Friendly Friday

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Re: Friendly Friday

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Jan 05, 2018 5:36 pm

While outside monitoring the kids playing I started taking down the exterior Christmas lights and decoration. I didn't plan on doing that today but the weather is so nice that once I got started I just kept going. It feels good to have that done. It is completely packed into a labeled plastic tub and put into storage. I added a couple things to the donation stack.

I cooked a couple frozen pizzas. I'm thankful my family like them. :)

WHAT? CityLady is not in NY? I'll have to catch up with her. Thanks for the heads-up CathyS!
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Re: Friendly Friday

Postby Elizabeth » Fri Jan 05, 2018 5:46 pm

New report completed and uploaded!

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Re: Friendly Friday

Postby Harmony » Fri Jan 05, 2018 6:12 pm

I just cuop. Yesterday I was too busy and then DH took the computer down to have the bookmarks put in which the guy did in a couple minutes. I still don't know how he did it. DH hasn't a clue, either. I had already located most of mine the old goo gle way and redid them. DH wasn't able to do that. I told him to leave my side alone I had mine set. Well, he didn't and now I have double, triple ones and I spent a while trying to get rid of all that. A few of them no longer worked because sometimes people change things and don't include a redirect...

Sigh.... at least I don't have to hear him complain about that any more.

I'll tell ya, working off a clipboard on my lap with piles of papers piled around me is the pits. Getting up to do anything disrupts it all.... and the only benefit to all that was staying in the warmest room of the house.

I'm really tired of this weather. It's bothered me more this year than it ever has. Today early early we did have a bad freeze, so I am glad I have things covered. I changed the sheets on my bed and put the new blanket I just bought underneath the down blanket. I don't like the weight but I am finally warm enough. I also don't like that I have to stay up extra late to keep the fire in the fireplace fed. We have to keep the window next to it open a little. If we didn't the fireplace would suck the air out of the rest of the house, which would then replace itself with cold air... but if the fire isn't going, all we get is gusts from the little opening in the window.

I don't know how the old settlers did it. Heating by fire is a lot of work.

Have been working on the last paperwork project which has a time limit on it. Got stopped today when DH picked up the package from county office for big project which is next. I had to get that all ready for jobsite, copy stuff to keep here, organize it all, make a few phone calls... paperwork said $20,000+ due :shock: which they tell us just to ignore :shock: :o after we picked ourselves up off the floor...

(Dee) maybe you should go back to the clinic? Maybe you should drag DSiL with you? Yes I know you would if you could. One year I had a refill on a Z-pack after I was sick. DH had some medicine he used and was still sick, so I gave him mine which he didn't want to take. Until I told him I'd give my eye teeth for someone to give me their Z-pack. He took it and got better. What's up with these men anyway?

I see the bucket trucks for phone company across the street. I hope my internet doesn't go down.

Lynlee, I can't find the spots by my collarbone either. I know where they end but no sensitivity there. Maybe not sensitive unless one is sick? And I was confused the other day by your post where you said you called Mum?

Kathryn, green with envy at you sitting in the warm sunshine. :mrgreen: Send some to me?

Back to my fireplace!

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Re: Friendly Friday

Postby Nancy » Fri Jan 05, 2018 6:19 pm

I walked w an umbrella and the dog half of our normal walk in thd rain today.
I was checking spit color today it was white yea!
Nearly time to feed hens again. The boys will be back soon they helped me a bit up this morning.

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Re: Friendly Friday

Postby DeeClutter » Fri Jan 05, 2018 7:02 pm

I do seem a bit better today, Harmony. Only have had 2 of those jags today, with the last one ending better. But dh continues to wheeze & he finished his steroids today.
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Re: Friendly Friday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Jan 05, 2018 7:48 pm

Harmony: I'm watching the weather back home and feel so bad for those of you in winter.

It went 'down' to 70 this afternoon (your time) and we shut the a/c off in the car and then didn't walk to dinner (1 km) from the wonderful park we were at because it was 'too cold.' After dinner it was 67 and I put my sweater on as soon as we got back to the cottage. Overnight, dh finally broke down and opened up his suitcase to pull out the airline pjs since he was too cold to sleep deeply. I'm sure it went down to 65 in here last night!

I'm writing this from Saturday morning with my slippers and dressing gown on to keep 'warm.' And I just pulled out my airline pjs in case there's a repeat of this 'cold' during the rest of the stay. I didn't expect that at all. We have a light blanket and sheet on the bed so it was perfect for the first 2 nights but not enough last night.

<Peeking in from Saturday>

Dh is making bacon and eggs for breakfast this morning. I should be getting dressed since I've finished my tea and chocolate. I'll have a slice of bacon and some raisin bread and butter, plus my yogurt and fruit. There's a boiled egg for my lunch salad, which I also have to pull together.

I'm busy packing for the day - a lumbar support for dh in the car, the beach towels, USB cable so we can charge our devices, food for the day (so we don't have to stop along the drive to eat), hiking poles, etc, etc. Sunscreen just lives in our day backpack but I do have to add hand cream since dh needed that yesterday while we were out.

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Re: Friendly Friday

Postby Nancy » Fri Jan 05, 2018 8:28 pm

The boys family is growing sibling will be a girl. All are pleased, I gave them sparkling cider and a 2018 glass!

H is getting oil changed.
Boys are napping, I am rocking one.

Later... dinner is done I cleaned upnafterwards.
Folded 1 load of laundry, started another one.
Bee movie is on.

I am done with the 2nd shift. On again at ten a m tomorrow.
Pouring down outside half snow 37*.
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Re: Friendly Friday

Postby Lynlee » Fri Jan 05, 2018 9:15 pm

re pressure points - If the coughing/ symptom eases, it either helps after you touch them, or you would have been getting better anyway.
It could be that I am sensitive to the touch of them. I know all those sinus ones around the eye socket react.
Lots of inflammation in this body.
When I has a massage from one guy I could feel all the related nerve reaction points related to the one he was working on.

lights out by 12 is a bust. 8 hrs in bed is possible more days. I'm grabbing wins anywhere I can find them.
upended my breakfast seed mix on the K floor. how the buckwheat bounces!
I gathered it all up. Scattered it outside. To grow or for animals to find. Its back with nature.
I need more buckwheat.

washing is on the line.
I need a better system for hand washing. Most of it just needs a dunk and a swirl, rinse.
I bagged a couple of things in thru 'delicates', with everything else, and I'm not counting it a success.
Took out the bucket of water to dunk again, perhaps to get the creases out. She says hopefully.

It is funny how our opinion of what is warm, hot, cool or cold changes depending on the time and place.
At dd's there was a winter eiderdown, and a sheet. When I take my car I take bedding - a towel is my pillow for starters - but felt a need to downsize last public transport visit. I took a hand towel to dry myself, used another towel as extra bed cover as needed, and a long sleeve cotton shirt added over pjs, if needed.
Perth. Desert temps, with ocean change possible. Do they get the regular afternoon ocean breeze/ If we are lucky, and our homes allow the air inside, we have that here, unless we are having summer desert temps and wind from the north.
Remember there is nothing but southern ocean to the Antarctic along the southern areas. when the weather changes the effect is dramatic. I just had an interlude looking at global latitude.

Going to take library books back, and get quinoa.
Just begin.
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Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
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Re: Friendly Friday

Postby CathyS » Fri Jan 05, 2018 10:00 pm

WOO HOO!! The other couple cancelled!! Plus dh's best friend also cancelled. We were able to go to an expensive Chinese buffet instead. Dh really enjoys his choices now instead of just piling his plate high. I actually had crab legs and had more than one or two for the first time ever. I think I had ten. Very little room for anything afterwards. They had pomegranate sorbet/sherbet. It was... interesting. It started off tasting weird but I wanted more by the time I finished my little scoop.

Dh mentioned earlier that it isn't just 35 degrees difference between the house and outside... it's 35 Celcius which is a huge difference if you do it in F. so... 68 F inside and around 5F outside, plus the wind chill. Dh rarely complains of the cold, but he really has been since losing the weight.
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Re: Friendly Friday

Postby lucylee » Fri Jan 05, 2018 11:50 pm

I think the Fitbit only serves the purpose of depressing me. I’ve taken in over 3000 calories.
Lesson: Calories DO still count, even when one is away from home. ESPECIALLY when one is away from home.
Sheesh. I’ll never lose weight...
Tomorrow is another day.

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