Satisfying Saturday

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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby Harmony » Sat Jan 06, 2018 5:51 pm

Glad some of you are feeling better.

I made a big pot of turkey soup today. Wished I had it yesterday when I was so cold. My legs were like two popsicles. I'd forgotten about the long underwear pants I usually wear in weather like this under my slacks. Not sure I even know where they are right now. I had the Christmas carcass in the freezer, so now that is gone and the good part of it is in the pot.

First thing I got checks in the mail and then I reconciled a bank account. More spreadsheets to fix. Dang! Bank said that check had cleared...but because it was over the holiday, they didn't include it in the statement. Annoying. I already changed 2 sheets to include that check when they said it cleared. I think I will just hand-write it in and change it in the computer and forgo the printing.

So I am taking the decorations down 1 thing at a time. Haven't made much progress. I did get the nativity packed up. I need to go through things and sort. I did it in a hurry last year and things are just sort of messed up together.

Man it's cold back here in the office. Think I'll go back to the fireplace. DH did take off all the plant coverings. Optimistic thinking. It's not supposed to freeze again...but there's another storm next week, I'm not sure how it'll affect us. Crossing my fingers...

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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby Harriet » Sat Jan 06, 2018 6:15 pm

ejagno! Girrrrrrl, it is good to see you hangin' out with us lately!

TaDa - did get that church mail outahere by standing in line at PO a while - worth it! :) Then off to Tarjay where a script was strangely transferred (they are affiliated with our pharmacy... ? .. ) Oh, well, they had it.

Only bad thing about that is that TarJay's got a lot of stuff I might need, you know? So stayed too long. But found in the super cheap aisle, envelopes that will help me - almost paid too much and got less helpful ones on A-river, so I'm glad I looked there.

HRH was calling me - ds and children here and hoping I'd hurry home.

Saved a few lives in traffic. :| There are men (accurate even if it sounds sexist) who believe themselves to be "good drivers", who are actually just indecisive. If you are in the far left turn lane, but decide to go to the shopping center on the right well up ahead instead, and you CAN act like a racecar driver and cross three lanes of traffic to do it, this doesn't make you "good at". This makes you "indecisive about". And you better hope there's a lady coming along behind you in the next lane who will decide to save your life. Also it would be good to stop thinking that whatever few square feet are around you are the most important in the world. Learn to live in society!!!!!!!

Nerf Football on the lawn nearly froze us adults :shock: but the kids didn't seem to think it was cold at all - rosy cheeks. I am determined to teach all my progeny how to throw a forward pass. So far so good - and toddlerC can already make a good catch, so she's on track. Our green-eyed boy calls out to ds, "noooooo, Daddy, let Grandma throw to meeeee!" Ds rolls his eyes. My work here is done.

Then we watched Suess movies while ds went grocery shopping.
2-year-olds are a study. The only people in the world who can get so mad at a bird for flying away before they can get to the window to see, that they will have a complete breakdown into melted toddler. She intends to take over the world. Soon. HRH has got her number. He just gets one of the mini ice cream treats and hands it to her and walks away. Faced with the responsibility for melted ice cream if she continues venting, she will go quiet and begin licking the ice cream. And then, as he says, after we spoil them we send them home; it's our job.

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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby Twins' Mom » Sat Jan 06, 2018 6:38 pm

I've had a decent day so far. I did some Tai CHi practice but dh has been home too much. I really should go practice upstairs, I just feel so awkward. YMCA was good - I followed dfriend M around and did the machines she was doing for her printed workout. Stretched some in the beginning, and did 15 min on treadmill.

Need to get in the shower and get ready for the evening.
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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby DeeClutter » Sat Jan 06, 2018 6:51 pm

Not sure I even know where they are right now
I do know where mine are, Harmony: Up North! Lot of good they'll do me here when I could use them. Maybe I'll put my Eeyore PJ bottoms on over my jeans.
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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby Nancy » Sat Jan 06, 2018 7:18 pm

Naps done even the ddog napped! Hens have been fed aftetnoon meds done. Snack time over.I swept and mopped yea!

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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby Harriet » Sat Jan 06, 2018 7:31 pm

And just TRY to find a warmer nightgown (or ANY socks) this time of year, Dee and Harmony. Shelves not restocked even though the calendar is no surprise to anyone. I only have one really warm nightgown left and thought I'd get another. Looked at a nightgown that wasn't quite what I wanted today and was thinking, gee, it's the only style left and not very warm around neck/chest, and at that moment it fell off the hangar there was such a wide V-ed neckline! LOL! silly. I just reminded myself of the wisdom, "Make Do!" I would rather wear one of HRH's thicker tees with some knit shorts if I must.

Socks were such a joke - an entire aisle in which both sides are full of the prongs that stick out toward you to hold tops of sock packages. But there is nothing on them except a few held the very silliest "novelty", or some of what I would call "peds", thin. I was going to ask someone but realized there was nothing left to say except criticism of buyer's decision-making in replenishing shelves, so I dropped it. When I used to work at dept store such a thing didn't happen because each year lessons were learned by buyers and the "pipeline" was ready in coming years.

Outdoor chores done.

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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Jan 06, 2018 8:16 pm

quick hi! hope you all are having a great evening!

Girrrrrrl, it is good to see you hangin' out with us lately
oh my gosh i loved this...
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sat Jan 06, 2018 8:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Jan 06, 2018 8:20 pm

I am sliding back into my daily habits and routines. I know I sound like a broken record but it feels soooooooooo good to have my energy back.

BuJo tweaks continue. I try something and then a few days, or weeks later adjust it or even delete it totally. It has taken many months of use for each category on daily pages to settle into what works for me. I am fairly brutal on requiring each item/category to be useful or it gets deleted. Everything has to "earn" the right to take up space on my daily pages.

My plan to meet individually with members of my inner circle each week has been paused while I recover from the crud. I want to get that plan implemented this week. I'm not sure I can get each element of this plan on the schedule & executed this week but I know I can begin.

Menu plan for the week is tentatively made.

I'm trying to decide if I want to join a book club. There are 3 book clubs available nearby. Hum.... I would love to do it online with people I know. Not so sure I want to go to a meeting where someone can talk...and talk...and talk. I find myself wondering how I can leave without looking rude. Maybe my experience at attending book clubs was not typical. Do I try again? I am hesitant because there always seems to be one person that feels the need to talk excessively. Said by the woman who can write word after word on this forum about nothing. Seems like the pot is calling the kettle black. If it was online then I could just skip their words when they became excessive. LIKE MY POST IS NOW. >>>groan<<<
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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Jan 06, 2018 9:06 pm

Okay. The menu plan is done. I've arraigned to meet at least one person each day to visit one-on-one & have a meal with them. It will be interesting if this will work.

Next Up -
** develop shopping list from the menu plan
** Read a chapter in a book that has taken me 2 MONTHS to read. hum...Would having a deadline to finish a book encourage me to read more?
1. Know what you want.
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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby Lynlee » Sat Jan 06, 2018 10:24 pm

I'm glad to people are starting to feel better from the bugs going around.

Harriet - USA is about the size of Australia (if you ignore the Alaska bit) so I'm not surprised the weather varies from place to place. I'm glad you haven't been set in a deep freeze.
I think the weather people do make a big deal of things as they don't want people to be caught out, then say - you didn't warn us.

I made bed by 11.30 last night, and lights out by 12. Sleep had a long delay though.

Church this morning. missed the bus. walked the 2k. through unmown grass etc etc, and up the steep hill.
Umbrella in hand and shopping cart in the other. Wrist and shoulder complained.
Of course the church is on top of a hill. I liked the explanation of The Epiphany. Nice to sing so many carols I learnt in another church long ago when my dds and I learned them for Sunday School Christmas concerts.

Spoke to a few people.
Groceries. My fav goat cheese was back in stock, in a thin 1/2 " thick, 1/4 of the round, wedge. I think I'll cut it to fit a container when I open it..
bus home - timed it well enough as they are 1 per hour.

I made up another mix of breakfast porridge fixing. Decided to mill the flaxseeds, and add into the mix. I bought the quinoa flakes as they make it a more 'porridge' like texture. Also in the container - buckwheat and cashews. Refrigerate. I add chopped ginger and whatever dried fruit when I cook it. Ginger I slice and store in the freezer. I would have gotten sunflower seeds, but they were all imported.
At last the flaxseed packet is out of the way.

Kathryn is seeing parts of the country I have never been to. :) Living vicariously along with others in the village.
Our weather fronts often first appear over in SE WA where Kathryn, and take their time to move around the place.

Hugs and prayers for you and your loved ones, for your countries and mine, may there be wisdom and humanity brought into decisions from on high.
I read some of my country's government decisions that seem less than optimal to me.
Prayers for all the world's peoples.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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