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Postby DeeClutter » Tue Nov 14, 2017 8:07 am

In honor of dHarriet's and HRH's Anniversary -if you do aprons, today's the day. Happy Anniversary you two!
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Postby DeeClutter » Tue Nov 14, 2017 8:14 am

I've been awake since 4 and finally decided to hit it. But first I had to come here and check things out. Have women's meeting at church at 9:30. Have to show a friend how to operate the computer there after the meeting. She's taken over the church clerk's position (person who has been Clerk there forever has left the church -she and her dh are very unhappy with the present interim pastor I guess. These 2 have been members forever and it's been a blow for them to leave.) At any rate the new clerk has no clue about the church's computer. Hoping I can remember enough to show her. The secretary is away -at least I guess that's the present state.

After leaving church dh and I are going across the road and checking things out for me at P lanet F itness. Hoping they have at least similar equipment to what I've been using at rehab. Know for sure that I need to get back at it. My weight is creeping up and I can feel my fitness creeping down.

I've had my thyroid med and just waiting for time to take the remainder of my meds, get showered and dressed. Not sure if dh is going with me or not this morning. Dsonil has an appointment for an interview for part time work at L owe's tomorrow. They've taken a good attitude about his losing his job and are marching forward. One thing dd did last night was to go through the process of remortgaging the house which will allow them to pay everything else off and have a much lower payment. She just doesn't want dsonil to feel that he can then NOT work. Don't think that's the case.

Off to the showers>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Nov 14, 2017 8:55 am

I slept through until 5:50 this morning. So 7 solid hours of sleep and I do feel better.

My hip is absolutely killing me (each step is like a pinch and it is sore even when I am still in a lot of different positions.) I'm guessing I was so tired I slept through the discomfort.

Dh has promised me an early bed tonight (because we will be out of the apartment by 7:30 tomorrow to get to the airport.)

I have a long list of things to do today. I will put on an apron here and take one to the apartment.

Lynlee: re: your comment about having a place to lay their head. The bully has stressed over and over that the apartment must be ready by today. This was her reasoning for not waiting to buy a mattress or bedding and insisting on stocking the apartment with food. At the same time she also has insisted that W & R stay with her mother for at least tomorrow night. That contradiction and its ramifications has been a huge part of my frustration. Being told, over and over, "It can't wait until they arrive" and then when I ask that the internet installation not be tomorrow while they are recovering in their apartment being told "Oh, they won't be there, there will be at my mother's." has driven me nuts. The sky is not blue, it is green, unless it is blue and you just have to accept my statements as fact, without thinking.

As well, in this case we are in touch with the refugees directly and R has for the past 15 months insisted on buying her own food. Which is why we asked that people donate grocery gift cards instead of donating food as was our original plan. It makes sense R should feel this way and given the wastage I witness with my last family, I am pleased to support her with this. She needs to learn the cost of food, where items are sold and how to use price matching (since their store next door price matches.)

I will leave some biscuits, maybe some fruit, some pitas and tea and coffee in the apartment so if they do drop by for a visit, they will have something to snack on.

As my personal gift, I have to go buy some roses. Just one. I'm repotting some plants as well to take over.

Anyway, it will be a long day. Assuming the mess has been removed. If not, I have much less to do. I'll take my computer and work on clearing out my email in-box while I wait for the internet installation.

In the meantime, I still have chores to do here.

I think I want to get my hair henna'd today. I'll look back and see when it was last done. This is my last chance to spent that two hours and even so, if I start now, I'll just finish before it is time to go.

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Postby blessedw2 » Tue Nov 14, 2017 9:33 am

good morning! a quick hello!

yesterday I did errands and the rest of the day was a loss - I know it was sadness and shutting down... but today I feel so much better!

today we are having a lunch with d mom and relative as well as aunt. d mom wanted to do this before she left and did not want to go alone.

I was going to go to a special bakery an hour away to get food for one d sis in law as she is having surgery tomorrow and for a d friend who is gluten free but I really have to catch up after sitting from 4 on. I can go thursday when I am in that area.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby blessedw2 » Tue Nov 14, 2017 9:33 am

I am waving my apron today for mr and mrs HRH
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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Nov 14, 2017 9:39 am

Since my last post.

1. got the henna into my hair (have about 45 minutes left until I wash it out.)
2. Watered the plants and wound the clocks (Monday chores.)
3. Started a load of laundry.

Breakfast is ready so I'll do that now I'm blind without my glasses so even with the text size up as far as it will go on my larger monitor, all the text is fuzzy so I need to go find my tablet which I can hold inches from my face.

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Postby Lilac » Tue Nov 14, 2017 10:02 am


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Postby blessedw2 » Tue Nov 14, 2017 10:14 am

hello d dee, d kathryn, d lilac!

I am not sure how much I will be back but I wanted to wish you a wonderful day!

cards pulled
heading out at 11:45 am
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Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Nov 14, 2017 10:50 am

I saw this Thanksgiving spreadsheet because it was being made fun of. Really? Another proof that my mind thinks differently than most people. I have similar spreadsheets/cards/notes that layout holiday meals in detail down to what serving dishes to use. Although I never do it exactly like the spreadsheet/notes/cards say I always find it useful to be reminded of details. >>>shrugging shoulders...<<<<

Today is normal Tuesday activities with an addition of another medical appointment.

Thinking.....5 medical appointments last week. at least 5 medical appointments this week. This seems a bit crazy too much to me. But what medical appointment do I eliminate? All of them give positive results. So I'll just deal with the feeling of drowning in medical appointments and be thankful that we aren't fighting life-threatening diseases.

DBro update.....he returns today to get blood work and cat scan to see how the 2 chemo treatments has affected the cancer. He will get that report later this week. Overall, DBro is doing awesome. Did I tell ya'll he decided to return to "real life" after he got over the shock of the cancer diagnosis? When he first got the diagnosis he sold all of his cattle in prep of not being physically able to take care of them while taking chemo. After a couple of weeks he got his emotional feet back under him and experienced the first chemo treatment. It wasn't as bad as he expected so he decided to live life fully. He has always had cattle since he was a teenager, so he bought 130 calves so he could "have something to do". He sold 100 of them yesterday and is buying more today. I can't say enough good about DBro kids. They have really stepped up and taking excellent care of him. Two chemo treatments are done with 4 more until he achieves remission.....if everything goes as planned.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Postby blessedw2 » Tue Nov 14, 2017 11:00 am

oh my - when I saw that spread sheet it made me panic - lol (they left so many things to last minute cooking (corn casserole etc) but I am glad it works for someone else - yes we all think differently and that's what makes it fun and interesting

d lady your d brother family are a blessing most likely because your d brother has always been a blessing to them. I am happy to see he is thinking future and that he will continue doing what is important to him! A good thing!

kitchen dailies, living room dailies, family room, dining room, laundry room dailies done except for vacuuming the floors and swiffer rinse
worked on checking account (a bit each day) :D

going downstairs to work on christmas boxes - pulled out all but 4 boxes that I can't reach :D - I will ask dd younger to help me
I broke 3 of my village houses :shock: it's a thing not a person but still frustrating- I should have put it on the ground but I put it on the water softener and bumped it with my hip (and quite a hip it is)

I am considering decorating my house outside before d mom leaves on the 19th so she can enjoy Christmas in our area a bit.

It is supposed to be 50 here tomorrow - too warm but good weather for setting up lights and tying boxwood(for winter)
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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