Anti-Procrastination Wednesday

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Anti-Procrastination Wednesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Nov 15, 2017 9:18 am

Declaring an anti-procrastination day here at my house! Are there tasks you've been putting off?
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Re: Anti-Procrastination Wednesday

Postby DeeClutter » Wed Nov 15, 2017 9:54 am

Oh yes, Twins, there are! I've been thinking about procrastination the last couple of days so a good title for me today.

First thing is to get the dishes done up. Then dh and I are going for pedicures and then to Wmart. I keep adding things to that list.

I need to put a time slot every day for anti-procrastination things. For me today it will be to sweep and mop the bathroom. It's been needing it ever since we got here nearly 2 weeks ago.

Tomorrow we're going to church at 1 when the locksmith comes to change the locks over and will be having new keys that cannot be duplicated.

Better get moving. No good procrastinating here.
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Re: Anti-Procrastination Wednesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Nov 15, 2017 11:05 am

today is off to a good start.
** DGD6 here, fed, hair and face done and delivered to school on time
** DS9 homeschool lessons started on time and is progressing well.

B: scrambled eggs, ham, hot mess, waffles, bagels, cottage cheese, OJ, white & chocolate milk (we had homemade version of buffet type breakfast)
L: Green Salad, tuna salad sandwiches with chips
D: Fried chicken, potato logs, and potluck

Today's schedule is
** Homeschool
** 3:00 pick up 10 turkeys from grocery store
** 3:45 pick up DGD6 from school
** 4:00 pick up 110 pieces of fried chicken and 110 potato logs (requires 34 miles of driving)
** 5:00ish arrive at church and prep for meal (another 20 miles of driving)

We need to pause homeschool and go to dollar store to get a protractor. DS9 math lessons are heavy in angles and having a protractor would really help in understanding.
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Re: Anti-Procrastination Wednesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Nov 15, 2017 11:06 am

And as usual, I'm sitting on my tuchas this morning. I had planned to walk with dfriend M this morning but forgot and wasn't ready. Told her to go on without me.

Dh has a meeting out tonight, the two of us have a meeting this afternoon about setting up some charitable $$ in trust - get a tax break now and donate as we want. Dh backed off on the tax shelter idea that I thought was abusive, thank goodness.

I'd say I need to get groceries, but I'm the only one who has written anything on grocery list, and it's mostly cleaning supplies. :shock: May push it off until tomorrow. (So here I am procrastinating again?) And the recycling truck rolled by early and I didn't have recycling out yet. Sometimes they come through twice, so I'll put it out and hope.

-take out recycling, hopefully....
-breakfast and meds
-kitchen clean up, breakfast bar clean up
-walk the dog

I had a zillion tabs open in my browser because of the research I did yesterday - I'd end up leaving something unfinished and going off on another tangent. So I've worked through most of those and closed them out.
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Re: Anti-Procrastination Wednesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Nov 15, 2017 11:17 am

Aside from housework, there is a very long list of items that have been put off over the last 2 weeks.

Although, to be fair, I wasn't procrastinating, I was prioritizing.

But, if I take today off and do nothing, that would be procrastination so I shall start in on the list!

The arrival went smoothly. Their flight was very late. When we left, I checked from the car and it was to be 10 minutes early. We arrived just on time for that but by that time it was 10 minutes late. Then 20, then we gave up looking!

The gates at our airport are on the second level and you take an escalator down to the arrivals hall where you also pick up your luggage (domestic only, there's different area if you are coming through immigration.) Since they were coming from Montreal, we were all at the bottom of the escalator with the welcome sign. Dh spotted W first. They had a cart for their carry-on bags and were trying to figure out what to do with it. Dh waved and they saw the sign. R immediately turned away and there was a long delay while she composed herself before coming down.

Lots of hugs and smiles.

Their baggage was overweight to the tune of $400 so the check-in person had given them a chit and sent them to the cashier. The cashier found out they were refugees arriving and tore up the chit!

Last night they took longer in immigration than they expected but when they were done there was a government representative who took them to get something to eat and then to a hotel. They were picked up and returned to the airport this morning. So, they have had a good introduction to Canada so far.

They are now off to the bully's mother's home for a light breakfast and then maybe a nap, either at the apartment (only a few minutes away) or at her home. We told them we'll see them when they want us to see them. For now, they need rest.

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Re: Anti-Procrastination Wednesday

Postby BookSaver » Wed Nov 15, 2017 11:36 am

Yesterday I got a jump on anti-procrastination day by taking the a/c unit out of the bedroom window. I'd waited a couple of weeks for DH to help do it. Yesterday I was having trouble getting anything else done, but I looked at the a/c and decided that I could do it by myself even if it would take a lot longer than with DH's help. I still have to walk around the thing in the room (need to figure out where to store it until summer), but now both the storm and the inside windows are closed so the bedroom will be warmer without drafts blowing through.

To balance that, in anti-anti-procrastination news I won't be going to get groceries until Friday. I planned to do it yesterday because I have a $5 coupon for Aldi, but luckily I reread the coupon before I left the house. It isn't any good until Friday the 17th.

That threw off all my plans for yesterday, so I stayed home and read a Christmas book instead. ;) I took care of the 3Ds but not much else.

Today I'm going to work in the kitchen, do laundry, and try to fit in some sewing.

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Re: Anti-Procrastination Wednesday

Postby Elizabeth » Wed Nov 15, 2017 12:06 pm

Welcome to the new friends in Canada! And good morning to everyone else. My anti-procrastination will be to schedule an appointment with the gastro doctor (refills not problems). The other priority tonight is, of course, dance practice. I did get the video transferred to the computer from the camera last night. I also did the landlord's open house, walking around and being seen, and in general contributing to positive landlord/tenant relations. They had sandwiches there, so I even got dinner. Once home, I called to schedule delivery of foster cat Vina to her new home and did some dance practice. Sunday evening, there will be only two cats in my house, a situation last seen in 1998. I did not have time to make a decent lunch, so it is frozen pot pie again. I did add a salad. Tomorrow will have a good lunch! Payroll is having the Thanksgiving potluck, so turkey, ham, and all relevant sides will be there. That means tonight I must make mashed potatoes and gravy. (I signed up for easy stuff).

I just learned that my Medicaid enrollment reports have about 600 hits per month, almost all external. It looks like the press uses them. Not a problem since it is all aggregate data. You can find out how many people of each ethnicity enrolled in a county, but not who they are. Even if a hacker were to access the underlying data, that cube has no identifying information.

At payroll, I will be continuing work on the inventory query. The users are finally beginning to understand things better. Sometimes how you present data is just as important as the data itself. Sounds awful, but it is true. I learned that in grad school. Even though I was presenting to a collection of professional physicists who should have known better, my presentations were judged higher because I could typeset rather than hand write my equations.

Kathryn's newcomer friends' apartment is awesome. I particularly like the cabinet under the TV, which I can easily imagine stained dark cherry and sitting in my living room.

Harriet had some really interesting info. However, I cannot imagine DD15 voluntarily consuming broccoli anything. Bummer.

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Re: Anti-Procrastination Wednesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Nov 15, 2017 12:31 pm

The cashier found out they were refugees arriving and tore up the chit!
I love this, Kathryn! And extending welcome to your new friends in Canada also. Lovely apartment, I hope they will be very happy there.

I still haven't s2s-ed but I did a great job on kitchen clean up (even polished up the sink!) and brushed my teeth before walking the dog. Beautiful cool day here - we walked 1/2 a mile. I'm trying to get her to pick up her pace a bit. She did want to chase a car, believe it or not. I was letting her walk off leash, and a car turned around in a driveway and came past us, and she did a little dance and took several hopping steps but I called out "NO!" very quickly. I'm so glad she's feeling well, but I explained that if she shows interest in cars, she will on leash forever.

This time:
-make bed
-start lol, fold load from dryer
-clean the stovetop
-straighten mbr - this includes unpacking my suitcase - definitely anti-procrastination material
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Re: Anti-Procrastination Wednesday

Postby Lilac » Wed Nov 15, 2017 12:46 pm

Today will hopefully be my last mow/mulching of leaves for the fall. The guy to the east has a huge cottonwood tree that has large leaves that are thick. After it finally loses it leaves and he takes care of the bulk of them, then I can mow/mulch what has landed in my yard. 2 years ago I didn't do the final mow/mulch until the Sunday before Thanksgiving. That is when I encountered a snake that I ended up killing because dh was in the shower.

Speaking of snakes, in the past we have talked of the sticky things that are put on the floor to catch mice. A FB friend of dh's showed a picture of one stuck to his dogs tail. So another classmate of theirs posted that her sister, who is a classmate of mine had found a live, large water moccasin trapped in one of the sticky things. So the male classmate asked if she had a picture and she immediately posted it. It had it's mouth wide open. He said he belongs to snake club and it was indeed a water moccasion. He was interested in where she lived to see if it was normal for that area. She lives in Missouri and yes the area is known for them. So he told the classmate that her sister should notify a certain animal group to safely remove the snake from the sticky paper. She said it wasn't necessary, her sister had no intention of saving it and it had been disposed of. She did say that her sister had a friend whose dog had gotten tangled up in the sticky paper. She was told by an animal expert to pour any kind of oil on the animal and sticky paper to safely remove it. So there you go, a tip that you hope you never need!

I better get to mowing.................

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Re: Anti-Procrastination Wednesday

Postby Nancy » Wed Nov 15, 2017 1:02 pm

I did 2 of three ap tasks.
Replaced lt bulb on the deck. Waited till day lite.
Swept kit halk traffic areas.
#3 tba...

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