Blessed gifts Christmas PWYC

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Blessed gifts Christmas PWYC

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Dec 25, 2017 8:45 am

Ds and I were talking about the real gifts in life and I summed it up by saying being present when someone needs you is the best gift of all.

So this village is a tremendous gift to each of us since when you need a friend, at least one of us is here to be present to you.

For that wonderful gift of friendship, I say amen!

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Re: Blessed gifts Christmas PWYC

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Dec 25, 2017 8:51 am

Dee's son will have the gift of a huge blizzard!

We have a decent snow storm here. We couldn't get out of the garage because the ramp was drifted in. Luckily the on duty super showed up with the snow blower and got us on our way.

Ds is on his way too, maybe a minute behind us after dropping off a coworker.

The day has begun!

(I have my nose in the keyboard so I don't have to look out the window. I can feel the car drifting in the lane because the highway hasn't been plowed yet.)

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Re: Blessed gifts Christmas PWYC

Postby DeeClutter » Mon Dec 25, 2017 9:07 am

Merry Christmas, Kathryn, and to all who celebrate this day.

I hadn't even looked at the weather for up home yet, Kathryn. But oh yes! Both boys will be very busy today. DS-R is a DOT employee for our town so will be in the big plow truck all day. DS-A no doubt has all his employees out as well as himself. All this snow will surely help them financially this month so it's a 10-22.

We celebrated Christmas Eve day here yesterday. Big snafu was that dbil/dsisil weren't showing up. Finally got hold of them and they came over. Dsisil insisted that no they weren't to come then but today. :roll: Dbil told me later that she got so upset when he tried to tell her they were supposed to come over that he dropped it. But I still don't understand why he didn't go to the garage or something and call us. We were really getting worried.

Today, dsonil's Mom decided she wanted dd & him to be at her house by noon. We had invited everyone here about 1:30. Another :roll: So last night we 4 decided that since we have the time that we're (cancelling, no I guess that's postponing) Christmas gifts for us until tomorrow. Then we can truly relax, enjoy and not be rushed.

I actually went to bed around 9, read for a few minutes and slept till o' dark thirty this morning and just went back to sleep till 7:00am!!! :shock: :o Wow, did it feel good.

Unfortunately when we came home from church last night I somehow started to fall back on the top step at dd's. Thank goodness dsonil was right behind me and caught me. I, however, did twist that knee and reinjured it. So will be extra careful today. (I was even hanging on to the railing. Think it was the shoes slipping really).

Have to s2s and get going on dinner. Want everything prepared before dd leaves for her MIL's.

Have a wonderful day, everyone.
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Re: Blessed gifts Christmas PWYC

Postby Lynlee » Mon Dec 25, 2017 9:14 am

For friends at a distance in an instant.

Happy Christmas Day to you all

Some highlights
I spent time in the pool this morning
Doing my version of gentle exercise
From decade ago water aerobics classes.
Its really good for my spine.
Watched a stork harvesting bugs in the grass.
Nap in the afternoon

My idea of tv viewing differs from my family,
But I found a kids 'finding Santa paws ' movie on tv down stairs, so l managed to see most of that.
I needed less action than found in much that they put on.
Looked up public transport to get to dd2's place later in the week. 90 minutes or so.

Storm this afternoon and still on tonight.

May you find many blessings today.
Stay safe everyone.
Sending love
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Blessed gifts Christmas PWYC

Postby DeeClutter » Mon Dec 25, 2017 9:33 am

Just texted with DDIL-A. Kids are all still sleeping (thankfully). She said they're looking at all the snow as a Christmas gift but at the same time knows how much DS-A wants to be home to watch the kids open gifts -especially our 5-year old grandson. She's also hoping he can somehow grab a nap. As I said -a "Catch 22". So praying that all happens while they all stay safe. Haven't talked with DS-R's family yet. Had to send an email to A's family as there's a gift certificate for their favorite G enesee C ountry Museum and Village. It's only 2 1/2 miles from us and they all love it.
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Re: Blessed gifts Christmas PWYC

Postby Nancy » Mon Dec 25, 2017 11:20 am

I am glad we did family stuff yeaterday h has a cough and under the weather a bit. We have 4" of snow. I will be doing snow removal for my exercise today as soon as we have daylite. 23* out now here.

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Re: Blessed gifts Christmas PWYC

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Dec 25, 2017 12:37 pm

Home from dd's breakfast. Ds is asleep. Stuffing is made. Turkey is thawed so doesn't have to start until 1 at the earliest.

Taking a short break.

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Re: Blessed gifts Christmas PWYC

Postby DeeClutter » Mon Dec 25, 2017 12:45 pm

Know one area up home is supposed to get 48"-52" of snow from this storm. Talked with ddil-R and dgs13 via face time. Said DS-R got called in at 3am to salt, got home about 9:30 and has to go back in at 2. Don't know how long DS-A has been out. Hoping he got home long enough for the all the dgks to open their gifts with him there. DDIl-R said DS-R had over 40 hours overtime in this pay period -so far.

I am so glad we chose to "do" Christmas gifts for us tomorrow. It's made the day so much more relaxed. We do plan on trying to get to W algreens by 8am tomorrow. There were several Christmas type things we wanted, but weren't willing to pay full price -for next year. So we'll see. Also saw some things at Sam's I wanted but I'll wait until 2nd week of January to go there to get them. Did see the denim shorts that dh likes so well there. So picked up 3 more pair for him -even though he doesn't really need them right now. Had a terrible time finding any for him for about a year and a half -when he really needed them for work, etc. He likes the shorter length (hiking shorts I think) as all the rest come below his knees and drive him nuts. One of my focuses for '18 is to get some mending (our bedspread) and hemming of some slacks for me. I can't even wear some because they're just way too long. Even printed out the tutorial Harriet mentioned quite some time ago. Found it via the search we have and printed it out last week.

I'm taking a break too, Kathryn. Don't need to do much today thank goodness. Won't have to start the pulled pork till about 1:30. I had printed out an "invitation" for dbil/dsisil yesterday. Looked again today to see what time I said (3:00). DD should be back in good time from her MIL's. They're having lunch, opening gifts there and the rest are going to the hospital to see Dsonil's dsis for the afternoon. Dsonil/dd will go later this week when things are calmer there.

We've already decided that next year we are only doing ONE day no matter what. It's up to the rest of the family to decide whether they want Christmas Eve Day or Christmas Day dinner. And we'll do it all much more simply. Last year and before that we would always go to dbil/dsisil's for Christmas Eve after church and then we'd go to dsisil's dsis for Christmas afternoon dinner. But she passed away 3/16/16 from lymphoma. Dsisil's wanted both this year but we knew she was no longer able to do either.
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Re: Blessed gifts Christmas PWYC

Postby Harriet » Mon Dec 25, 2017 1:05 pm

LOL, this was supposed to post about 8:45 or 9 - sorry!

Lynlee, that's sweet of you to say, since you may be the most likely to find others here have gone off to sleep! :roll:

We've had the happy Santa-visited-the-hearth moment at dawn when the tree lights still looked sweet. The child here was delighted. Ah, technology - the gift that keeps on confusing her mother. Character bandaids in the stocking, check (tradition upheld). A frame for her inked and rubbed art piece. HRH calls it Mona, so if he's named it, we must be keeping it.

Last evening's candlelight service was very nice, with a large crowd, larger than any service we've had in a long time - probably a year. Minister's son had to go up and get his attention because he'd forgotten to tell us all to go ahead and have the bread and grape juice - we were all struggling to hold those, along with the lit candle as we filed around the edges of the sanctuary! :)

Afterward, I realized leftover fruit bags hadn't been mentioned and was able to run after two visitors outside and catch them before they left. One my age who attended when we were children and one younger who also grew up in the church. Both immediately recognized what I was bringing them in a paper sack, lol. The younger said, "Woo Hoo! my fruit bag."

And now... ... agreed to go over to ds' house soon to see what must be terrific hearth items, because I can't make heads nor tails of what our green-eyed boy is saying, he's so excited to tell me. I gather it must be viewed there.

Dsecondmil called. That's another story. She will be with dsisil, and dbil's family today and says dsisil would have invited us but knows that of course we have all our children and grandchildren over on Christmas Day. :| Yes. In 2005. And we've been telling both of them ever since that we don't do that any more. But never mind. HRH is happier this way! :lol: :roll: It's like his Christmas present to have his brother entertain them! He, his mother and his sister are amazingly oil-and-water family members, while he and dbil were happy living in the same house for all the years of their whole bachelorhood. Who knows. We were all on the phone with dmil for an hour anyhow. I don't think I could visit any further, I'm exhausted!

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Re: Blessed gifts Christmas PWYC

Postby CathyS » Mon Dec 25, 2017 1:59 pm

Hi everyone!

We had a marvelous time here last night. Dd loved the Pride ornament that I added to our tree this year. Her and her male friend exchanged the exact same gift with each other. I got so much stuff. Dh said we need to build a shelf just for all the tea we both got. I got him around 15 different flavours from DavidsTea. My dd got me a discontinued flavour. An entire POUND of it! (450 grams, which is just under a pound, but close enough.) She loved her bow and arrows.

Dh and I woke up when it was still dark and ended up opening our stockings to each other, then I went back to bed. Dh washed almost all the dishes by hand! Then he made me pancakes and bacon. He is so thoughtful and his gifts certainly showed that. All of my favourite things, including favourite chocolate bar.

Have a marvelous day everyone. It snowed during the night and now the wind is blowing, so we are getting drifts. Plow has been past twice. We are a "rural access road" so not being a primary or a secondary and not in town, I guess they have finished in town. I have taken numerous pictures of our wintery wonderland over the past 24 hours.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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