Thursday's PWYC - It's Tomorrow!

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Re: Thursday's PWYC - It's Tomorrow!

Postby Harmony » Thu Nov 16, 2017 3:04 pm

Hello! Quite the news day. I've been half-listening to Lucylee's state news, and yesterday watched the hearing (Senate) was that yesterday or the day before? And now the trial which I don't understand at all.

DGS now has a steady girlfriend for the first time ever. I'm told she is a very nice girl. I've told him whatever else he does, to always treat her with respect. If only everybody would do that, there would be very little news to report.

Spent a couple hours trying to get the computer going again. I'm surprised I was successfully able to fix whatever was wrong.

Yesterday I wasn't feeling very energetic, I didn't even turn the computer on.

Today I am organizing, cleaning up spots all over the house. I'm in the middle of fixing up the big container I keep all my piano music in. Getting a lot of it off the piano so I can give that a good cleaning.

Finally heard from my family, and they will be here Thanksgiving, one family anyway and we will have some kind of meal at noon (I think) and they will go to visit DSiL's family at dinner time. I've been planning a menu in my head. Maybe a turkey breast and small ham and a few sides. Must consider the dairy free for DGS too.

I guess I'll get back to work here and will cross my fingers computer will continue to work and I'll be able to get back!

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Re: Thursday's PWYC - It's Tomorrow!

Postby CathyS » Thu Nov 16, 2017 3:56 pm


I have just returned from running an errand for dh and buying groceries for tonight's supper and possibly tomorrow night (if dh wants pizza at home). Tonight we are having braised pork ribs in a tomato and garlic sauce and this will be served over rotini pasta. (Rotini are short, small tubes. The opening is the size of a dime.)

Got the island cleared off this morning. I am constantly doing dishes.

Garbage and recycling dealt with for another week.
Dishes never stop.
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Re: Thursday's PWYC - It's Tomorrow!

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Nov 16, 2017 4:45 pm

I did a paperwork chore. So I'm down to 7 to-do items.

No idea what we're having for dinner. I really need to restart the meal-planning habit and calendar.

I need to nap for a bit too. The concert doesn't start until 8 p.m. That's the downside with concerts over plays, they start too close to my bedtime! This one is a showing of the film An American in Paris with the orchestra playing the soundtrack live.

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Re: Thursday's PWYC - It's Tomorrow!

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Nov 16, 2017 6:04 pm

I ended up working on my Pro Gen assignment then napping. Decided on a will to use for the assignment and a research question to address and started the analysis and research plan. It's good to get that moving.

Head cold is moving into full fledged territory.

I'm going to s2s before going out to the deal tonight. Will feel good perhaps to put on makeup.
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Re: Thursday's PWYC - It's Tomorrow!

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Nov 16, 2017 6:54 pm

Twins: my cold is still flirting around, teasing me that I might be able to beat it. I had two mugs of peppermint tea and a vitamin C. I think I'll go take more vitamin C and B now that I'm back up.

Napped for over an hour but kept waking myself up with my snoring. Dh said I snored all night last night, as well. But I didn't wake myself up with that.

I'm dressed for the concert now as well. We'll go out for supper before hand. Probably leave soon.

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Re: Thursday's PWYC - It's Tomorrow!

Postby Lynlee » Thu Nov 16, 2017 8:28 pm

Waving from Friday

We have Al news here too.
Yep there were .... inappropriate... old and not so old men aplenty 40 years ago, and many of us remember them. Twasn't right then, nor 40 years before that, nor now. Needing proof ? probable differences in he says she says, was a reason for nothing said then. I think the 'morality' of some was that anything they could get away with was right and fair game.....

Anyway. Needing to get on with my day. I'm fed and dressed.
Last edited by Lynlee on Fri Nov 17, 2017 7:47 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Thursday's PWYC - It's Tomorrow!

Postby Nancy » Thu Nov 16, 2017 8:35 pm

Only caught a sniptet of news the other Day, had tunes on this week mostly. Dinner is done 53* out so I did several rounds of yd wk.
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Re: Thursday's PWYC - It's Tomorrow!

Postby lucylee » Thu Nov 16, 2017 9:01 pm

Too much to reply to everyone -- as usual by the time I arrive each day -- but I HAVE been productive today. Ironing ironing ironing.
Also went to post office, bank, and CVS.
Talked to ddil and ds on phone. * Please see J&C.
Cooked supper (baked chicken/corn on the cob) and went to ice cream shop w/dh.
Bank again. ATM.
Post office again. Dropped off phone bill in outgoing mail.

Must finish ironing and wash dishes, and pack for tomorrow. All the family is going to college town, in spite of J&C concerns. DGS fully expected to return to school tomorrow; dgd experiencing no change in day to day happenings, just waiting on more labwork.

Very interesting to read all your input re: our state scandal.
As Kathryn said --
Yes, it was a long time ago and I would say uninvited touching and kissing were more the norm back then so I have trouble judging that behaviour as inappropriate and egregious then as I would if it occurred now.

Yes. You must remember that the candidate is approx my dmom's age. By the time dmom's class graduated from high school, I'd say quite a few of her friends (and herself, of course) were already married. He definitely grew up in a different world than the teens he apparently pursued in the 70s.
But again, that was a different world too -- as I am Exhibit One. True, dh kept his job in spite of all sorts of opportunities to use our relationship against him. People who knew just seemed to turn a blind eye and often thought how nice, we would make a good couple, I was such a nice girl for him, etc. ;) :lol:

Today, there have been recent headlines locally, just as all over the entire country, of teachers losing their jobs (at best) and being prosecuted in court (at worst) for the same offense.
Based on my own experience also, I really have some skepticism re: how much encouragement these young girls gave this candidate during those days.
Not that they may be older and wiser today, not that they might look back with regret if they are honest about it, and certainly not that HE was in the right in following up on whatever flirtations they may have thrown his way. I'm just saying. DH didn't seek me out and pursue me... he had plenty of encouragement and I'm just betting these girls were kinda flattered that the young, single, upcoming politician and man about town was looking their way. That may even go for the 14 year old, who apparently did not reveal her age until the situation had progressed further than she expected, perhaps.

So... yes... creepy? I don't know if I'd use that word, but I definitely would be raising an eyebrow if one of my students told me she was dating someone 10 years or more older than her! I'd be concerned about a 14-15 year old dating someone who was out of high school!
But the hypocrisy of it all drives me insane. As I think Kathryn also said, the media has to quit turning a blind eye to people like Bill Clinton and the Kennedys. I've about decided there is no one trustworthy in any sort of politics.

Of course, being ultra-conservative myself, I had no problems w/this candidate's beliefs otherwise... but I don't want you all to think we're down here in Alabama keeping our women barefoot and pregnant, marrying at 14 and spending our days shooting at some food, Jed Clampett style. ;) Thirty year old men in my town at least, do NOT date teenage girls as a general rule. I cannot think of the last time I heard of such. (DH was 28 when I married him; I was 18.)

And as LadyM said, how do you prove something is NOT true after 40 years??? Very disturbing that in the court of public opinion, anyone can say anything and ruin someone's life, with no evidence at all, it seems.

My mother DID have a friend who dated briefly a 33-35 year old, when her friend was less than 16 -- b/c this was before dmom married.
I asked dmom, "What did her parents say???"
Dmom said, "Well, I don't know WHAT they said, but I know what MINE said. My daddy told me if he ever saw ME riding around in a convertible w/(man's name), that would be the END of my social activity for a very long time."
(I don't think my grandparents realized my ddad was almost 6 years older than dmom until quite some time after the wedding.)
Last edited by lucylee on Thu Nov 16, 2017 11:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Thursday's PWYC - It's Tomorrow!

Postby Harmony » Thu Nov 16, 2017 9:37 pm

Let's see if I can post. Computer definitely needs to go to its doctor. I'm so tired of this.

I did read J&C but everything was locked up and I couldn't post.

Was trying to get some cleaning done around here. Dragged out the big vacuum and got the area rugs good and a couple rooms. I've wasted so much time sitting here in front of this limping computer, its hard to get anything else done.

Heard from DD today. Her inlaws are having their Thanksgiving dinner at 2:00. That makes it odd to have it later here and it makes it odd to have it earlier. So I'm feeling quite like we're nothing but a bed and breakfast. The truth is, if we didn't live close to inlaws they wouldn't even be coming to visit. They will get here late Wed night and go to bed, sleep in Thursday and spend all afternoon and up into the evening at inlaws and they will leave Fri morning. It's a lot of prep work for this little bit of time.

And kinda ruins our being able to go out to dneice's too. For a couple reasons I'm beginning to hate the holidays.

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Re: Thursday's PWYC - It's Tomorrow!

Postby lucylee » Thu Nov 16, 2017 11:48 pm

Oh -- forgot to say War Eagle back to you, Elizabeth!!!!
I am so excited about this year's game. Last year, I would not have given you a dime for our chances, nor the year before, when I actually gave away my ticket so one of ds's friends could go to his first Iron Bowl. This year -- I'm not saying we'll win; anything can happen -- but I certainly think we have a better chance than I would have said at the beginning of the season.

But first, we have to play this week's game, of course. Both our team and that Other Team ;) will be playing what anyone would call "lesser opponents" this weekend, so unless something really really unusual happens, both teams just have to worry about avoiding injuries. I don't know if I will go to this game or if ddil will go, but we'll all be making the trip.

If you read J&C, there is still no word re: my dfriend's husband. It's been over 48 hours now. So scary...

I needed to vacuum this week, but it was one of those procrastination things, I guess.

I hope your computer problems are solved soon, Kathryn. Nothing is more aggravating.

Kathryn --- how far away from you does your dd live? I thought she was right in the same town. Now I'm lost. IKWYM though -- dh is often saying we are only babysitters and are expected to be on call 24-7. But that is only when he is feeling put upon. I know it is mainly b/c ds & ddil just have a lot going on, with their varying work schedules and her class schedules and HIS class (teaching guitar, etc) schedules. I know they need some down time on their own.

The concert sounds so neat, btw!

Snoring -- LOL -- dh said the other night I only snored when he got up to use the bathroom. Then when he got back in bed, I stopped. I told him maybe he is slowly training me not to snore in his presence b/c my subconscious knows if I do, he will pat my arm to try to make me stop, and that wakes me up. I use Breathe Right strips, but sometimes they don't work, and I sleep on a big pile of pillows. I just have too much allergy trouble to be able to breathe through my nose.

DGS now has a steady girlfriend for the first time ever. I'm told she is a very nice girl. I've told him whatever else he does, to always treat her with respect. If only everybody would do that, there would be very little news to report.

Yes, Harmony. That is exactly right. Dmom and I were talking about this some more, of course. In the 60s, dmom agrees w/my impression that most young men thought they were supposed to "try" and it was the girl's job to stop them. That has changed so drastically, thank goodness, and young men today have it drilled into them from birth practically that NO means NO, and the idea of respect goes along with that. Boys my son's age were raised entirely differently than their grandfathers.
OTOH, dmom says her impression is that young women today are just as aggressive sexually as young men, and everyone is just sleeping with everyone, or trying to. Sadly, that does seem to be the picture modern movies/etc paint for us.

Well, I am finished with the ironing, and talked to dmom about 90 minutes in the meantime. However, it seems the dishes did NOT wash themselves while I was out of the room... and my clothes did NOT jump into the garment bag, either. So I must go get some more stuff done.
Tomorrow is another day.

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