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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Nov 14, 2017 9:11 pm

They've arrived in Montreal!

The other group's leader sent us an email when the plane landed. I just got that so texted W "Welcome to Canada" and he texted back Thank you. They are in immigration now but almost done. So they will be more rested when we see them tomorrow. I thought they wouldn't be out until about 10:30.

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Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Nov 14, 2017 9:14 pm

I called DMom on both of her phone (Home & cell) but she didn't answer either. So I went to her home to check on her and found her pushing the lawn mower to mulch the falling leaves. Argh! She thought pushing a lawnmower when it is almost dark was a good idea. >>>.shaking my head<<<< DMom is a force of nature.

DMom's vehicle is still not working right. A VDFriend is a mechanic that has been changing out parts looking for a fix. Now he is putting in a new fuel pump. DH talked to DFriend mechanic today to make sure the bill for Mom's vehicle will come to us.

WW meeting was surprising. I lost 2 lbs! That is a HUGE loss for me. I'm a turtle and typically lose v.e.r.y slowly.
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Postby DeeClutter » Tue Nov 14, 2017 9:54 pm

Thanks for the reminder, gals! I just ordered dh a 6.6# bag from A-river. It ended up being $3.80/pound. He'd found it at W egmans in Rochester for $4.99# so that's a good price and hopefully will last him a while. :roll: It should be here Thursday.
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Postby Nancy » Tue Nov 14, 2017 10:19 pm

Happy anniversary to Harriet & hubby!

I did some errands today, got a new mini happy planner, went to the knitting meeting, sun finally came out after the fog burned off, waljed the dog and then got half of the back yard raked up it looks better with the leaves cleaned up.

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Postby Harmony » Tue Nov 14, 2017 10:39 pm

Um..AllSorts licorice. Yeah. When I was 9 or 10 we went to the movie theater and I ate a whole box (theater size) of allsorts. Later that day I came down with the flu and threw up a bunch. I haven't been able to look at that candy ever since. It was not caused by that, just the association makes me nauseous! I can't do pepto bismol either, probably the same reason. I can do twizzlers, the red cherry licorice that really isn't licorice. Imagine that.

Dinner/meeting tonight was interesting. We were there about 8 minutes early and the tables were set and ready and 2 food tables set up. Ladies took my offerings and put them out with the others. We probably didn't get going to fill our plates till 6:15 and we were last in line because DH didn't want to stand in one spot a long time (I guess his ankles were hurting). We didn't start our meeting till 7:15 or so, just like I suspected.

LadyM, you have your crowd well trained to get it all done in half an hour!

But our meeting was pretty nice except we didn't have a quorum of members to vote. They will be having a senior's ministry for the first time in many years. Something for all oldsters for a change. We even have a small budget for it. The building they want (and we need) is a good idea except it's what we need now and will not leave space for what we'll need later. Our property is pretty built out, being in the middle of our town, and space is at a premium. And they're not sure about how to pay for it yet. So, we'll see what happens there.

Kathryn, that's a nice place, I hope they like it. I lived in a place smaller than that for 2 years but it was just the 2 of us. Is there a closet in the bedroom?

Ok, bedtime here!

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Nov 14, 2017 10:56 pm

Yes, there is, just 32" wide, though. And another one the same width but double deep in the front hall. There's a place for a second rod so you can hang off-season clothes behind. But no extra rod (easy fix.)

We went back with the food. It feels a little more homey with apples on the table (and 3 roses) and with food in the fridge and a package of Lebanese biscuits and another of pitas on the counter. Hope they get to see it before the roses die. I didn't have sugar to put in the water and they were half dead anyway. I bought a dozen for $10 but they are kept by the door. All that sub freezing air wasn't good for them so it was a pathetic bouquet. At home I manage to trim the remainders down so I have 9 roses on my table now.

I need to clean up the kitchen (there are rose petals and leaves, plus the trimmed stems and our dishes for the day all over the place.) And I have 2 loads of laundry to fold and put away. Then to bed.

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Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Nov 14, 2017 11:09 pm

I came back to the laptop and just ordered an electric knife from A-river. The knife should be delivered Thursday. If we don't have a bunch of volunteers show up tomorrow night to take a turkey or ham to cook, then we will be cooking (and slicing) non-stop until Sunday. We have 11 hams and turkeys still waiting for volunteers to cook.

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Postby Lilac » Tue Nov 14, 2017 11:52 pm

Kathryn, that apartment turned out great. I hope they appreciate it.

Harmony and Norma, you mentioned licorice making you sick. When dd2 was a baby, it was winter with snow on the ground. Dh was working the 4 to midnight shift. I wanted ice cream and didn't have any. So..... I decided to eat frozen C ool W hip. I ate the whole container and then is felt like it was swelling up in my stomach. I felt like I had eaten a bathtub full of C ool W hip. I was absolutely miserable and I have never eaten C ool W hip again as a substitute for ice cream. Truly learned my lesson on that.

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Postby Harriet » Wed Nov 15, 2017 12:26 am

Best food to benefit those with autism is broccoli sprouts. There's info on this at the Autism Speaks website, but more at NutritionFacts.org, in a 3-part series of videos just published in September that show all the citations, etc. First one in that series is named Fever Benefits for Autism in a Food and these would be on youtube too. The actual sprouts - not supplements. Pills and capsules have been tried but don't have any benefit.

I've thought so often of doing some sprouting in my own kitchen, but I just have so many projects already, and there's usually some kind of sprouts I can find in stores. Have to think about it. HRH tosses sprouts into his salads when we have them, so he'd probably love growing some.

blessed, could you use the around-the-neck kind of magnifying glass that rests on the chest for close work?

The apartment looks welcoming.

The book coming by USPS has had a tracking message for the last 3 days that says "arriving today". Sigh. Still nothing. Something got stuck in a loop.

I put the roses on the porch with lots of cardboard underneath the vase. Hopeful. Lowest it's supposed to get tonight is 35, maybe not that cold. I'd like for someone else to get to see them besides us, so maybe this will help them last. I took a photo.

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Postby Lynlee » Wed Nov 15, 2017 12:36 am

Happy Anniversary Harriet and HRH

Welcome to new arrivals in Canada.

Prayers for those sick or injured. and all those families and carers out there.
Just begin.
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Look for the good in all.

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