Try it! Tuesday

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Re: Try it! Tuesday

Postby Lynlee » Tue Nov 21, 2017 7:26 pm

Try it Wednesday
start washing despite the clouds
cooking a big pot of breakfast seeds and ginger - at least 4 days worth
chopped the ginger
rang for car service - :? Monday. My fault for putting that phone call off. I still don't like it.
hung out washing. undercover. brought in a few things on hangers when it started spitting. rain is now.
time for breakfast.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Try it! Tuesday

Postby lucylee » Tue Nov 21, 2017 8:20 pm

Haven't had much chance to post today -- but I did want to tell Elizabeth --the cluttered, full of boxes study is in DS's house. So see, it really ISN'T my circus. All HIS. And ddil's. At least, 3/5 of it is his. We deed a fifth of it to them each year to avoid gift taxes. So... I'd look like a pretty overbearing mil for sure if I went over there and said, "Okay, I'm cleaning up my 2/5 of this place. Y'all can live like slobs in the other 3/5 if you want to." :p
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Try it! Tuesday

Postby Nancy » Tue Nov 21, 2017 9:05 pm

Ll - U are funny!

I did not get a turkey bre a st h forgot as well. I told him if he wants he can cook the turkey roll roast in the oven or smoke it either one. I have to thaw some stuff and do up the first part of the jello. I will make stove top and no we are not doing mashed potatoes. Two store did not have crock pot foil liners.

It is raining, we will have wind and rain this week I hope it gets the rest of the leaves down. The neighbors have had repair truck there the last two days I suspect furnace repairs.

I got the sheets back on the bed.
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Nov 21, 2017 9:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Try it! Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Nov 21, 2017 9:10 pm

hi d lucy lol re: the circus! "all his and ddil"

hi d lynn - hope you have a good day!

hi d nancy!

good night all!

I did vacuum and hand wash kitchen floor - I honestly didn't think I would do it but I did
I also washed all the bottoms of the doors in kitchen and trim at bottom of doors (dogs can really make the bottom messy)
dinner is done - I will make a plate for dh so that I can rinse things to put in the dishwasher
load of laundry are in the dryer
I also went to bank today - gosh it kills me to withdraw money for the holidays but it's better than putting it on the card.
dh got gas for my car for Friday

I know I should do the rest of the dailies but I think I will wait until tomorrow

Now to write down what I spent today in book.

cook in the morning where I can
cut veggies for tomorrow mornings dishes
finish shirt for thanksgiving
wash laundry for thursday
really clean out car for Friday
hopefully pick up dd younger from airport at 3 pm
I may "may" put up some christmas lights if I have time
since I missed the non kitchen dailies I have to do it today.

i did not clean the bathrooms today. No time.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Try it! Tuesday

Postby cats » Tue Nov 21, 2017 9:49 pm

Nancy I use pan spray on the crockpot it works great and clean up is very easy. Learned that trick when I ran out of liners

have a good one

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Re: Try it! Tuesday

Postby Ramblinrose » Tue Nov 21, 2017 10:37 pm

Nancy.... I’ve always used Pam spray too and never had a problem either. I spray the top part too, and even if I put the inner pot in the fridge over night with food, clean up is a snap the next day. Just st fill the empty pot with hot water and soap, let it sit for a minute or two and it wipes out clean.
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Re: Try it! Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Nov 21, 2017 10:41 pm

I've never heard of crock pot liners. I spray my crockpot with spray oil as well. It works incredibly well.

Dh sprays everything he cooks on, and cleanup has become so easy. I forgot to spray the silicon liner I used for my dinner tonight so it is soaking overnight.

I'm feeling really sick now so will head to bed. Tomorrow I've got an echocardiogram in the morning so will have to get moving.

I feel like I wasted today. But my head is thick and I have a wicked headache.

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Re: Try it! Tuesday

Postby Nancy » Wed Nov 22, 2017 12:15 am

I wanted to lift the cake out of the crock pot in one piece. I have used cooking spray.

I got the turkey sausage out if the freezer for the stuffing. I almost forgot about it.

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Re: Try it! Tuesday

Postby BookSaver » Wed Nov 22, 2017 12:40 am

I was not able to find 2 of the ingredients at Sam's for a new candy recipe I want to try. It needs white almond bark, macadamia nuts, and dried cranberries. I got everything else on my list, though, and didn't feel like dealing with shopping crowds anywhere else. I'll try the candy next month for the family Christmas party. I already have the dried cranberries. I know WM usually has almond bark this season, but I'm not sure who will have the macadamia nuts.

Sewing group newsletter editor sent the 1st draft of the December issue for me to proofread. :| I was not expecting it until after the holiday weekend, but I made time to look at it tonight. Assuming she can make corrections tomorrow ... I had not wanted to drive to TheBigCity at all this weekend, but I suppose it won't be too bad if the only place I go is to the printer on Saturday or Sunday. As long as I can stay home Friday, it will be ok.

This will be the last newsletter issue that I'll be responsible for printing, processing, and mailing the hard copies. Those tasks are easy to do but they take a lot of time. I have offered to continue proofreading since I enjoy that part and it's a relatively quick job.

Tomorrow I work 3 to 8:30 to make up some of the hours I'll lose on Thursday because I don't get holiday pay. Before I go to work, I need to clear out my car to get ready to travel Thursday, and I want to take all the trash from the house to the bins in the shed. It will be too dark after work to do either of those things.

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Re: Try it! Tuesday

Postby Harriet » Wed Nov 22, 2017 2:25 am

Some things can be lifted out of crockpots or other deep cookers by using folded strips of aluminum foil, set crossways to each other underneath, before cooking. Lift from the ends of the foil.

It's been a tough day. Setting up the tree with my friend was nice, actually, and we made the old raggedy artificial tree look pretty good if I do say so. HRH dropped in after a meeting to say hi, and complemented it greatly - he was amazed we got it looking so full. We bought $10 worth of pecans from the women's ministries long-time ongoing fundraiser - friend is the "salesperson". Hearing news from church in general was a downer that dampened our enjoyment. That is probably one reason I find myself up at this hour.

dd19 caught a ride home from school with another student. She pointedly asked HRH and I to go out this evening and all grocery shop together. Seems we've not done that in "forever", she believes. So on a whim we did, with HRH saying maybe Tues evening was a good time to avoid crowds.

Halfway through, I started feeling ill with a dry scratchy throat and a couple times felt faint, leaning against things. Of course our minds went to the hours I spent with toddlerC, who had had her antibiotic for her ear infection but only just. They sent me to the Sub Way sandwich shop and kept shopping themselves, picking me up later. I had a small veggie sandwich and just sat and regrouped. Whatever it was seemed to pass over me and (should I knock on wood?) be fought off. I certainly hope so. Back here I've had extra garlic and vit D.

It looks like we may only have 19 children for Angel Tree even though we asked for 30. A series of odd situations. A call back from ATree themselves today confirmed 3 names were given to us in error.

LadyM, the air fryer is a hit. Just fries and toasting of "brown and serve" type rolls so far. Dd19 and HRH have enjoyed it quite a bit, though. HRH is concerned that it says to set it on a heat-proof surface - we had assumed we'd just set it on the counter, which is laminate. Do you think we need to find something like a pizza stone or... ... ?

The roses are still so pretty I'm amazed how well they've lasted. All I've done special is to set them on the porch on a couple non-freezing nights. 3 or 4 sets of visitors have been able to enjoy them, including dd's friend who brought her home.

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