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Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jan 01, 2018 11:34 am

Look at everyone being so busy - well done!

hi d nancy - how do you wake up so early - I used to wake up at 5 when I was young but not any more :lol:
hope you have a good day

hi d Cathy - that sounds like a nice way to bring in the New Years!
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Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jan 01, 2018 11:46 am

today is the day I hopefully take down the Christmas tree - this is the longest I have kept a tree up. I usually get rid of it as soon as dd's go to Florida.

I woke up thinking my house would be spiffy because I felt busy yesterday but I woke up to clutter :shock: ;) I also didn't do any dailies either. My floors bad from not vacuuming them for 2 days

I over ate again last night - what is going on?!
So today I will set up some fruit and veggies for tonight - boredom or habit or both? :shock: :roll:

I know I am supposed to do my dailies first to feel better but I am going to do the Christmas tree first as dh would love that.

so hopefully today:

-take down tree and put ornaments in the boxes
-take outside wreaths down but not garland on the door until it is warmer (note to self - no garland next year for the outside except the front door - I paid for it and never got it up - only do what I have time for and don't over goal my time for the perfect Christmas - in other words buy only what I can do in that afternoon or not at all).
- dailies
-cut veggies for lentil salad
-a bit of checking account
-I didn't make the cauliflower gribeche yesterday but will do that today
-exercise - yoga
Monday chores: white laundry, laundry room weeklies,
fix the one christmas card holder (sewing)
Last edited by blessedw2 on Mon Jan 01, 2018 12:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jan 01, 2018 11:59 am

I wanted to ask what your goals were this year - kind of - not resolutions but little at a time things you want to do or continue doing?

one goal/habit

Dh and I - sounds silly - but we tend to miss giving each other a kiss in the morning when we wake up - we always wish each other a good morning but realized we let this one drop as we got older and when d kids came into the picture. We always chat at breakfast but I told dh this was just as important . So each morning we (actually I :D )have decided that we need to start the day better. :D He thinks it's sweet but very funny 8-) :lol:

continue french
continue bill keeping and trying to save money on a regular basis

hope: keep track of what I am eating at night.
continued but adding to goal: learning about boats - I hope to sign up for women on the water this year even though I am a big chick - last year I did some motor boat lessons and really enjoyed the freedom of not being scared - (last year I followed the girl from 100 days without fear and tried to live outside my comfort zone)

hope: make a list of what is still outside my comfort zone or what are my fears and try to work on those things again

time to start the day
s2s next

Happy New Year!
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Postby Nancy » Mon Jan 01, 2018 12:32 pm

Woke up to P and take the dog out.
My goal is to keep on keeping on especially with home keeping stuff like the spiffing up of kitchen the sinks & swish and swipe daily. :roll:

My current project room is the creativity room. Paper crafting stuff needs to be put in order again. I am revamping that room again, swapping out the kid beds bc the 4 yo is nearly too tall for the toddler bed the folding one is longer and will take up less room when it is folded up. I need to move the table loom out as well. So after the tree is down today I can move out the table loom. I will be doing some 15 min. Rounds to accomplish this before the week end when payroll begins.

I have swapped out those beds yea for progress!
I have chicken cooking in the IP.
Might need a midmorning nap.
Last edited by Nancy on Mon Jan 01, 2018 1:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Lilac » Mon Jan 01, 2018 12:47 pm

CathyS, I love those Pyrex bowls. I look at them on Ebay or when we are in an antique store or flea market. Dh tells me to buy a set but I have plenty of mixing bowls and can't bring myself to spend the money. I am so glad you have a set and enjoy using them. My dm had a set but I think my dad ended up with them after their divorce. She had a bunch of stuff in storage and he just helped himself to anything and everything. He took a lot of the photos while he was at it. We always say he has the pictures but we have the memories.

blessed, I guess my goal for the new year is to do a deep cleaning of the house and declutter while I am at it, between now and spring. My spell check came on for declutter. That is the right spelling, isn't it?

Guess I better have breakfast and meds. Dh is still asleep. We have been staying up way too late and it has finally caught up with him. Myself, if sleep was optional, I would never sleep.

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Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Jan 01, 2018 1:42 pm

We were out past midnight last night and I slept in until almost 9 a.m. this morning. Dfriend M came by earlier for coffee and we walked the two dogs around the circle - very cold here this morning, still only 20 degrees w wind chill 7 degrees. Dh did quite a bit of clean up before I got up, and I've been puttering around putting things to rights as much as possible. Will be great to get dh back to work tomorrow too.

I'm going to read some this afternoon and continue with the party put away and clean up. Nice quiet day.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Jan 01, 2018 1:53 pm

Safe in Vancouver after a very comfortable and unremarkable flight. There was a fair bit of turbulence but I had managed to time my bathroom runs well so wasn't bothered by it.

I did take an allergy pill as I watched both a cat then a dog go by. And before take off I took a pill for the headache. Didn't sleep but did relax with my eyes shut for 45 minutes solid and through about half the movie I watched.

We are set up in the lounge at the work stations. Time to put in several hours work.

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Postby Ramblinrose » Mon Jan 01, 2018 2:05 pm

Happy New Years to Y’all...

I see Lucylee at the football game. She’s the one in the orange and blue shirt :D

Lots of football in my future today. MY team plays later tonight .... meanwhile I plan to

* take down my tree
* put away decorations
* tend to laundry

As the 2018 New Year begins some of you may have seen on my FB Page that I have permanently retired. No more subbing, so now I will have lots of time to play. Left on a high not and am very content with my decision which is key to me.

I am sort of sick... have a sinus infection. I made an appointment with urgent care and was in and out in less than 25 mintutea even though the place was packed. And my prescription was ready as soon as I walked into the drugstore.

LadyM... I know the type of dog ds9 has. It’s heritage is a mountain dog and bread for cold weather. My guess is he/she has two coats, an inner coat that insulates and traps air to keep him/her warm. Maybe he gets too warm inside and enjoys the cooler air. Bet he sleeps curls up with his big tail wrapped around his head. It works like a muffler to keep him warm. Sled dogs are known to tunnel down and bury themselves in the snow to stay warm. The hole captures their body heat and is how they survive while running sleds.

My dinner is planned and my windows and doors are open. We are 12-15 degrees above aberage and I feel like I’m living in florida. Sounds like it’s warmer here than at Harmony’s house.

Break over, laundry awaits... enjoy your day where ever it leads :D
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Postby helia » Mon Jan 01, 2018 2:59 pm

Hello friends! I'm being unscheduled today. I need to recover from my "vacation." It felt like I was just going from day to day, barely accomplishing what had to be accomplished that day without being able to get ahead. First, I had to get used to a household of 6 instead of 2 (dd19 has brought home her Taiwanese roommate for 2 weeks of their break). Then, several evenings we had extra friends here for meals. The 26th, we spontaneously and last minute had 11 people here for dinner. Other than that, Christmas was a special meal that required several groc. stops (dh made his very yummy seafood paella -- even though the whole town was out of mussels, apparently. . ); the 27th was our very late Sinter Klaas celebration that took all day to plan, prep, and celebrate -- until about 11:30 pm. Then, we traveled to my parents' home Dec. 28 - 30. Yesterday,
I had to wrap gifts, shop and then cook for 10, our family and C family plus C family's guest. Again, I went to 2 groc. stores to get good meat for meat fondue. We celebrated with them until after midnight last night. Today, I'm not planning anything. I'm tired of celebrations. LOL! I'd like to do some laundry, and I'll have to figure out something for dinner, but we have a lot of leftover meat from the fondue.

The Big U here starts up on Wednesday. Some students had less than a 2 week break with the last day of finals being Thursday, Dec. 21. My school starts back on Thursday, so the first 3 days this week are my true vacation!!

Ds left early this a.m. Dd19's friend K is flying out Friday. Dd19 is here until the end of the month. She gets a long break! She is actually trying to switch her major to tech design, which seems to be, well. . . more technical - and involves more pattern making, and software modeling and apps for designs. She will miss the drawing parts of her major, but finds this direction interesting, and it will put her in a slightly different place in the manufacturing process.

Temps here are very cold, too cold to keep up my running. Honestly, I feel unmoored without running in my life. I'm going to rejoin the gym tomorrow and hope I can keep the weight from creeping back on. I have been eating rather freely and have gained a few pounds though still under 150. I need to nip that in the bud though.

For 2018, I'd like to continue with lots of exercise. I feel great when I'm pushing myself in that way. I'd also like to restart a journalling habit, ideally both personally and professionally.

Nice to see you all here! Have a safe trip wherever you're going, Kathryn.

Possible list for today:
- laundry
- coffee with dh :)
- buy cards for 3 friends
- send photos to my niece in NL for dfil's calendar
- work on New Year's cards
Last edited by helia on Mon Jan 01, 2018 3:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jan 01, 2018 3:01 pm

oh d helia lovely to see you! Hope you will be able to get running back into your life
Hello d lilac!

Hello d Nancy!

Hello d and traveling Kathryn!

Hello d twins!

Hello d rose!

Hello to all!
Just a quick hi - I will come back and say hello individually in a bit.

Christmas tree is down and outside! I took it down and dh took it outside and its so cold. Dh swept the front room and I will surface vacuum to day and hand vacuum when I had wash the floor next week.

our family places find the needles during the year - just like we used to play find the missing easter eggs during the year when we would host the easter egg hunt and one or two eggs would be found in the summer when cutting the grass.

I put the hallmark ornaments in one box, the handmade special ornaments in another, and the good breakable ornaments in another. I still have some of the cheap but breakable ornaments to put away. We had to finally recycle the lights from the tree as there were too many bulbs that didn't work anymore.. the city by us recycles them. (they did last for a long time so they don't owe us a thing.)

Next: dry the tree stand and wd-40 the screws from it after they dry.
wash the christmas tree skirt and repair the ties on it
take the wreaths off the outside of the house even though it is bitter
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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