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Postby Elizabeth » Fri Dec 29, 2017 11:19 am

Good morning everyone! I am still recovering my energy from the Christmas trip. I stayed up a little too late last night, but the main problem is Lara. She is still perturbed by my absence and yowls at night. Must get this habit stopped. It was a rare event before Tiki died. I did make the knit/crochet group, which was only 4 others this time. The group has really shrunk, but there were also some absences due to the holidays. After that was grocery run, library returns, and church webwork. Only some of my personal web chores were done (some banking ones). I did not do bills and budget, but did do a little on banking. Then, I got sucked into computer jigsaws. I got a data warning, so I will not be doing that much for the rest of the billing cycle, which ends the 23rd.

No more cat medicine!!!

CathyS can use the gift card to get a book for the next birthday or other occasion. Then, take the money that would have gone to that gift and get herself something at another store.

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Dec 29, 2017 11:27 am

Still at my computer. I started one task but had to sign into the banking app to finish it due to missing a month's statement. Now my printer won't print so that statement is on my screen only. That's two printers that won't print for me now. Sigh.... (I'm out of printers.)

Reconciled the bank accounts at one bank while I had the app open and have discovered that I need to transfer money into one of them before leaving. Better than discovering after but still scary. Also discovered I should write more rent cheques for my own rent. I stopped at January since I thought we'd have the new amount by now, instead we'll have another hearing in March, probably.

Still no breakfast or s2s so off to do that now. Need to come up with tasks for dh.

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Postby blessedw2 » Fri Dec 29, 2017 11:27 am

good morning d elizabeth, d cathy, d dee,d sunny, d kathryn, d twins (enjoy that quiet), d harmony, d lilac, d helia, d lady (I am enjoying that smile of yours), d llynn, happy anniversary d norma, also d lucy I saw you ironing last night - hope you had a nice rest last night, d harriet I saw you too! hello to all that come in this last friday of 2017! weird how time goes so fast.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Fri Dec 29, 2017 11:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby blessedw2 » Fri Dec 29, 2017 11:30 am

to wrap up the year:

finalize what I spent on Christmas and what I owe - so in other words paperwork
bathrooms - I still haven't done them
laundry - today is heavy laundry day for me if I do paperwork
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Postby Nancy » Fri Dec 29, 2017 12:00 pm

I was up by 5 :15 rain woke me. I went out to check the gutter and got it thawed. A relief. Fed hens too. Did half of my stat bike time. S2s done hair is mostly dry. h has a work gathering in a while.

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Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Dec 29, 2017 12:06 pm

Baby alive is here! DGD6 is beyond happy. DH is wondering why I bought such a noisy baby. LOL

I've got things set up for the kids for a few hours. I'm going to leave them with Papa and go be by myself for a couple hours then meet DGS21 for late lunch.
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Postby Harmony » Fri Dec 29, 2017 12:37 pm

Glad the baby arrived! They had those dolls when my kids were little I think.

Oh blessed, I did the same paperwork here. My 1 credit card statement arrived and it had gobs of stuff on it. I told DH I was going to cut up our cards if we didn't quit using them like that. Course, none of it was frivolous. We needed it all. Food. Medicine. Computer and misc. office things to go with that, new calculator, all of Christmas and a whole bunch of extra food for that, Rx's. Oh and the pickup truck parts, the water pump and hoses and belt and my truck tire. I did get it all figured out and reconciled ready to pay the first of the new year. I'd like to have paid it now and taken the expense but checks go to Oregon and they're always outstanding on my bank statement.

So, besides getting the kitchen cleaned up, that's all I've accomplished so far.

Laundry next. Every time I read Lucylee's ironing marathon, I'm glad I no longer do that. I did get used to my clothes like this. They aren't really wrinkled because I toss them for a few minutes in a de-wrinkle cycle and then I hang them up which smooths them further. I've noticed when I use the dryer instead of hanging them up they come out much more wrinkled. So even though the hanging takes time, it's less work than all the ironing I used to do.

I hope Norma and DH had a nice anniversary yesterday.

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Postby Ramblinrose » Fri Dec 29, 2017 1:29 pm

Morning and waving to y'all...

Well I had yesterdays all planned out and then Sweetie said he wanted to see his sister who hasn't been feeling well. So off we went. After our stay we were headed home when Sweetie suggested we stop to get subs for lunch...and then after they were bought surprised me by saying...lets have a picnic at the park we used to visit. Had a grand time eating in 74* weather, walking around the park and remembering all the past fun times we had.

So you know how we sleigh in the desert winter in 70* weather...why with a huge hill and a large piece of flat cardboard of course. Had fun watching the kids go down the hill and I reminded him when we did it a while ago with my son and his girl friend. We decided when my "kids" come to visit we need to do it again.

OK so all the stuff I had plan to do was put on the way side...not biggie as some times being with Sweetie out ranks other stuff, besides it was still waiting when I got home. This morning I did my morning routines, but have decided to add on more. While working I had my clothes ready to go when I got up each morning....I like that idea cause otherwise I sit in my PJ's too long. So now when I get up I just get dressed and then watch the news, drink coffee and get caught up with my FB stuff. From 7:30-8 I decided whats for supper make sure I have what I need. Perry's time is spent doing any footprints and such mostly during commercials, although this morning I decided just to start working around the house with my music playing.

I need to make another short W World run to a different store. After 9 years I decided to retire my comforter set in my guest bedroom and found one the other day that I really liked, I needed a Queen size which that store didn't have so I ordered the set online and need to pick it up at the other w world. Once I do that I can concentrate on getting a car load, including my Cmas stuff, ready to make a Goodwill run. I will be happy to get that out of the way.

Off to run my errands...hope your day is going well.
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Postby blessedw2 » Fri Dec 29, 2017 1:37 pm

d harmony - I am exactly in the same place - I haven't gone through the receipts yet but they are in one spot - I did overspend though, unthinking or must do in my pretend mind, on things not necessary - a goal for next year is to put exactly what I will spend for each person in individual envelopes through out the year that I can pull from and no more (I am not realistic of what I really spend so that my budget is not true). It is nice to know I am working with you - it will keep my focus on finishing christmas spending and paying off what I can. It will take me 2 months I think.

great work on the kitchen d harmony - that's a lot! I am not there yet.

d lady - yay on the doll but so funny on it making so much noise

sorry the rain woke you up d nancy - yay on getting the gutter thawed, hens fed, and exercise.

d rose I hope your d sis in law starts feeling better - how nice that you stopped by - yay on getting your morning routines done!

hello all
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Postby blessedw2 » Fri Dec 29, 2017 1:47 pm

I worked on straightening my card file and pulling cards for today. I fell behind with them on christmas and just did the basics.
At this time of year I really think of Pam and Peggy (bless her soul) and how much their card file has made my life easier and how grateful I am that shared their talents and learning when they did. My dad brought their new book home for my dear mom (even though she is born organized) - I remember the day - funny how it worked out. Pre-internet and everything :D

Also I started a Christmas card file for next year:
1. Made holiday cards/prep for October/November/December using the holiday work cards Fly lady using diane in Denmark (as I find her version short and fun - not too long or winded). I also am making the holiday clean up cards as I receive the emails or see the videos of Diane.
2. Made up a card for once a month to buy one thing for family for stockings - always the same thing - razors (january) , toothpaste, tooth brushes (february), deodorant, socks (March), etc. I will put a box in my closet that I and dh will know where it is (it will be on my bill shelf - no one ones to go there lol).

it may be 11:47 am and house work is not done but at least my card file looks spiffy (I haven't s2s yet either ;) )

Next: shower and s2s
pulled bathrooms card even though I usually do those on Tuesdays

I have a christmas card that came back that needs to be sent out.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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