Terrific Tuesday

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Terrific Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Dec 12, 2017 8:42 am

I hope you have a terrific day!

It is stormy here. A good day to put a fireplace video on, start up the Christmas music and work on the last of the Christmas cards.

What can you do to make your day terrific?

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Re: Terrific Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Dec 12, 2017 8:47 am

In theory we are leaving in 60 minutes for our first of 4 Christmas Singing gigs for Rural Ottawa South Support Services (they do day away programs for seniors and we are booked for 4 of them this season.)

We checked in yesterday and the rule of thumb is "If the school buses are cancelled the program is cancelled." So I checked at 5:45 and the buses are running here (they are cancelled at all the rural school boards but this program, while rural, is in the city limits.)

BUT there is a power outage in the village so we just got a text saying it was cancelled. We texted back if they decide in the next 30 minutes to go ahead, we'll still come. (It will take us at least 45 minutes to drive there in these conditions.)

So I'm going to hit the shower. I'll either gain 4 hours today to work on the stocking and cards or I'll be singing. We'll see.

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Re: Terrific Tuesday

Postby BookSaver » Tue Dec 12, 2017 9:38 am

Thanks for opening the thread today, Kathryn.

My day is looking somewhat terrific. Priorities:
* Need a haircut, and
* 1 more trip to Aldi because I have another $5 coupon and the store is only a few blocks away from where I get my hair cut. We are pretty well stocked up for groceries, but for $5 off of $30 I'll pick up extra coffee, tp & such. We could use some chicken, too, for a new recipe I want to try in the crock pot.

With those 2 errands in mind, before I leave the house I'll finish sewing my 2nd shopping bag pattern and then I can test it right away to see if it's a good size.

I'll be in the neighborhood of a restaurant that serves yummy soup for lunch. I'll take my library book for a relaxing break.

Oh hey, we had a little snow yesterday. Big wet splotches came down for an hour or so. The ground is warm enough, though, that it all melted away immediately. We've had an extremely mild winter so far.

Forging ahead with plans for Christmas ... which reminds me, I need to pick up rolls of quarters to give DMom for her laundry. She really likes that practical gift because it saves her from having to drive to her bank and stand in line.

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Re: Terrific Tuesday

Postby Harmony » Tue Dec 12, 2017 10:30 am

Winter is here! We were 40's this morning at 8:00. Y'all would think this was warm, but we don't think that here. Central heat blowing down never feels as warm as the gas forced air heat we had up north. It uses the same ductwork as the a/c does and it is all up in the ceiling which is cold so the warm air is never that warm. We had the oven going and one of the little space heaters. I am still in flannel PJ's and warm bathrobe.

I've been working on all the Christmas gifts I've bought so far. Just realized I had nice new empty boxes to use, but no wrapping paper except tissue. NOW I remember using up that big roll last year. I was fooled by the 3 rolls in the closet, but they were all ones I bought that didn't look Christmas-ey so I could use them all year long. So, I did get everything all folded and put in boxes ready to wrap. That's over half the job, anyway.

I have a proposal to type, and I'm crossing my fingers the old template will work with the new program like they said, and I hope it's not hard to use. Wish me luck!

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Re: Terrific Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Dec 12, 2017 10:50 am

I'm s2s and have started the first load of 3 in the washer.

I'll start in on my kitchen chores next. It will be exciting to actually do them on a Tuesday! Cleaning out the fridge is top priority.

W & R will come to the movie with us in the afternoon. We'll be taking the bus due to the weather - no need to put the car at risk but it will add 2 hours to time away from the house.

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Re: Terrific Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Dec 12, 2017 11:01 am

Good morning d kathryn, d harmony, d book et all!!!

stay safe from the storm d kathryn

yay on a day looking great d book!

stay warm d harmony! praying the proposal you type will work out great!

wishing all a great day!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Terrific Tuesday

Postby CathyS » Tue Dec 12, 2017 11:05 am


Started my day with a very recent bad habit. Netflix. I hope that after I catch up with The Crown, that I will be satisfied and stop wasting so much of my day.

After the second episode, I turned off the tv and turned on some music.

Dh and I both have Christmas parties to attend today. One of the local churches has a lunch for $20 per head. They have 10 weekdays in December where they invite all the service clubs. Our Women's Institute is today's party. Dh has a work party and he hopes to get home at 4 instead of 5 so he can have a shower and get into something less work like. All of his clothes are clean and put away, so he can just pick what he wants. They are going to a prime rib/steak restaurant. "No wives". No problem. Who wants to sit around with 5 guys talking about tires. The owner of the company won't even be there this year as he is in Florida.

So far I have dusted the living room and made the bed.

It is a winter wonderland here. It started snowing yesterday afternoon, stopped for a while and now it's snowing again. Yesterday it was big, fluffy flakes. Today it is a fine dusting. There is no wind, so I don't think it's being blown off the roof.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Terrific Tuesday

Postby Harmony » Tue Dec 12, 2017 11:15 am

Woo Hoo for me! I did that proposal. Not too difficult. Program looks really weird to me and stuff I used all the time is gone or renamed and hidden in different "list". But it is done, I figured out enough basics to do it. My old stuff apparently is in compatibility mode. Everybody who told us our old stuff wouldn't work were wrong, including the woman who did our repair work. We are done using her.

Now to get warm clothes on and go back out and buy wrapping paper and shipping boxes (now that I see how big I'll need) and take my one little box of "cheer up" to the post office. I was right about DGS being lonesome up there by himself. DD says he is calling them a lot and talking. He comes from a tiny house where everybody is close, physically and spiritually. They all pile on one couch to watch a movie, or a bed to watch TV, they play together, etc. and he is not used to being by himself so much. DD was sorta a helicopter Mom and was at their school all the time, for all the events, all the games, etc. I'm glad he's adjusting as well as he is.

Cathy, enjoy your party!

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Re: Terrific Tuesday

Postby Elizabeth » Tue Dec 12, 2017 12:03 pm

Good morning! I hope today will be terrific. It is Girls' Night Out with DD15 and will probably be in. We could manage out at the library, though. My WTF is finish adding the new ugly to the Christmas sweater. Last night, I got the new (still prescription and expensive) cat food that we hope will help Briggs. We would like to avoid lifetime steroid use, but that may be his future. It doesn't bother me as much as the other cat program people. Laia (short for Financial Liability) did that for 10 years, good years. I made dance class, where I had a great deal of trouble with the second section. The pressure is off, because I will not be in town for the performance. At home, I finished the animal org minutes and notes and sent them, printed a tax receipt, and posted a car payment (on time). Did not get any ugly done.

Booksaver's gift idea needs to be reiterated and highlighted for people with students on their gift giving list. Rolls of quarters. Yes, yes, yes!

Maybe Harmony's DGS could decorate with family via Skype? Congratulations to him on his grades and a big WTG for Harmony herself as well.

Thank you lucylee and Harmony for your encouraging words on the xBFF drama. I can do this. I will call on my inner Aunt Inez and put this upstart in her place with grace and class. She can hire out for transportation, entertainment, and childcare on her romantic vacation. My family is not in that business!

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Re: Terrific Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Dec 12, 2017 12:10 pm

yay d harmony

have fun d cathy

hi d elizabeth - can you tell me again what WTF was - I remember it was something cool like worst job first???
have fun with your dd tonight.

dh got up late but I was able to have a little time with him before i start working in the kitchen
our tiff didn't last long ;) we came to the point yesterday that we will agree to disagree but this morning we laughed - I told him I can't apologize for something I didn't do but did apologize for saying one not nice thing and he "finally" apologized for reacting in an non adult fashion (still bugs me a little ;) 8-) ).

Now timer in hand and heading to a left to right cleaning and managing of clutter in the kitchen

I ordered my d niece a New Years head band - we do a silly gift for one person in the family each year and she is it. She is so sweet and I am happy to get this for her.

I do have a gift that is coming that I can't give - I had gotten a felted dog ornament for sweet d sil but found out that her dog will not be with us in two months bc of cancer. I will wait until she gets another puppy and give it to her then. So sad - great dog.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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