Christmas Eve

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Re: Christmas Eve

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Dec 24, 2017 5:58 pm

On our way home now. Service went well but only 3. Ran errand and had a nice visit with our senior friend. Just finished getting the last of the groceries. Dinner tonight is leftovers. Service is at 8:30 so I might have enough time to finish my list.

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Re: Christmas Eve

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Dec 24, 2017 6:21 pm

We let DS9 open his main Christmas gift so he would have time to play with it. Tomorrow we will be attending a big family brunch so will have limited play time with the gift.

I researched a medical expense from August 2016. I just opened a bill from the hospital saying I owe money. EXcuse me? Why are you sending me a bill for services rendered 1.5 years ago? It looks really weird because there is no overdue amount and the bill is not due until 1/3/2018. I looked up the date the services were rendered on our health insurance website and it shows the insurance paid 100% of the bill 4 days after it happened. I'll hang onto this information and call the hospital next week during business hours. This looks like a huge mistake of double billing by the hospital. We shall see.....

While on the insurance website I took a peek at DS9 # of medical visits this year. Thankfully he hasn't exceeded the number allowed. He has "only" had 57 medical visits this year. :roll:
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Re: Christmas Eve

Postby Nancy » Sun Dec 24, 2017 6:58 pm

Christmas eve at dd's went okay, early she called and push it up that worked out well. We are back home now. Hens are back in the coop have been fed & watered again. Ddog was happy to see us! :mrgreen:

I finished up tucking ends and clipping them on the knit blankets I made up most reciently.

I need to seal the signs I painted so we can attatch them to the holders. One more to paint.

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Re: Christmas Eve

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Dec 24, 2017 9:12 pm

On our way to church now. Presents are wrapped, vacuuming and tidying are done. We watched a Christmas movie while we ate and wrapped.

Still have the table to do. Sigh.

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Re: Christmas Eve

Postby Nancy » Sun Dec 24, 2017 9:38 pm

We made yummy pizza for dinner. Out team won yea! I cleaned up while it was cooking. Snow is on the way it has warmed up to 23* that is the good news.

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Re: Christmas Eve

Postby Harmony » Sun Dec 24, 2017 11:22 pm

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TWINSMOM. What a great day for a birthday!

Our celebration is over. I'm calling it a success. I did get to go to church after all. Went to the early service, did some of the cooking ahead of time and made it to church just a bit late. It was really packed. We had candle lite service at the end.

We had enough food for an army. Everyone brought a dessert and I had one plus my cookies and DH thought I didn't have enough so stopped on the way home from church and brought 3 pies. :roll: I sent a big pie home with DD and lots of cookies with everybody.

Turkey was the best turkey I have ever baked. Nice and moist and really I have never had one turn out golden brown like this one did. All I can think I did different was I rubbed it with a bit of olive oil instead of butter because of DGSon and I couldn't put the roaster lid on so used tin foil for most of the time. Ham was twice as expensive as any I've ever bought but it was twice as good. It was a boars head boneless. So all of that I'd do again.

Company was great. DH customers are really nice people and fit right in. Their 2 daughters had a lot in common with my DD so there was a lot to talk about.

DD & family brought their new little puppy with them. 6 weeks old and just as sweet as I've ever seen a puppy. No accidents and loved being outside in the yard, even napped on the patio.

I got a new coffeemaker, even though we were fine with our old one, and this one is more high end but really nice. DD never liked that ours dribbled a bit when she poured. Never bothered me, I just wiped it up or poured over the sink. And I got one of those copper square pans with racks inside. DH got TV ears, which I had actually looked at but was afraid I'd not be able to hook it up properly. DSiL hooked it up and wow is it neat.

DSiL's 2 brothers came to visit after we ate and stayed the evening. Nice.

I have most things cleaned up. Dishwasher is running. There is lots to put away but tomorrow is the day for that. Wishing everybody a great Christmas Day tomorrow.

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Re: Christmas Eve

Postby BookSaver » Mon Dec 25, 2017 12:03 am

Happy Christmas Eve to all of our villagers!

We had the family party today at younger DSis's house. So much fun to see everyone. :D

I stayed up really late last night to finish sewing gifts for DMom and DSis. It was so late that I ran out of time to make fudge and thought, oh well, there will be so many sweets there it won't matter.
Then this morning I woke up early enough that I changed my mind and made a quick batch of fudge. It's a very easy recipe.
It helped that I had already pre-cooked the meat for the nacho sauce so all that was needed for that recipe was to open some cans, cube the cheese, and combine everything into the crock pot.
It also helped that I had pretty gift bags and tissue ready to take care of the gift wrapping so I didn't have to try to neatly fold and tape paper around odd shapes. ;)

I did not end up making the macadamia nut/cranberry/almond bark candy nor the spiced walnuts I wanted to try. Both of those were new recipes that I wrote on the same piece of paper, and I cannot find the paper. :roll:

I left 4 pieces of fudge at home because they looked funny, and took the rest of the batch up to the party. I always encourage people to take fudge with them but I usually end up bringing home half of it anyway. Not today. This time everyone filled a little baggie and my dish was empty. That made me happy. Those 4 funny-looking left-behind pieces will be enough to satisfy my fudge craving.

We also do not have any nacho sauce leftovers. There was a small amount in the bottom of the crock when we drove home from the party. DH carried the basket with the crock from the car to the house while I gathered up all the rest of the tote bags that needed to come in. I got up to the back door and heard DH swearing a blue streak. He said he set the basket with the nacho sauce down on the ground just long enough to unlock the door. When he turned around to pick up the basket, the old gray outdoors cat had nudged the top off the crock and had her face in the nacho cheese. :lol: I didn't realize a cat would be attracted to food that spicy. I told DH not to worry about it, she had her Christmas present and that's why we call her the fierce hunter cat. He said I might as well give her the rest, but I don't think that spicy cheese sauce would be good for her, even with the meat in it. I don't mind throwing it in the trash. After other parties, I've tried converting the nacho sauce into meals by adding macaroni or tortillas and such, but it's never turned out that great.

Tomorrow we do not have to go anywhere, huzzah!

Analysis of gifts given: All seemed to be well received. Must start sewing earlier next year = make decisions and buy fabric in the summer and start sewing in September. This year I counted on being able to sew in November and December. Unfortunately, I did not count on (1) a bad cold that zapped all my energy (but at least it wasn't the flu!), (2) twisting my back so badly that I couldn't sit at the sewing machine for a week, and (3) being called in to work extra shifts when I wanted to be sewing. Those 3 things resulted in too much time under pressure late at night, not a good atmosphere for sewing gifts.

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Re: Christmas Eve

Postby Sunny » Mon Dec 25, 2017 1:14 am

Happy Birthday Twins! Hope you had a wonderful day!
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