Thinking Thursday.

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Re: Thinking Thursday.

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Dec 14, 2017 5:26 pm

Very very very angry. MUST calm down so I can think logically and rationally instead of emotionally. DGS23 showed up at DMom's home asking for money.....more like demanding money. DMom dialed DH phone and handed it to DGS23. Thankfully DH was able to get there quickly and remove DGS23. DH gave DGS23 money so he would leave. I know that isn't a good solution but DH handled it as best as he could. DH said DGS23 bowed up to him when DH told him to not be asking his Great GrandMother for money. DD wants to put a protective order on DMom's home in an effort to keep DGS23 away from her. DGS23 wouldn't hurt DMom on purpose, but when a person is on drugs they aren't making good decisions. AND DGS23 brings his riff-raff friends with him to DMom's home. It is NOT a good idea to advertise that a defenseless elderly woman lives alone. I am angry. I'm frustrated. I'm scared we can't keep DMom safe from DGS23 "friends"

It's time to get DGS6 from school and take DS9 to school for his outing with friends. He will be gone for about 5 hours.
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Re: Thinking Thursday.

Postby Harmony » Thu Dec 14, 2017 5:48 pm

(LadyM) good thing your DH handled it. This is the gson you tried to help? I guess he's no longer in another state?

Well I've done nothing so far except wrap packages. All but one big one wrapped.

I've been watching the circle go around and around and around, trying to connect to McAfee. They were wanting to activate the program. We got 1 year free from place we bought it but in talking with them, they appear to have forgotten to activate it and we've been just running on the little freebie they put in. It has 3 days left before it expires. I can't get it to connect for some reason. May have to disconnect everything and take it back in. I'm not real happy.

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Re: Thinking Thursday.

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Dec 14, 2017 6:50 pm

This is the gson you tried to help? I guess he's no longer in another state?

Yes. DGS23 is the one we almost got to enter into a year-long reboot-your-life rehab place. DGS23 said he was going to live with his biological Mom and was offered a bus ticket for him to go. But DGS23 turned it down. He now lives with the wife of his former friend. Oh the webs we weave when we deceive. The friend offered his couch for homeless DGS23 to sleep on.....and now the wife is in a relationship with DGS23 and the friend/husband is no longer living there. Ughhhh.

DS9 has been successfully launched to his activity. I am thrilled for him to get some time away from us. DS9 = Go forth and spread your wings!
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Re: Thinking Thursday.

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Dec 14, 2017 9:05 pm

d lady - get a nest camera that will send you a video notice for your d mom.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Thinking Thursday.

Postby lucylee » Thu Dec 14, 2017 11:32 pm

d lady - get a nest camera that will send you a video notice for your d mom.

That is an excellent idea, blessed! I have no idea how expensive those things are, but that would be great -- for a lot of reasons at your dmom's age, LadyM. The "riff-raff" friends would be my biggest fear, I think, so it might be very nice if you and your dh could see all who were coming and going at her house. As you said, even dgs could be a danger if he was on drugs when he arrived.

On a happy note, so proud of your ds9! Good for him to be out and about independently for a bit!

Harmony, I have wrapped and wrapped and wrapped today, too!

Actually, I was inspired by Twins' Best Self Journal to fill every hour and see if I could use my time a little better.
I wasted my first hour by scrolling through FB... :oops:
But I did make one DPC (allergy doctor, who says I should get the meds they promised this week by NEXT week... sheesh... I'm going to have to go through desensitization again if they don't hurry!)
but after that, I did
* 45+ min wrapping, with a 15-minute break for Suduko, breakfast, and looking in to see what y'all were up to here... and
* 45+ min doing cards (pics came in today).
By that time I HAD TO s2s so I could get that out of the way before I started supper.
* Supper
* DGS's school play -- so cute...
Followed by
* quick stop at grocery store and
* ATM. Probably we were out of the house a little less than 3 hours. (We got to the program early so as to get a good seat. But we chose wrong and sat in the chairs; bleachers would have been better.)
And now we're home, I've been sitting in this computer chair approx 90 min, and I have to wash the dishes I left sitting in the sink.

For those who haven't checked, the BSJ didn't say one had to be doing WORK every single 30 min block of the day, just that one should PLAN and know WHAT one is doing every hour/half hour of the day -- am I paraphrasing well enough, Twins? It suggests that without that structure, one might fritter away the time and never get to the things she really wanted or needed to be doing.

So... even on my ridiculous schedule here, :roll: :oops: living on Elvis Standard Time... I saw that I could spend my
first hour on morning routine (Bible, breakfast, etc) & exercising
second hour s2s/etc
and have at least 3 hours left before I had to even think about supper.
Those 3 hours could be emergency stuff like today's Christmas HAVE TO DO things, but on normal days, that could be one block for daily, one block for weekly, and one block for zone tasks. If I can't make an improvement in that length of time each day, I don't know that there is any hope for me.
Supper -- cooking/eating/clean-up should take less than 2 hours, and that leaves me with NINE hours to do whatever I please, right?
organize photos and compile scrapbooks...
review/declutter journals...
write dfil's autobiography for dh/ds...
read real books and magazines...

The problem with this is that it is difficult not to just veg out after eating supper, but if I could discipline myself to be a little more productive in the evening hours, I could accomplish a lot, I think.

So yes, I've been THINKING on this THURSDAY.

Scanned a family historical document. It took 10 minutes. I've put that off for over a week!

Sooo often that is the case, isn't it, Kathryn? I know I do things like that all the time!

Waving to ALL!!!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Thinking Thursday.

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Dec 15, 2017 12:34 am

Off to bed now.

I have the service written but not the sermon.

Christmas Eve and Advent 4 being the same day is messing with my sense of time. I realized earlier this evening that the dh's meeting in the village and my taking that ride out to work on inventory also fall on the movie day (tomorrow.) And now dh has added in a conference call after his meeting. Which means that I'm leaving the house tomorrow at 10:15 and not returning home until late at night. I'm also not sure when I get to eat lunch (depends on the length of dh's conference call.)

Christmas Cards are not even started. I really need to get them out tomorrow morning before 10:15. But I'm still up now (11:30.)

Dh is quite ill so I'm set up in the spare bedroom so neither of us will worry about disturbing the other.

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Re: Thinking Thursday.

Postby Harriet » Fri Dec 15, 2017 12:52 am

Elizabeth, that's terrific to be thinking about coming off a med. I know you would be pleased if that could work out.

Harmony, re: phones doing everything for kids, I've even seen MMOs (massively-multi-player online games) on phones, with amazing clarity and action. They can't cost much or may be free? At least the phones I've seen them on are owned by folks too poor to pay for much! I was impressed you found that PBS special - I have not yet seen it, but knew it existed.

Dd19 baby-sat/played with toddlerC for 2 hours today. She and I brought home several of her art pieces today.

this afternoon I found that Office De pot does a better job with print bordering and ordered from them. That worked out fine.
This evening dd19 and I finished most work on the cards. We labeled all the booklets for the Angel Tree children and I wrapped the gift we are doing. Still needs ribbon and a homemade bow - I'll get that done in the morning along with some mailing and the rest of the dispatching plan for AT.

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Re: Thinking Thursday.

Postby lucylee » Fri Dec 15, 2017 12:54 am

Dishes washed! TA DA!

Just got off the phone w/elderly friend who recently filed bankruptcy. She still gets letters re: her house payment that upset her, and then she calls dh & me, and we are just helpless to know what kind of advice to give her.
She is coming to see me in the morning to let me read this letter... shaking my head.
She said the letter says something about free counseling provided by HUD, and gives a toll-free number.

I looked online and found that there is a HUD-approved counseling center at Community Action in the next town.
Also learned a little bit about HARP -- a re-financing program?
AND I emailed a friend who works in banking in next town for her advice.

I do not want to give her bad advice, and I just don't know what on earth to tell her. She claims she is making her house payments. Some I imagine arrive late, which increases her interest and fees, etc... but still... she is 82 years old and she has been paying on this SMALL house for over 30 years! This is just beyond me. And beyond my mother... who would dearly love to be able to take this over and get it straightened out, but (1) dmom doesn't have the energy she had when she was a bank officer here in town, and (2) dmom (rightly so) believes if anyone is going to take this on, it should be dbil, who certainly is as indebted to elderly friend as dh & I are.
* sheesh *
Tomorrow is another day.

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