Thinking Thursday.

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Twins' Mom
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Re: Thinking Thursday.

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Dec 14, 2017 1:17 pm

Have done a very cool bit of research - found loose papers probate file for my gr gr grandfather that included receipt for $12 for a neighbor to make his coffin.

So I've obviously been sitting here instead of doing what I need to do. :roll:

-start a lol
-brunch smoothie and meds
-out of pajamas, wash up, brush teeth :oops:
-walk the dog
-clear kitchen counters/empty dishwasher
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Re: Thinking Thursday.

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Dec 14, 2017 1:20 pm

glad you found that info d twins -

I had a sidetracked moment but now need to get back to reality
front room manage clutter and then shower s2s
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Re: Thinking Thursday.

Postby Harmony » Thu Dec 14, 2017 3:15 pm

Twins, blue and white. That's interesting. $12 for a coffin. :shock: Now they're $6,000 bundled together with the funeral stuff. Wow.

Another busy day. Up early again. I can't seem to stay asleep very long and once I'm awake I can't go back to sleep. Haven't put my finger on why this is. I started noticing it when we changed the clocks in Oct. I thought that was the reason. But now I think it's something else I haven't figured out. I'm talking 4AM awake. In my whole entire life I've never been like this.

But I sure am getting a lot done!

I have to stay really quiet in the early mornings because DH is doing his quiet time. Then sometimes (a lot recently since his hospital stay) he goes into his recliner and falls back asleep for another hour.

We went to the dentist this morning. I asked DH if he wanted me to go and he said yes. Even though we thought this was going to be a crown and a 2 hour appointment. I took a letter to answer and a book to read. Then out he comes with a filling in a different tooth than we thought. He was all confused. It was the other side of his mouth, and he was laughing saying he really didn't know which tooth will be needing the crown someday. I had to appologize for taking up a 2 hour block of the dentist's time for our appointment. :oops:

2 Trips to jobsite for bringing 2 trucks back to the house. After the 2nd one I stopped at the shops up there in that town before coming home and got the rest of my presents, except for 3 gift cards I'll pick up when I'm in those stores. So relieved to be this far along.

Helped DH clean out his big truck, I broom swept then used shop vac. Was really a mess.

So all I've done so far today in the house is wash some dishes and write out one Christmas card. Need to get something done: 1 LOL to do next, 1 bed to change, then I'll see if I have any energy left.

Gotta go...

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Re: Thinking Thursday.

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Dec 14, 2017 3:20 pm

Home and sidetracked.

Watched 2 episodes of the Crown.

The rest of babysitting went fine. We started snack but after a few bites he signed for the potty.

Dgs was happily on the toilet when his parents returned and was not at all interested in getting off to see them so they visited him on his throne. Dd had warned me he's been the 'little boy who signed poop' for the past few days. Dd thinks he likes the one on one time and he was getting me to do head and shoulders and this little piggy with him as well as the obligatory cheers for the dry diaper. But I either missed hearing a pee or he didn't.

I have him for four hours tomorrow while everyone else goes to Star Wars. We will meet at a mall then walk to the play place for a while. Big family dinner after at a restaurant. That's 2 family meals in a week. I hope I have the energy for tomorrow.

Dh has a bad cold and is fading fast so I hope he's well enough for the movie since the tickets are pre-purchased.

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Re: Thinking Thursday.

Postby Nancy » Thu Dec 14, 2017 3:27 pm

I remember one year mom decided the kids would be taking turns doing dishes, like her friends family did, the nite I was supposed to be doing them I was not even eating at home those nights. That lasted like one week seems like it was the year we got an automatic dishwasher. LOL!

Laundry is folded and delt with. It it time to decide on my lunch. Soup nite here.

I finished watching the crown series this week.

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Re: Thinking Thursday.

Postby CathyS » Thu Dec 14, 2017 3:47 pm


Went and finished some Christmas shopping. Dh is done, cat got him a Ford hat to replace the one he got when a mouse decided it tasted good out in the garage. Dd's male friend is done. Dd might be done. MIL and SisIL are done, including the 2 cards I bought from me to them. Dh gets his mom a card as well and gets it when he gets mine.

Supper tonight is pork chops in mushroom gravy with beets and mashed potatoes on the side. Maybe boiled instead of mashed, I'll see how it goes.

The tree went up last night and it has 3 candy canes on it so far.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Thinking Thursday.

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Dec 14, 2017 4:26 pm

Oy. I have not been productive. Going to work for 30 or 45 beginning at the BOTH. And will set timer. Anyone wanna go with me?

I ended up napping. After walking the ddog I couldn't stop coughing.
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Re: Thinking Thursday.

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Dec 14, 2017 4:36 pm

Scanned a family historical document. It took 10 minutes. I've put that off for over a week!

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Re: Thinking Thursday.

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Dec 14, 2017 5:16 pm

Breaking. I got kitchen cleaned up. DD is home and is talkative. Also had to return a phone call.

Will go again at 4:30.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Thinking Thursday.

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Dec 14, 2017 5:25 pm

Forgot to say yesterday that the bank employee helping us set up the Refugee bank account was a refugee from Bosnia 20 years ago!

I did a little more refugee paperwork.

I'm thinking of skipping Christmas this year. I'm busy enough with the trip preparations and my volunteer work. I don't need anything extra!

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