Christmas Eve

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Christmas Eve

Postby Lilac » Sun Dec 24, 2017 3:16 am

Thought I would open the village since I am still up. I have been cleaning and then baking all day. I have washed dishes countless times. Just before 1 a.m., I finished the last of the dishes and decided to come here and check everyone's progress. Guess I will cuop and then I need to head to bed.

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Re: Christmas Eve

Postby lucylee » Sun Dec 24, 2017 3:27 am

Lilac! I’m here!

We got home from Nashville about an hour ago and I’m just winding down.
Dgrands were so well-behaved and both seemed to have a good time at the Opry and walking around downtown — candy store, Ernest Tubb record shop, eating supper.
Opry tickets are over-priced these days, but dh wouldn’t take a million dollars for the chance to do stuff like this with the whole family together. We all had a good time, I think.

I saw where someone said cutting a large ham takes a lot of time, even with an electric knife.
I’ve got a large one to slice for Monday, and I do NOT have an electric knife. Joy.

Tomorrow is morning and evening church.
Plus, pick up bar-b-que at dbil’s house, deliver to ds’s house... along with gifts...
bring dgrands to our house while ds and ddil go to church for practice...
Evening service,
followed by supper, gifts w dbil and his family and ds/family...
Followed by gifts just with us and ds/family...
And then home. It will be very late by then.
Fortunately, we will not eat until 1:00 pm Monday at dmom’s.

Good night ;) and MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Christmas Eve

Postby DeeClutter » Sun Dec 24, 2017 7:31 am

Nice to see Lilac starting us off on this Christmas Eve. I was up at 5, then got up at 6 to take my T-med. Don't think anyone else is up yet. DD is exhausted. Know we have to get an early start on cleaning and getting dinner ready. Think she put most of the cookie trays together yesterday afternoon. Game last night went into overtime with a very long shoot-out (with Norfolk finally scoring the winning goal). It was after 11:30 before we got home. Think I'll do any PUPA in the office and our room while I wait for the rest of the house to awaken. Chances are dsonil is in the recliner asleep so will have to wait for him to get up. When we came home he was sound asleep there with the TV going and the garage still open. So dd was trying to awaken him to go shut that up for the night.

Dh is going to church this morning so that's one person out from underfoot. ;) Dsonil will most likely go out to the shed to work on his art work.

The original plan was for everyone to come here both today and tomorrow about 1:30. Today is still intact -except dsonil's niece and family aren't coming. They're going to the hospital to be with his dsis. His Mom is coming however. In addition his dd is now coming. But tomorrow really got turned upside down when his Mom decided she wants them all at her house at noon. She's ordered S onny's for dinner and dsonil is picking that up today and taking it all to his dMom's. So tomorrow we need to get everything ready here, dsonil/dd are going to his Mom's and trying to get back here by 1:30. Good luck with that. Oh well, it will all work out. And they're having the pork barbecue there and guess what we're having for dinner here? Yep -pulled pork.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Christmas Eve

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Dec 24, 2017 9:04 am

I'm up and S2B. I have the hair roller heating up. I rarely use them but once in a while, I enjoy the process.

Today is Kids program at church. DS9 absolutely didn't want to be on stage and I didn't pick that as a battle.

It is hard for me to wrap my mind around the hormones surge DS9 is having. Going through puberty as a teenager is one thing but having all those emotions as a child is another. Thankfully he is a sweet kid ....99% of the time.

The need for additional elders at church is becoming critical. For many reasons but most pressing is financial. Now there are only 2 that can sign checks.....and each check requires 2 signatures. If either one of these remaining 2 elders is not available then everything comes to a halt.
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Re: Christmas Eve

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Dec 24, 2017 9:23 am

Harmony wrote:Well, Kathryn, I see you didn't cancel Christmas!

Thinking what could I do ahead? I didn't know till a couple weeks ago I would have DD & family and not until last week that the number went up by 5 more. Doesn't anybody plan ahead any more?

Right on two counts.

1. I didn't cancel Christmas (and got roped into activities for New Years, although I'm not hosting.)
2. No-one plans ahead. I'm not talking far ahead but it is Christmas Eve and I still don't know how many people are coming for dinner. I have an 11 pound turkey for either 7 people and a baby or 4 people and a baby. And because it is halal, I've added at least 2 hours of extra work, plus the worry about if it is defrosting in the fridge.

I have to set the table today. It takes ages but I also like to walk by and enjoy seeing the pretty table. That way, I get to enjoy the work rather than doing it, then having it destroyed within an hour. For people who wrap presents nicely, I'm sure it is the same logic - wrap them early and put them under the tree so you can appreciate the work you did even if no-one else really notices.

Dh is still in bed, he didn't sleep well. (Correction - he's up now.)

I'm up. Dishwasher is emptied, towels are in the dryer. I've replaced the batteries in the decoration on the TV stand so the lights will be bright (they've got quite dim over the 2 weeks!)

I also moved my hidden Christmas cactus into view. They bloomed in my east window in October/November when the weather cooled off but the radiator was mostly off. After blooming they were left with dozens of little buds. Those opened up when the weather turned cold enough for the fan to be turned on to blow the hot air into the room. I thought it would damage the plants but they loved it. They look like they are in full bloom now, perfect timing.

With dh now up, I'll get moving in earnest. First step is to strip the bed and get the laundry started.

We have a special weather statement, more snow (just what we got yesterday) will come in overnight for us.

The government must have hired a communication expert to start writing their weather warnings and watches because now they are fun and informative. Before they were too dry to read so I'd miss out on the important information. Now I read them twice, once for fun, then again for the information.

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the Ontario Storm Prediction Centre
Not a creature was stirring, except the meteorologists
As all eyes were transfixed on jolly Old St. Nick, his herd of furry friends, and an approaching snow storm just in time for Christmas.

So, for those dreaming of a white Christmas, you will get your wish. A Texan low is gathering strength this morning and will race towards us approaching the speed of Rudolph later today. It will transport snow into Southern Ontario beginning this afternoon. As the low pressure centre dashes just south of the lower Great Lakes tonight, snow will intensify across Southern Ontario this evening. Somewhat heavier snow is likely in some areas, especially in the Greater Toronto Area where a snowfall warning is in effect. Visibility may be limited likely making travel challenging. Snowfall totals of 5 to 10 centimetres are expected by the time it tapers off overnight or on Christmas Day in Eastern Ontario. Travelers are encouraged to adjust their plans if possible.

The forecasters at the Ontario Storm Prediction Centre wish you warm holiday greetings and a happy, healthy and safe 2018!

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Re: Christmas Eve

Postby Lynlee » Sun Dec 24, 2017 10:09 am

It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas
Everywhere you go.
Some have snow away up north of here,
Where steamy summer weather is the norm.
Storms the forecast for tomorrow afternoon.
Thankfully its a week in the world 30s c,
Not a week into the 40s.

Here visitors before the 5pm invited hour numbered 4, arriving in 3 cars.
The step m and half siblings, plus a girlfriend.
I bobbed around some. Lol away. Odd tasks for dd. Joined in a while before going for a shower.

DD and dgds came with out her partner. Trouble with outlaws. If I read between the lines. Ikky situation.
Dgs's dgf came tonight. Nice to meet her.

Hoping to fall asleep now so goodnight.
Just begin.
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Re: Christmas Eve

Postby Norma » Sun Dec 24, 2017 10:41 am


Christmas Eve is here. Hope you all are ready.

We are going to a Steak House - same one where we went Thanksgiving. On this morning's news it showed that it will "snow" every hour today from 11:00 until 8:00 at the Tempe Marketplace where we will be. Fun! :D Tomorrow it will be just Mr. Guy and I here at home with a brunch consisting of Ham with mustard sauce, Potato casserole, asparagus, Mimosas and to top it off - a little later - Pecan Pie.

Hope you all having a very Merry Christmas!
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Re: Christmas Eve

Postby lucylee » Sun Dec 24, 2017 11:51 am

Happy birthday, Twins!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Christmas Eve

Postby Lilac » Sun Dec 24, 2017 12:25 pm


I made it to bed by 2 am and dd1 called at 8:30 to see if there was anything I might need from the store. Luckily there wasn't.

Dh's dsis just called to tell me that she is in the hospital again with pneumonia. I told her that when I talked to her yesterday I could tell she was headed that way. I almost told her then to get a bag packed. Her dh took her to ER at 3:30 am with a high fever and they admitted her. They told her she would be there until at least Tuesday. She has no immune system whatsoever after having 2 bouts of different cancers. She told me that someday this was going to take her out. I told her that we are concerned that she might be right.

Guess I better get started. I have 7 1/2 hours to get a large meal put together.

Merry Christmas to each of you, my dear friends.

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Re: Christmas Eve

Postby CathyS » Sun Dec 24, 2017 12:50 pm

Happy birthday Twins!!

Hi everyone!

I did not sleep well because I was worrying about getting stuff done and finished.

Well, all that needs to be done now is the actual cooking. Everything is prepped and waiting. Dh and I moved around each other in the kitchen for at least an hour this morning. Turkey is defrosted and injected with butter. Turnip/rutabaga is chopped up and in the pot covered with water. Scalloped potatoes are waiting to be baked. Gravy is on at the lowest temperature on the smallest burner. All I need to do at the last minute is the stuffing. The tree is done. The gingerbread house is done. The bathroom is clean. Most of the laundry is away.

We have been texted that dd and male friend will be leaving her place between 1 and 2. We will eat at 5. They have just over an hour to drive here, depending on traffic. Our road has been plowed and I think that will be the only snow covered road they will have to deal with. They both have winter tires, so they should be fine.

Has anyone seen Elizabeth lately?

We spoke to MIL last night and we will be seeing her on Wednesday.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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