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Postby DeeClutter » Mon Jan 01, 2018 3:39 am

We can all start with a new clean slate today. Start your new year with a clean look. We can do whatever we wish with this new week, new year......wipe it clean and start all over again.

Wishing the In-Canadas a very good successful trip. May everything go smooth as silk.

I'm up at 2:30am :shock: Cold is doing "its thing". Know for sure we'll be calling today to cancel our lunch plans for tomorrow. Hoping I will start feeling better and not ending up at the Dr's. I surely know better than 'letting it go' too long don't I?

Right now, despite taking 'night-time' cold medicine, I'm wide awake.

Happy New Year to each of you. Get better to all you 'sickies'.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Postby Lilac » Mon Jan 01, 2018 5:09 am

Happy New Year to each of you! Thanks for opening Dee. I am so sorry that your household is under the weather.

It is now 2:49 am. I have actually set a new record. I have had our family over to eat 3 out of the last 8 days. Christmas Eve, Friday evening and New Year's Eve. The girls were teasing me, asking what I was fixing for tomorrow. There were only 12 of us for NYE. The boys are at their dad's and dgd21 and her boyfriend had plans. She is still living at home, but plans to move back in with her boyfriend at some point.

Everyone left after midnight. I decided to start the dishwasher and hand wash everything that needed to be. Dh was in a grumpy mood after everyone left. He was complaining that the 2 little girls make so much noise moving around upstairs that it feels like they are going to crash through the floor to the basement. Then he said that he hoped I had sent all the leftovers home with the girls. I didn't but I did text dd1 and tell her that later today I had food that I needed to share with them.

I will need to mop the kitchen and dining area plus clean the hardwood floors in the living room and dining room, again. Might as well wash the 2 tablecloths and put them away, then I can put the non holiday ones back on.

Hope you feel better soon LadyM. I had read sometime during the early fall that to prevent a cold you need to drink grape juice everyday. So dh and I started doing that. At some point this fall, I had a touch of a cold, but I kept drinking the grape juice and it only lasted 5 days. Opposed to normally I am down with cold for almost 3 weeks. Then dh came down with a cold. His too only lasted 5 days but he quit drinking it since he got a cold. He couldn't see that the colds we had were not the full blown miserable ones like we usually have. I have also seen that you are suppose to drink 3 glasses of it a day, if you know you were exposed to a stomach bug. Don't know if it really works but it is worth trying.

I am glad that I took my bs before I came downstairs because it was low enough that I would have been in trouble later. So I had a snack and hope it is up so I can hit the bed.

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Jan 01, 2018 7:04 am

At airport lounge. So far I think all is going well.

I have a sleep deprivation headache so am treating it with tea.

Happy 2018 everyone!

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Postby Lynlee » Mon Jan 01, 2018 7:53 am

Happy New Year to all in the village, or flying overhead.
Hugs and prayers.

I had a nap this afternoon. The storm didn't happen here, so glad of that.

Lunch was grilled chicken salad. Afternoon tea was banana chia carob smoothy, as I woke hungry.
Dinner was pb cheese toasted sandwich, followed by seasonal fruit, cherries and a lychee.

I need to finish today the way I aim to continue this year, so must move to dishes. asap.
One of my gifts was an A5 size journal, so I may use that in stead of the smaller A6 one I bought. I'll aim for a page reflection / inc gratitudes each evening.
I did have a thought to change my sheets, not sure it that will happen this evening.

PS prayers for safe travel Kathryn and Ken.
for recovery of all on sick parade.
Please - If you have a temp, its probably flu, so go for help. Here last years flu turned nasty very quickly for some, inc those who routinely have flu shots, and the young and fit.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Postby DeeClutter » Mon Jan 01, 2018 8:23 am

Yes, we always get our flu shots too, LynLee. But I'm relatively certain that what dh had was indeed the flu. He did have a fever when he went to the Dr. Which would explain all the sweating he did. I've heard the same about flu shots this year -that they're not really nipping all that flu in the bud. (editing: What I've read is that the flu shot is only 10-13% effective against the nastiest strain of the flu. It's still advised to get the shot and help prevent some flu strains and/or make it less virulent.)

I'm up and s2s. It's only 7:20 now. Hear dsonil out there hacking away. He probably needs to go to the Dr. as well (and he never gets a flu shot btw). But I'm also sure it would take a Mac truck to get him into see anyone.

We had a bunch of 'snackies' to make for today, but I'm thinking that won't happen. We have leftover pork chops and the chicken soup we had last night was fabulous. We might finish those 2 things up, eat the shrimp/cocktail sauce, sausage bread to finish and still mountains of cookies. Had lil' smokies to put in the crockpot. Thinking I'll stick them in the freezer.

DD and I plugged away at the laundry room/pantry yesterday. I'm betting we can finish it up today. Then we can bring in more from the garage.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Postby lucylee » Mon Jan 01, 2018 9:11 am

Good morning! I certainly hope I am not getting out of bed at 5:30 am all year long. Whew...
On our way to Atlanta...

Beautiful morning but brrrr... 20 degrees!
Thank goodness for indoor football stadiums!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Postby DeeClutter » Mon Jan 01, 2018 9:26 am

I'm with you, LucyLee -certainly hoping the way we feel is not any indication of how the year is to go.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jan 01, 2018 9:53 am

Happy New Years!!!

right now it is -11 temp wise (I don't know what the wind chill is) so any one east of the midwest I think you will be next for this lovely cold.

have a wonderful year!

d lucy - stay warm!!!

d lynn Happy New years!

d kathryn save and enjoyable travels!!! praying that your headache goes away fast!

Good morning soon to be feeling better dear dee and family - praying for health for your sweet family today.

d lilac How did you do 2 am - lol I fell asleep at 12 exactly! Happy New Years!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby Nancy » Mon Jan 01, 2018 10:04 am

I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

I need to get chicken breasts out to thaw for meaks today. X
I woke up at 4 a. m. to take the ddog out.
I stayed up and had strong coffee accidently put in double amount of grounds. :shock: LOL!

Hubby has been enjoying broth this weekend.
We had a lite supper of left over chili.

Thinking of you all.
Journaling is done.
A M routine is mostly done I spiffed up the kitchen.
Dumped the trash before Tues. trash day.
32* at 6 thirty a m .
Last edited by Nancy on Mon Jan 01, 2018 12:26 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Postby CathyS » Mon Jan 01, 2018 10:43 am

Happy New Year!!

I have the dishwasher going and the sink is full of hand wash stuff, like the vintage pyrex that MIL bought in the 60's or 70's. The set that has the solid yellow, green, red and blue.

Oddly enough, someone nearby had fireworks going off at midnight. Neither one of us got up to look. Other than that, I think we were both face down into our books with eyes closed by 10:30.

Supper tonight is a roast pork shoulder.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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