Sunday Stuff

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Re: Sunday Stuff

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Dec 31, 2017 10:53 pm

Blessed: I skipped the party. I'm too far behind. It is now 50 minutes after I was supposed to go to bed and I'm still scrambling. And crying and panicking. This is exactly why I've stopped traveling with dh. It is worth giving up the exotic travel since it means I don't have this level of panic. The feeling is terribly upsetting.

I'm down to paying bills (which for security purposes I should do now) and putting together a request for money for expenses which should have been done weeks ago. Sigh...

After that, I'm turning off my computer until the airport lounge or possibly Vancouver.

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Re: Sunday Stuff

Postby Harmony » Sun Dec 31, 2017 11:04 pm

What is up with all the dumb dogs that don't want to come into a warm house? Sleep under a bush? :shock:

I'm sorry so many of you have that winter crud. Y'all get better quick! I'm thinking I'm doing better. New habit of using hand sanitizer immediately after coming out of a store is helping. Been doing that the past 2 years and haven't been sick. I hope I didn't just jinx myself.

LOL LadyM, bulging pockets! I don't always have pockets, though.

Kathryn, just think, the travel will hopefully be worth all the work and worry. You'll be nice and warm for a while.

We went to church this morning and stopped at supermarket for a few things. We got the ladder out and I put a new battery in the chirping smoke alarm. It's been chirping ever since Christmas Day when we were out of power for a bit. Must have used all its battery juice up when the electricity was off. Also put a new 9v battery in my scale. It was saying LO after I'd get off.

They're talking about 30° tonight; going to watch the weather and see if our town is on that list. I might have to go out and cover some things. I hate when we freeze. Citrus trees die and a lot of people lose a lot of $. We have a brand new pomegranate tree planted and I have several bushes and the grapes. Cold is ok up north where the vegetation can handle it, not so much down here.

Worked on my files for about 2 hours this evening. I'm getting there.

Well, 1 hour till midnight. I wish you all a very happy and healthy and prosperous New Years.

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Re: Sunday Stuff

Postby DeeClutter » Sun Dec 31, 2017 11:31 pm

It is worth giving up the exotic travel since it means I don't have this level of panic. The feeling is terribly upsetting.
Oh, I can completely agree with you on this, Kathryn. I get so anxious before I'm through that gate and on the plane too!

Going to bed and hope to not cough all night. Oh we're all so ready for all this to be gone, but I guess we have to go through it first. With 4 of us, the medical expenses are mounting. :cry:

Poor Bailey is shaking so bad tonight. Hope the fire crackers end soon after midnight. I probably won't hear them once I fall asleep. Will see how dd and I are feeling tomorrow evening. Have a pretty good feeling we might be cancelling on lunch date Tuesday. Certainly won't want to spread this to dsisil or her dsis. Sure they can pick up things well on their own.

DDIL-A texted a very pretty picture of the winter wonderland they woke to this morning. Said she felt bad for dgs5 because it's so cold she can't even take him out sledding. Know all this snow has been good for DS-A's business but they're all growing tired of it.

Get better to all who need that wish.
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Re: Sunday Stuff

Postby Nancy » Sun Dec 31, 2017 11:34 pm

Happy new years to all. I have every thing put down stairs packed up and put away except for the tree that will go downstairs tomorrow.

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Re: Sunday Stuff

Postby Lynlee » Mon Jan 01, 2018 12:49 am

Home from outing/meeting/gift exchange/ lunch with dsis. Good chats about things.
An envelope with $$ has disappeared. I was posting late Christmas cards north today. Its done now.
More things to find homes for. Am I ungrateful? Some things I can see myself using.
Prayers for Dsis on the 2+hr trip home. Storm brewing again. Some rain drops happened here, and stopped.
Dsis also has some health concerns.

I found the page tabs for bujo. Put some extras on the next page for whenever. Listed family members on People Contact page. Next pages I'll list others.

Prayers for all to be better soon, and stay safe in/ out of the cold.

Re dogs - I always loved to see my Lhasa Apso 'shovelling' non-existent snow with his nose to cover unmentionables. Some things are hard wired, I guess.

Prayers for the InCanadas as they get ready and travel. I can imagine how hard the packing is.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Sunday Stuff

Postby Harriet » Mon Jan 01, 2018 12:58 am

fireworks? Oh, I hope not. Wasn't that just here lately we did that? Well, 5 or 6 months. Too soon, too soon.

Best travel wishes for the In Canadas.

I was amused at LadyM's posting of the review, too! Someone's very bright to think of all that! It's been my experience, though, that such things still find their use, even if not exactly as one thought when purchasing. Dd bought a little journal today because she admired the cover. Now she doesn't know what to do WITH it. Still, it "spoke" to her, so I imagine it will find a useful purpose.

Sooooooo thankful HRH checked on the hens one more time today. I had said everything was fine - it looked normal but wasn't. Their water was frozen because the lightbulb had gone out. So he was out there with our clay-pot/frying-pan contraption pulled apart, changing the heat bulb, and putting it all to rights with new warm water. Two sets of eyes are better than one.

Elizabeth, my church stopped subscribing to the pocket daily devotional we've had a subscription to for decades in favor of a more magazine-sized one that's like a serious sermon a day. The pocket sized one is written by many ordinary individuals worldwide, this new magazine by few, very learned men. Not saying the new one doesn't have merit, too, but they are like apples and oranges. There is supposedly some fear that we'll read something inappropriate unless the writers are theologians. Not a popular decision so far - the wiser choice would have been to have both. Also, a really unfortunate touch was that the previous issues of the pocket one were thrown out in the trash, causing a resurgence of interest, as if in "burned books". ;)

Happy New Year everyone!

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