Wednesday's Wonders

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Re: Wednesday's Wonders

Postby Elizabeth » Wed Nov 08, 2017 2:55 pm

DPC success!!! Foster cat Vina will be receiving a visitor Saturday evening. She has no other cats. I really hope Vina behaves herself and does well, because she would much rather be an only cat.

Still working on contracts. Almost lunch time.

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Re: Wednesday's Wonders

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Nov 08, 2017 2:58 pm

Every time I see Elizabeth's "WTF" items I initially translate the abbreviation to What The F***  before I remember that she means Worst Thing First.   Well, sometimes both phrases fit the job ...

Soooo True!

Well it's better than a nervous breakdown!

I totally agree!
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Re: Wednesday's Wonders

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Nov 08, 2017 3:18 pm

Harriet: In Canada A-river has switched to Intelcom Express. They pay their drivers a pittance so it is in their best interest to do a fast delivery, not an accurate one. If a signature is required, they do the signing/forging. Then leave the parcel wherever (the unlocked part of an apartment lobby, on the floor outside my apartment (left a TV and computer outside my neighbour's door the other day), behind a car, on the front step.

The complaints are numerous all over the internet. Originally, A-river used established delivery companies and the USPS (Canada Post here) but now they use the companies that will make it the cheapest. I'm guessing companies that expanded to handle A-river will be going out of business soon unless there are enough complaints to A-river.

Complain the moment a delivery is late, complain about every delivery that is unacceptable (i.e. leaving items next to your mail box) and complain about every damaged items (people have posted security camera footage of parcels being tossed from the road in the general direction of a front step.) Complain about every time you are asked to pick up an item from their depot because they can't deliver to your address.

Complain, complain, complain.

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Re: Wednesday's Wonders

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Nov 08, 2017 3:25 pm

Lots of emails and texting flying around. I'm to the point of handing the job of home-prep for the next family over to the person who is driving me nuts. She's told me to return the duvet cover I bought last night because it isn't the nice one that R wanted. Tough. This person does not have the authority to rob R of the choice between the nicer duvet cover and an extra sweater to wear under her coat. And that is the sort of trade off that will be happening.

She also wants to fully stock the pantry. I've told her no. R wants to do this herself. R and W will have $540 dollars a month to live on. She needs to understand food prices so she can plan her meals appropriately and within budget. That $540 covers laundry ($7 per load), bus rides (almost $4 each way per person), electricity ($50 or more), cell phone charges and internet. As well as food, cleaning supplies, clothing, entertainment, etc. etc. They will have no money until they start working. And they can't start working for a few months, they have to get themselves oriented to Canada.

I seem to be unable to get this concept into the heads of the young people.

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Re: Wednesday's Wonders

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Nov 08, 2017 3:49 pm

so frustrated by this insurance stuff... d brother spoke to me like I was a child - he said I asked the same questions yesterday but didn't - mmmmmm :?
he and I spoke later and he thought i was saying something else...He probably was reacting because I was frustrated (not at him) at the situation. One thing I learned years ago, as a middle aged adult, was that I wasn't stupid.

My local hospital said it must be a mistake that they are not listed. waiting for accountant to call to see if dd younger can go on her own insurance if we don't claim her as a dependent still. I hope so as she can get the better insurance.

We might have an answer! dd younger hopefully can go on her own policy - keeping fingers crossed for PPO for her. hoping hoping hoping :D
I will have to stay on HMO insurance unfortunately bc dh's doctors are on there and he doesn't want to change
Last edited by blessedw2 on Wed Nov 08, 2017 4:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Wednesday's Wonders

Postby Nancy » Wed Nov 08, 2017 4:04 pm

Hens are out I fed em collected eggs and spiffed the coop. Had lunch did a bit more in my office had a qt did some planning actually at my desk. It id a gloomy day out.

Family thing is not going to be on tky Thurs. but that weekend. I have smaller things of some of our fav. Foods or that Thurs. I need to get peach pue filling for the next dump cake. We do just fine. Neighbors behind us celebrate early bc roads are too bad on the pass in Nov. That is their tradation. One year we went to the local cafe' that was having tky day menu. It was ok.

It is fine having h cook a smoked tky on the grill and watching football.

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Re: Wednesday's Wonders

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Nov 08, 2017 4:53 pm

hi d nancy.

I have a headache (I had been fighting all day but it finally decided to bother me)
I did wash the kitchen floor by hand after vacuuming it by hand
dishes from the day are washing themselves so I should be able to empty it before dinner

vacuumed by hand and regular the dining room.
managed clutter in dining room
vacuumed front hall and stairs and powder room
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Re: Wednesday's Wonders

Postby CathyS » Wed Nov 08, 2017 5:38 pm

I've been thinking about this so-called friend for a good part of the day, or so it seems. She reminds me of my ex. He lied a lot. He told me what it was okay to say to other people or not okay to say. I would get lectured as soon as we would be driving away from whomever that I had not told what dh told me to say. He was a lecture-er . He would go on and on and on for hours. Just pick, pick picking away at me. UGH. Neat freak friend called me and we had a bit of a talk which made me feel better.

Supper is roasted garlic mashed potatoes, cabbage fried with onions and bacon and meatloaf. I par boiled the cabbage before I put it in with the pre fried bacon and onions. It smells too good in here. Except for roasted garlic mashed potatoes, all recipes are from my favourite cookbook... the internet.

Cat has been fussing at me since 3:30 for her wet food. Meowing loudly and frequently is more like what she is actually doing... :lol:
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Re: Wednesday's Wonders

Postby DeeClutter » Wed Nov 08, 2017 6:13 pm

I thoroughly understand your frustration, blessed! We have simply decided to stay with what we had for this year. I may live to regret that decision, but it is what it is. We will investigate having an insurance broker next year to see if there's a better option for us. As it is I'll be able to see my Primary here in January. Hopefully that's all I'll need. Undoubtedly I won't be able to see my cardiologist here -unless I have a problem- and I'm sure hoping that's not the case. I have an appointment with both doctors in January so will probably have to cancel the cardiologist. I have 'permission' to see the Primary until February 2018 with my insurance up home. We had been advised to go with AARP U nited H ealth Care. But then our cardiologist office gave us a heads up that none of the major hospitals in Rochester will be taking that insurance. Since we use 3 of them, it definitely swayed our decision. This is according to a very strong rumor. And since the #1 hospital has already dropped them, no doubt the other 2 will as well in '18.

Just went for my walk. First day I've made it out. Was trying to get it in before the mosquitoes came a' calling. Right around 5/5:30 and on. I remember when dd had her hip replaced about this time several years ago. The Physical Therapist would follow her down the road waving a towel behind her trying to ward them off. She was a long time recuperating as her femur fractured during surgery.
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Re: Wednesday's Wonders

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Nov 08, 2017 7:22 pm

Got an upsetting email from the finance guy of the other refugee team, so had to go for a walk.

It said: "Just a reminder that no purchases should be done without my authorization." Then he asked that I send my receipts to him and he'll ask our church treasurer for the money back and then give me the money.


I've spent 60 minutes since the walk crafting the reply. "I'll remind you that according to our memorandum of understanding, last paragraph of page 2, "It is understood and agreed that all decisions regarding disbursement of funds from the Separate Account are under the full direction and control of the church."

Then I pointed to the national church guidelines and the Revenue Agency guidelines saying I needed to be in charge. What is at stake is the charitable status of our church.

I also pointed out I had asked him for a meeting in October but he said it wasn't necessary and that I had no idea he had set a budget because he hadn't told me about it.

So yes, I had spent money because, guess what, the church, in that same agreement is tasked with setting up the apartment and I'm also in charge of the money.

Then I pointed out the $800 of expenses his group has incurred that could have been avoided.

I'm fighting mad and the email is still sitting there, unsent. But I think I've got it ready to send.

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