Health and Fitness, November 2017

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2017

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Nov 17, 2017 2:28 pm

I am officially OVERWHELMED.

Eliminating food dye is HUGE undertaking. It is MUCH BIGGER project than I expected. It seems like there is dye in everything.

We started by tossing food with dye but then I realized it would mean throwing half of our panty away. That seemed unacceptable so I stopped. If I get rid of a large majority of our food, then what are we going to eat?

I need a different plan.

I am now leaning toward a slow & steady campaign to remove food dye from our home. If I do it by categories of food then maybe it won't be so overwhelming? And as food is removed to also find non-dye options to replace it.

Breakfast food..... this morning I checked
** Strawberry Jam has no food dye
** Eggs - none
** Ham - none. I did find a statement on gov website saying chicken & pork are not allowed to have food dye.
** Milk - none
** Orange Juice - has food dye
** Canned cinnamon rolls - yes. I would have never guessed they put red food dye in cinnamon rolls!
So breakfast this morning had 2 out of 6 ingredients with food dye. I'm going to look at other brands of OJ and surely someone makes it without food dye. The canned cinnamon rolls are a very rare occurrence here. I can make them from scratch without a problem.

I fixed the kids peanut butter & jelly sandwiches for lunch.
I knew the strawberry jam was okay. But honestly, I was too overwhelmed to look at the peanut butter. If it did contain food dye, I didn't have a backup plan to feed them. I choose to "stick my head in the sand" and pretend ignorance is I spread the peanut butter onto the slices of bread that I also was too overwhelmed to check for food dye in the ingredients.

I have no idea how to handle the amount of food dye we eat outside of our home. This morning a DFriend sent us a platter of french toast she made that had been baked in lots of syrupy sweet until they were caramelized. The food looked absolutely enticing. I thanked her for her generosity but the only thing running through my mind was....I wonder how much food dye each of the ingredients contained?
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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2017

Postby ellyphant » Fri Nov 17, 2017 2:48 pm

I'm still walking here. After 17 days, I have almost gotten in the habit! The fresh air is a good thing! Someone asked if I was losing weight. Not trying to, but I'll take it if that happens.
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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2017

Postby Lynlee » Sat Nov 18, 2017 12:15 am

LadyM ... s-to-avoid
The top line are the 'colour' additives to avoid. Since I was doing this in the early 80's some of the colourings have been found to be not as bad as others, though nothing is one size fits all, as not everyone reacts the same to everything.
I'm sure I've seen that list in American speak, not sure where.
Everyone does have a limit of colours and flavours, but the amount they can eat before they react or feel ill, varies.
If everything in your pantry has colours/dyes in them, its more likely there is an overload.
If you go back to natural ingredients, that's a good place to start.

This really is a change of diet to anticipate - so there are alternatives in the house - and then propose as a trial for - 3-4 weeks to see what happens. Bear in mind that withdrawals sometimes happen, which is a sign there is really a problem. Yes we can get addicted to things that harm us. and food manufacturers know it and add them in aplenty. If its more-ish, read the ingredients again..

BTW excess broccoli has been found by some to cause real aggravation of arthritis. (naturally high in msg)
and food intolerances muck up blood sugar stability too.

I've been walking most days, more often the 3k route. pushups are the window sill variety.
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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2017

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Nov 18, 2017 11:32 am

LadyM: substitute an orange instead of juice. That gets some vitamin C, but also fibre and eliminates the dye. Add water to drink at breakfast. I'd suggest soaking some peel in warm water to make a warm, flavoured drink but that requires more research about the transfer of farming chemicals from the peel to your drink. Perhaps soaking the leftover pulp from the previous day's orange in the warm water so the outside of the orange isn't used.

In Canada, all juices, along with all alternative 'milk' (fortified soy being the only exception) fall in the same category as soda and other sweetened drinks. Empty sugar calories, minimal nutrition.

Ds isn't given juice at all. Most parents I know only allow juice in a 3:1 or 2:1 (water to juice) ratio. I drink it 3:1 now because anything more than that is too sweet.

We have to have calories on the menu boards at restaurants now and yesterday, I noted a large French Vanilla Cappuccino had 20 more calories than my chili. There's food for thought about empty calories!

Edited to add: I only drink juice when I'm offered it by a host because I don't drink alcohol. Even then, they seem shocked that I cut it so dramatically with water.

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2017

Postby Harriet » Sun Nov 19, 2017 1:34 am

As I had been reading LadyM's posts I was thinking that Lynlee might be knowledgeable about dyes. Sure enough, she is.

I think it's wonderful that ds and the doctor "clicked". She does sound like a person who is really reading their medical literature.

We buy unsweetened nut milks. A lot of them display the calories very large and readable, and you can see right in front of you the big jump in calories when you go from unsweetened at 25 or 30 up to sweetened at 60 to 80. I appreciate that because there have been times I was reaching for the wrong one and the numeral was what made me notice a difference. Soy would be fine - HRH just got used to almond.

That's great you're getting into the habit and the fresh air, ellyphant.

I finished up the week on track to my own November challenge with
Mon - floor workout
Wed - Total workout
Fri - Torso workout
so Wed and Fri were just like last week, which is good, I think. The total one works on everything at the usual tempo taking enough time, with the form reminders, so then Torso has a tendency to go well even though it's fast and furious. I did get a little winded yesterday.

Knees are happier. I had been surprised at the first of the month that I hadn't felt they were flexible as usual, but it's fine now. So I don't know if I was imagining it (overreacting? reacting to cold?) or if there's improvement in something that really was starting up with them.

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2017

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Nov 19, 2017 9:45 am

Nodding along on the fruit juices - I have been eliminating sugar and whole fruit is so much better for us. Even without added dye or sugar OJ is concentrated and too sweet for me.

Weight is back to where I was before long FL trip. I am at least holding my own, and T-giving is just one day so I should be fine.

Must somehow start real exercise....strolling the dog around the block twice a day doesn't qualify.
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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2017

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Nov 20, 2017 9:01 am

Harriet: what purpose does the nut milk serve for you? (Not a snarky question, I'm just wondering what purpose it fulfills.) The warning here is that parents are substituting nut milk for cow's milk and losing the protein benefits of cow's milk. In Canada parents were counting this as the dairy in a diet and it doesn't meet the requirements to do so.

When I couldn't have cow's milk (made ds sick while I was nursing), I ended up just eating my cereal dry because nut milks hadn't been invented yet (nor had soy) and I didn't like OJ on it.

I'm glad I didn't have the soy milk because of the relationship with breast cancer. Given my sister was fighting it at the time, I nursed ds much longer than normal as additional protection against it.

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2017

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Nov 20, 2017 10:58 am

I'm having failure after failure but I'm not quitting. Quitting is not an option.

I have ordered the custom orthopedic devices the chiropractor recommends. I am hopeful they will eliminate the foot pain. I am having success with the OTC shoe inserts (Dr Scholls) so am hopeful that surgery is not necessary.

I am using a different app to log food this week. I really like this one. I'm sorta laughing at myself because I LOVE NEW TECHIE STUFF. Give me a new software to learn and I'm all in. This week I'm using Track by Nutritionix. (free). It has options that other apps don't. I reeeeaaally like that I can do speak to text with it. I can say "I had eggs and bacon for breakfast" and it will log it. Or I can just do a picture to log food eaten.
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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2017

Postby Nancy » Mon Nov 20, 2017 2:28 pm

I have been out getting leaves raked up in the front yd. Counting part of the exercise for today. Did 2 - 15 min. sessions.

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2017

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Nov 20, 2017 3:17 pm

Nancy - BWTG! I'm using the push mower bagger to collect leaves and to knock down the mountains of them along the fence line. Since I only have neighbors on one side of me, the leaves get directed toward the country. They will be a natural compost in the pastures and don't bother anyone as they pile up.

Please excuse my techie excitement but I am STOKED! I just discovered that Track software not only connects to Fitbit but it also connects to Alexa!! And everything is free! Connecting Alexa to a food tracker is a totally new experience for me and I'm extremely hopeful it is as wonderful as I think it will be. As I was cooking lunch I was also talking to Alexa to log my food and receiving feedback on nutritional value. Alexa - tell food tracker that I ate summer squash, onions, butter, rotel and turkey. Alexa responded with the nutritional value of each ingredient and my total calorie count for the day. :geek: :ugeek:
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