Standby Sunday

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Standby Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Jan 07, 2018 4:15 am

I am in a standby queue for another 20 minutes hoping to catch an earlier ferry.

It has me thinking about how we can take a chance to rearrange our plans some times to make our lives easier.

When does it make sense to spend time taking a chance you'll catch a break and when is it more efficient to stick with the plan?

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Re: Standby Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Jan 07, 2018 6:20 am

Made it!

I am so tired of standing so am relieved to get on. They took the first 10 people in the line. Dh and I were 8 & 9!

We spent a good portion of the day on Rottnest Island just off Perth. It will be a rough crossing, they have pulled out the sick bags for those who are queasy. I have my seabands on just in case.

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Re: Standby Sunday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Jan 07, 2018 8:49 am

Kathryn - what an adventure you and Ken are on! POTB for being prepared.

Harriet - Congrat's on your new skills! The Ninja never saw you coming. :)

So anyone have any ideas?

Harmony - would a command hanger work? I've never used the command hooks until recently. I always opted for a normal nail or screw. After getting some command hooks, now I am finding a use for them where nail/screws would be a PITA.

It feels sooooo good to feel good again. I am very thankful.

Today is normal Sunday schedule. I love Sundays.

I couldn't resist taking a peek of Rottnest Island using pictures posted by others. I found myself wondering. Did K&K ride this boat? Did they see that lighthouse? Were they on that road? And now they are off to different location and adventures.
Last edited by LadyMaverick on Sun Jan 07, 2018 8:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Standby Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Jan 07, 2018 8:57 am

My travelogue is now 4 days behind. But I'm so tired, I don't think I can write tonight. We've decided to do only the bare minimum tomorrow - return rental car, bbq at lunch, most likely dinner out with other meeting attendees. Dh has added a trip to the beach in there as well, so much for bare minimum. We also need to buy milk and probably a few other groceries.

We are only here three more days. Then we move on to New Zealand. But first the meeting which is Tuesday and Wednesday.

This morning we did a load of laundry. I had sent dh to the laundromat but he didn't get past the verandah. He ended up washing the clothes using our friends' machine and we hung it all up to dry on the line by the cottage. At that point it was 9:45 and I hadn't completely packed for the day but we tore out of the cottage and took the car to the port, leaving it without getting a parking chit. We confirmed there was space on the 11 ferry so dh went to park the car in all-day parking and pay for that. I bought the tickets for the ferry. Turned out the 10:15, which was boarding, still had space so we were among the last 5 people to board.

Once on the island we checked in at the information booth and ended up taking the train ride Oliver Hill. That was at 12:30, it was 11:15 so we walked to find a quokka (small rat-like marsupial) and then picked up a picnic lunch (remember we had rushed out so all I had grabbed was peanuts.)

We walked over to the train 'station' to check out where it was and there was a bench there in the shade so I ate my lunch and we enjoyed the quiet. We had expected the island to be crowded (summer Sunday) but it wasn't crowded by North American standards.

The train arrived, we boarded and enjoyed the 30 minute ride up to the remnants of the WWII protection for the harbour at Fremantle. We didn't do the tour there, instead we had 5 minutes to run around taking pictures of the island from this high vantage point, then headed back on the train.

Dh had a turn 'driving' it and we enjoyed the swallows that raced alongside. It turns out the vibration of the train stirs up the insects so the swallows were enjoying a great feed.

Once back at the Settlement, we walked along a trail looking for a good beach. It was a long walk at the height of the summer sun. I wanted a place I could sit in shade while dh enjoyed the water and that was found at the last beach. We changed into our suits, dh stepped in the water and pronounced it cold and we spent about 10 minutes in the water before walking back up to the change rooms, showering off the salt and dh changed back. I didn't have a bra with me so I left my suit on to let it dry so I could put my clothes on over it.

We sat in the shade, enjoying our peanuts while looking over the water while our towels dried and then decided to head back to the settlement. It had taken an hour to walk to beach but there was a bus leaving in 5 minutes. We gathered up everything quickly and made the bus, a last minute decision that worked out very well.

Then we decided to do standby for the earlier ferry and got back at 5 instead of 7.

The crossing was rough. Since we were the last on, there weren't seats together but we were near each other. I was with a family of 5 from Sydney area on a 4 week drive around the country (not completely around, they'll come down to Alice Springs, not go on from Darwin to Cairns and Brisbane.)

Their youngest went quiet and worried very quickly and so we talked and talked and kept those who were seasick distracted. The father was very green but I had showed him where to press on the wrists to control the nauseousness. I had my seabands on and they were a saviour. Lots of people were ill on the crossing so it was rough.

As dh and I walked back to the car he confessed the sea was about as rough as he could take it and he felt quite ill. He was glad we came before we had eaten. He is still feeling it a bit when he moves suddenly so something in his equilibrium is off.

We drove to the grocery store and picked up a cooked chicken, garlic bread and veggies for our dinner. It was a surprise to find it was stuffed (they don't do that anywhere else around the world we've bought one.)

We brought the clothes in off the line and then had dinner, listening to a funny podcast while we ate. We haven't laughed that hard in a while - it felt good.

We've decided to head to bed early since we are both knackered. It is just 9 here but dh is in the shower and I'll get to my teeth in a minute.

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Re: Standby Sunday

Postby Harriet » Sun Jan 07, 2018 8:58 am

Morning, Kathryn! Hope you didn't need the bags. Nice that you got to sit down when you were so ready for it! Have fun!

Harmony, at the risk of making all the sometimes-dry-wallers among us faint, maybe a brad pushed in so that prongs are horizontal? I realize that's not helping with the over-large hole. One of the white temporary adhesive command things plus an ornament hangar might work. (seeing LadyM thinks so too) Actually, could you rig an ornament hangar itself into the existing hole? I know how irritating it is to have a set-up you like and lose it.

Sitting here with my breakfast and as much of my hair up in curlers as I could manage this morning. The nape of my neck is going to have to fend for itself with whatever curl the scrunchie imparted. Ran out of time before the stove timer rang.

Need to dress warmly, and check on the car, which may be frosty-frost or an ice layer this a.m. - not sure yet. Ready with my shoebox of envelopes for the 20 or so people/families I believe may be at church today, to get these off my mind completely. I need to be ready to prepare reports next. Fun, fun.

Neither neighbor or I have taken down lights. Mine only a tree in the window, his much more impressive. I need to tell him one of these days I've enjoyed what he did. Undecorating also needs to be done in coming week.

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Re: Standby Sunday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Jan 07, 2018 9:49 am

Plan #5303395. I canceled my order for 3x5" daily planner. It had not shipped yet which made the decision easier. The more I waited for it to arrive, the more I became unsure if it would work for the way I plan things.

My digital BuJo prints well to a regular sheet of paper. I am going to try that instead. I like using paper and pen but I also want my uniquely designed daily layout. In theory, this will work. Design BuJo pages on OneNote, then print and use paper/pen to execute. I've printed out the daily pages for this week. Time will tell if this process will work best for me.
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Re: Standby Sunday

Postby DeeClutter » Sun Jan 07, 2018 11:12 am

All is quiet here. DD/dsonil have left for Tampa to see his Mom and his dsister. It was midnight before she finally got to the Tampa hospital last night. They'll be doing some procedure on her but I don't figure anything will be done today unless deemed urgent. Dh has gone to church. He only went because of the pastoral vote and the fact he's supposed to help count votes. I'm praying all goes well there.

I'm still fighting to gain ground on this virus. Inhaler has made me shaky I'm afraid.

Have a LOL going. Had too much for one load so will wait till later for the rest of it. Dsonil beat me to the punch so had to wait for his load first. Put his in the dryer. So that will mean I'll have to fold his when they finish before putting mine in. I'll fold them and put them on the dining room table. Because if I leave them on the dryer/washer that's where they'll stay I'm sure.
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Re: Standby Sunday

Postby CathyS » Sun Jan 07, 2018 12:10 pm


We had an early brunch. I have laundry going today, so I will be getting rid of dirty clothes so I can have clean ones! First load is already out of the dryer.

Very Organized Friend is coming over for tea later because she wants to see my tree. It is coming down as soon as they leave.

I am reading a "reference" book about the royal family that has so many spelling mistakes in it, that I feel like burning it. I went looking for the info page regarding where it was published, etc. It has a page with 3 lines at the bottom. The publishing firm, their address and their country. It probably didn't even get edited. SO many mistakes. Of course, the picture on the front is one of Diana crying. I guess we all get what we pay for, and I got that book for 20 cents at a book sale.

Standby stuff? I can always drop stuff at the spur of the moment to do something else. Dh asked me if I wanted to go somewhere yesterday and I had my coat on before he did.

It is a VERY cold day here. No snow at this point. No warmth either. But the sun is shining and there are very few clouds, which is why it isn't warm.
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Re: Standby Sunday

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Jan 07, 2018 12:48 pm

It's still cold here also, altho supposed to get up to around 40 later. We have a winter weather advisory tonight - just icing. We should be safely inside.

Dh is watching the James Bond marathon today, but we're planning to go see the Winston Churchill movie at 1 p.m. Kids will be here for supper, I'm making a spinach/mushroom soup with Middle eastern spices from the NYT. Need to stop at grocery also today.

Other than that, it's a quiet day here.
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Re: Standby Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Jan 07, 2018 1:01 pm

d harmony - I agree with you - I love their literary ability!!!

d twins stay warm - it's 24 here today so that means it will get warmer by you in a few days. we were 13 below not long ago so you all got hit with that cold now. I really want to see that movie - please tell us how you like it after you see the Churchill movie.
your soup sounds lovely.

hi d cathy enjoy tea with your d friend. Stay warm too!

I am glad you are having a nice quiet morning d dee. I am praying for your d sil's d mom. Praying all goes well for the vote. hope you feel better - my dd younger also has that reaction with the inhaler - sorry it is affecting you that way as it is a very uncomfortable feeling. Feel better

d lady - I am glad you figured out you didn't want the planner and was able to cancel it. Enjoy your sunday!

d harriet - love the curlers! stay warm yourself!

d kathryn You should be tired - it's okay - you are very very busy and enjoying life! I love your travels!!! I love the rottenest island pictures from that site.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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