Super Saturday?

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Super Saturday?

Postby lucylee » Sat Dec 02, 2017 10:59 am

I can't believe I'm the first here!
Dh just left for the game and I've eaten some breakfast, but I don't know if I'm up for the day or not, LOL.
I do have a LOT of plans for the day, but #1 is watching the ballgame. I may address Christmas cards then.

Chicken and dressing was sooo good last night, if I do say so myself. ;) It turned out perfect -- except dh said maybe a wee bit heavy on the chicken. My recipe says 3-4 lbs chicken and I had a little more than 4 lbs in there. Must make myself a note.
Also must note -- one boiled egg is QUITE enough for 12 oz jar prepared gravy. Two eggs is waaay too much.

Anyway -- it was a very good night and dgd (and dgs, LOL) loved all her presents.
She seems so happy, and she understands everything we say -- but mostly only nods or shakes her head in response. Pretty much all she says is "Dada." Sigh. Other grandma is concerned too, but surely if there were cause to worry, one of her many doctors would be saying something.

Hope you all have a super Saturday!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Super Saturday?

Postby BookSaver » Sat Dec 02, 2017 11:25 am

Thanks for opening the thread today, Lucylee.
My cold is better but still around. :|

Checking in:
Thursday was a typical work day - home chores in the morning and then work afternoon & evening. Some volunteers came in to finish the Christmas trees. The library looks beautiful with all of the winter decorations. We've had sunny days this week which really show the library to its best advantage, and then at night all the extra lights from the multiple Christmas trees and garlands make it even more festive and welcoming.

I was scheduled for an extra shift yesterday from 8 to noon. That put me there for story time. It's always fun to see the littles come running in.

After work I came home for lunch -- turkey sandwich and a pear -- and a few chores.

Then I needed to run to wm to return the tv converter box and pick up a new one. We just bought that box in September. It worked fine Sunday when I watched the news. I didn't look at tv again until Tuesday when I tried to confirm that it would record something. The box would not power on, no reason DH could figure out, it just stopped working. I found the receipt so refund was easy. The only converter box the local store carries was the same model, so I'm taking a risk that the same thing will happen in a few months.

DH has mentioned that I could buy a new tv and move the old one over to my desk to replace my small computer monitor. That would eliminate the need for the digital/analog converter box. However, I'm just not in the mood to add that big of a project right now to a list that is already too long for December.

Last night I relaxed in front of the computer. There is so much fun stuff on youtube. I don't know why I thought of it, but on a whim I searched for Great White North (old comedy skits from SCTV). The first video that popped up was one explaining about back-bacon and long underwear. Bob McKenzie was so proud of the fact that there were two topics on the show. :lol: So silly.

Today I want to get back to reorganizing the kitchen.
Oh, it sounds like the washer has finished the first load and I need to flip it. BBL.

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Re: Super Saturday?

Postby Harmony » Sat Dec 02, 2017 11:34 am

Hello to Booksaver and Lucylee.

I will have to catch up a bit to see what's been going on. It's just been crazy here. But at least I have a working computer, the problem being just figuring it all out. I knew it would be hard, but I didn't think it would be this difficult. I don't find it very user friendly.

We have signed papers at the title company and a big project is about to start. Actually won't be so bad for DH because on a big project he subs out all the big tough stuff, the blocks, concrete, trusses, so it's a lot of managing and paperwork and supervising. I'm grateful for that. He can't do that hard stuff any more, and actually wouldn't make any more money doing it all. But we have a huge paperwork stack to produce to get it started and I'm sure not looking forward to that.

I've done it before, I can do it again. Just have to keep telling myself this.

Sure glad I did all that cleaning before Thanksgiving. House still looks good, and I was able to keep up laundry and dishes while I was out of the house so much.

I'm glad DH is outside pulling weeds, he's quiet and content while he does this, and I can get caught up inside.

Y'all have a nice day.

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Re: Super Saturday?

Postby Harriet » Sat Dec 02, 2017 11:42 am

I did get TO our village earlier but was called away before I could post - thanks, lucylee for opening us, and I hope it's Super for you. I saw Lynlee peeping in.

Yes, BookSaver, youtube is a wonder. I think Nancy would agree. I learn so much (also, yes, laugh so much). I am SO OVER watching what someone else chooses for me. That is SO last millennium. And I just don't have time.

Harmony, it's a joy to hear such a "normalcy" post from you. Did you have the new clients tested for emotional stability? (That was a mean thing to say, wasn't it... ..) I guess you probably couldn't have the same problems again. They will be whole new problems. (ducking and running)

lucylee, I think (not sure) that my dgd2 is from April to November older than yours. So I can't really say that you're not hearing enough speech yet - who knows. She's quite verbal and seems to have zeroed-in on mimicking her mother's speech. She includes gestures ddil must make while taking care of the children. She huffs, rolls her eyes, shakes her head, wags her finger. ;) :lol: You do such a good job of journaling - could you go back and consider your dgs's speech timing? This is a second-born child who may not need to speak as much if there's another one explaining things already!

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Re: Super Saturday?

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Dec 02, 2017 12:31 pm

I am SO OVER watching what someone else chooses for me.

Me too! I can't remember the last time I watched a "normal" network show on TV. However, DH seems to enjoy having the TV channels dictate when and what he can watch. To each their own!

I have Sunday meal in the oven. Meatloaf and roasted vegetables. Tomorrow I'll just have to warm it up and add a green salad. I really like the roasted vegetables more on the next day. The flavor seems to get better with the wait.

This afternoon we are going to a Volksmarch in neighboring state. This 5K walk will be through neighborhood and university that is known for their Christmas decorations. The walk starts at dark but we will need to leave after lunch to make the drive and to eat before the Volksmarch starts. DH isn't thrilled with participating in the 5K but is going because he doesn't want me to have the long drive back in the dark by myself. Although I won't be alone because DGS21, DS9 and DGD6 will be with me. >>>Shrugging shoulders<<<< I appreciate DH concern for my safety. I don't think it is needed but it's a good excuse to get him included in the walking activity.
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Re: Super Saturday?

Postby DeeClutter » Sat Dec 02, 2017 12:58 pm

Have spent the last half hour on an online chat with X press S cripts. I have another bottle of my thyroid meds but simply can't find it and found it's not due for refill until Jan 1. Luckily they're ordering it a month early for me. Have a feeling it must still be in NY.

Going to go put heat on my knee for a bit. It is better but has several days of healing (for what I know not) to go.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Super Saturday?

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Dec 02, 2017 1:04 pm

good morning. dd younger is downtown at classes.
We had a great time yesterday. Dd older even made it in time for dinner. She has been getting up 5 each morning (she goes to the gym before work) and hasn't been getting home until around 8 because of projects going on so last night by intermission she was exhausted and left. she was so disappointed not to be able to stay for the whole thing but she was falling asleep which isn't good for driving. She also parked in an unsafe place, in all our humble opinions, because her GPS downtown went goofy. (That happens a lot downtown).

It was lots of fun and I am happy we went early because getting around Daley plaza (the Christkindlmarket is there is so so slow because of all the people and the theatre parking is one block away. (kind of overrated in my mind but it is a tradition for many people)

Thank Goodness we ordered parking before getting there. The Christmas carol is always a joy I love the man that plays scrooge as well as Bob Cratchit (lol we met him in the parking lot trying to get home). I also like the man who plays Marley - he scares me each time he comes as Marley's ghost and the peddler buying scrooges night dress and curtains. Also cute was one of the little girls - I would say 8 or 9 who was one of the Cratchit children was picked up by her mom in front of the theatre. The mom excitedly asked her daughter "how was it sweetie" and the little girl beamed and said great. (adorable)

the only bad part is that people left their cups on the ground etc after the play like it was a movie theatre; I have never seen that in all the years we have been going. Terribly lazy and not right.

How is your day? I hope it is wonderful and productive!!! Waving at all of you!
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sat Dec 02, 2017 3:51 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Super Saturday?

Postby Nancy » Sat Dec 02, 2017 1:13 pm

Got up at 4 after laying awake in bed for 1.5 hrs. Got journaling done. Been watching u tube Harriet is right. Late on my meds ack bs was down now it is up. Learning how long to coom ost stuff, then saw her fly type vids . Time for h to get up so now I can use my new vacuum. I need to get moving. Hens have been fed.

Talked with dsis last nite that helped both of us I think.

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Re: Super Saturday?

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Dec 02, 2017 1:22 pm

hi d nancy. I am so sorry you had such a rough sleep (really lack of sleep). I hope you get more rest tonight.

My car is at the train station as I told dd younger to take it instead of moving all the cars this morning (I was too lazy to get up at 6). I am hoping to stay home - so it shouldn't be an issue. I can always use her car.

making brown rice in the oven to add to dish later - I have left over chicken - so making a casserole - 1/2 have with cheese light and the other half none as dd can't handle the dairy too much - still waiting for the brown rice to finish in the oven but everything is in bowl ready to add the rice

last night dh surprised me with the dishwasher being empty.

my cards are on the dining room table ;)
meds taken :D
counters are clean :D
stove top clean :D
threw out some stuff from the fridge :D
dw washing dishes from dinner prep :D
still need to clean the one pot. :D
salad made - grapes pulled - dinner finished and cooled, covered and now in refrigerator for 5:30 pm :D
vacuumed kitchen and rinsed the floor where I prepared dinner. :D
Listened to It's a wonderful life radio program while putting dinner together. (I am missing d mom in law and d father in law who loved the radio shows) - so strange that the commercials remind people to save their kitchen fat and hand it in.

Next laundry focus - I dislike putting away laundry ;) :? I will put timer on and maybe it won't be as dreadful and long as I am making it :shock:
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sat Dec 02, 2017 5:25 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Super Saturday?

Postby CathyS » Sat Dec 02, 2017 1:45 pm

Hi everyone!

I was up before the sun. Dh worked this morning and I had some errands to run. I bought us a couch/sofa/chesterfield this morning. The space we had to put it in was 89 3/4 inches. The couch is 89 inches. :shock:

We went out to "look" last night and we found one we wanted. It was on sale for $200 off, so with a warranty and free delivery and taxes, it came to just under $1000. I really hope this one lasts more than 3 years. Now we have to dispose of this one.

We are planning a trip to the new Costco this afternoon. We are also planning on a nap. Dh might already be napping. I will leave him alone until he wakes up. We need a new electric kettle. This one lasted exactly 3 years. It was a Christmas gift in 2014 from my sister. She got it at Costco.

Supper is Shepherd's Pie.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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