfect career would be as a nurse in a pediatrician's office, and she thought she dropped that idea b/c she was afraid of failing. She will have to re-take the ACT and a couple of classes, in order to get her GPA up, but her advisor today was very encouraging.
Who knows what's next?

I'm really in awe of myself, the way I am just stepping back and trying to say "Whatever" and just encouraging ddil in anything she says.

how can such a lovely man be such a slob or be so unaware.

There are not enough words for me to express how strongly I feel your pain and agree with this statement, blessed.

Waving to ALL!!!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Tackling Tuesday

Postby CathyS » Tue Nov 07, 2017 4:58 pm


I had a slow morning. This afternoon has made up for it. I swept most of the house. There were leaves in the kitchen and bits and pieces of wood in the living room from when dh did the fire on Sunday. We had a couple of tiny escapees from the fireplace. Seriously considering moving the coffee table books.

I prefer to refer to Elizabeth's WTF as "Worst Thing Fu...." and as I read it, I fade out on the F word, so it's more like Fuuuuuuuuu.....

Listening to a Pink! CD (Funhouse).
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Tackling Tuesday

Postby lucylee » Tue Nov 07, 2017 6:07 pm

Oh well... dbil HAS cancelled out on us, in deference to dniece's desire to be with her dmom and that side of her family. Dbil will join them.
DH now agrees, it IS silly for us not to join my family a second year in a row... so I've told dcousin to include us all in any planning.
It makes it so much easier for my dbro, who is getting his first Thanksgiving in Alabama in a long, LONG time... but dh is so sad. He just feels that all HIS birth family has abandoned him, by death, or by choice, in dbil's case... and I can't help him not feel that way... but I'm sad for him.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Tackling Tuesday

Postby BookSaver » Tue Nov 07, 2017 8:59 pm

Checking in.
Today's 6x6:
1) menu plan and grocery list (done)
2) finish sewing group financial reports & email
3) vote & other errands (done)
4) fill the car with groceries (done)
5) 2-3 loads laundry
6) kitchen declutter (done)

I found everything on my grocery shopping list, and then some.

The remaining 2 items on the 6x6 will be completed before I go to bed tonight.

UPS procedures are strange. Usually they will take our packages to the post office, even if the shipping address is to the house, and I am ok with that because packages are safer at the PO. However, one item in my current A-river order said it couldn't be delivered to our PO box, so I said to ship the entire order to our house. It was shipped in 2 boxes. Both were guaranteed to be delivered by 8PM tonight. One box was delivered to the house while I was gone. I assume the other is at the post office waiting for me to pick it up. :?

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Re: Tackling Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Nov 07, 2017 9:47 pm

hi d book! great job on your 6 x 6
that's odd re: UPS

hi d lucy (((for your dh - loss/and change in family is so hard))) Yes... you are a dynamo - especially yesterday - wow you got a lot done
There are not enough words for me to express how strongly I feel your pain and agree with this statement, blessed.
:D made me laugh - I am glad other people understand :D
It's wonderful that you are supporting your d dil
hi d cathy!

wishing you all a lovely night.

I went out with d mom, dd younger for dinner
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Tackling Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Nov 07, 2017 10:26 pm

I'm sick of being micro-managed by the person on the other refugee team.

We were out this afternoon shopping for things that weren't donated. Dh was driving, I picked up email as we were headed to IKEA and it included a message with exact product details for a king size duvet. Since I was going there to buy a queen size mattress and told her yesterday I have a duvet and cover (although the cover is not to my taste), I wrote back to confirm they wanted a king size duvet cover for the queen size duvet.

The response back? "Obviously it doesn't make sense to put a king size duvet cover on a queen size duvet. They should match, otherwise the cover will be too big."

Yeah, that would be my point. But she was expecting me to now buy a king size duvet. No way.

I found out that they have been having our church treasurer send them money for the start up expenses so now I have no idea how much of the start-up money has been spent. Grrrr.

I spent over $700 today and yesterday. They get a total start up of $4400. But that includes everything including moving costs (setting up an account with the electric company, installation of internet, internet modem, SIMs for their phones, computer hardward if they don't have their own.) Boots start at about $100 each, coats will be another $100+, warm clothing another $300 each so the money is fast going when we also have to take the last month's rent out of the start-up cost plus 2 weeks the apartment wasn't occupied by them ($500). I really wanted $2000 for clothing for them. Not sure we'll have that now.


Anyway we shopped until 6:30 and then picked up pizza on the way home. The van is a pile of stuff that needs organizing. Things like the duvet cover, come upstairs to be washed. I also bought some stuff for myself while I was out (a stool for dgs to use to get up on the toilet and some gel pens.)

So tomorrow morning I'll get organizing that and then do a run over to the apartment. I can't carry the mattress up by myself but everything else can come up in small loads.

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Re: Tackling Tuesday

Postby Nancy » Tue Nov 07, 2017 10:56 pm

Pay roll week for me beging on the a m .
I have been setting up a writing note book / planner of papers I pu ched out bc planners are not one page a day like I use. So hopefully this will work out.

H loved the (unfrosted) cup cakes. Had soup for dinner. Walked the dog. Getting my schedule resituated for regular time to do hen chores.

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