Standby Sunday

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Re: Standby Sunday

Postby Harriet » Sun Jan 07, 2018 9:02 pm

Hi. I've napped. that was a good thing.

Supper of cooked greens seasoned with lemon, and beans. Tobias frantic for some so I did put a little of all in his bowl. He wanted the greens - I have absolutely no idea why. Maybe I should grow him some wheatgrass. I truly wish I was growing several microgreens but time just won't let me start many of the new projects I think of.

I had a cousin to call but with little time to talk, and ask me to go with her to see our Aunt through the week. This concerns me since I am now wondering if our Aunt is okay....? Maybe she knows something I don't. As it stands now, I'd have to say "no" tomorrow because of studying the lesson I'll teach and "no" on Tuesday because of teaching. She and I have never traveled anywhere together. Hmmm... ..

Am discouraged about having to teach this time, if truth be told. We were under the assumption that co-teacher was doing it, but no ones' been able to get in touch with her, including me. So now I'm scared to leave the lesson unlearned. I really don't need the extra work right now and was looking forward to just being a part.

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Re: Standby Sunday

Postby DeeClutter » Sun Jan 07, 2018 9:06 pm

I have been puttering away at my own reports for church clerk stuff up north. I'm now done with everything that I have at this point. Still waiting on all the financial reports. Harriet can vouch for my anxiety over getting those redone. Then I have the auditing committee's report. I'm also waiting on the minutes from last January's Annual Meeting and our Budget Mission Meeting in March to come to me. It dawned on me I didn't have them as that's when I was recuperating from my heart attack. I'm sure whoever took them thinks they were sent to me, but I have searched through everything that's come to me and have them I do not. If I could just have those two I'd be good.

Want to wish LYNLEE A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Her birthday is the 8th (tomorrow, but I believe it's already tomorrow for her -and Kathryn.)
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Standby Sunday

Postby Harriet » Sun Jan 07, 2018 9:47 pm

Oh, cool - early Happy Birthday to Lynlee. Or not early so much as... .. prompt! :)

Dee, yes, I can vouch for anxiety at report time, which is on my horizon. So sorry you didn't get minutes sent to you in an understandable way, although I agree that someone likely believes it happened, and should be able to duplicate. I have an added anxiety layer because we did not have an annual meeting last year, quite awkward, making the span of time between annual meetings more than 2 years, even if scheduled soon. I dread it.

Sorry Mr. DeeClutter had a tough morning - how is he feeling, btw. If I were on the committee, I would want a break, yes, and hope that another committee could be lined up.

blessed, is your headache (or other remnants of dental work) completely over? Yes, I was striking in my purple curlers. Thankfully I was looking at the village but the village wasn't having to look at me, lol. What age are your kitties? I remember that our Sumo, who lived to be 21 or 22, had that, but I think it was in later years.

blessed, you're so smart to get those cleaning cards made. :idea:

LadyM, you're so smart to write things down as they fly past. I know the speed at which you may be scribbling sometimes, lol!

I need to make out my "top three" for tomorrow. I can't just put study, study and study. :lol: Auditioning are: undecorate, extra laundry, Desk Day. Might go with those and study for some 15s as I go along.

Kathryn, I have thought about your question. One answer for me is that on social days it is better to stay with the plan, and branch out to take chances on more quiet days of normalcy. That's interesting to me - being adventurous or thinking outside the box happens more easily for me when my mind is quiet.

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Re: Standby Sunday

Postby Lynlee » Sun Jan 07, 2018 9:50 pm

Thank You for the Birthday Wishes Dee.

Its a hot sunny Monday, though not as hot as Sydney yesterday and other places that would really knock me about.
I've unwrapped gifts.
Recieved 2 surprising phone calls.
One from a childhood friend. Perhaps she was startled by the message service that kicked in the moment I reached the phone. At any rate the message was odd. Perhaps it was funny but my funny bone never kicked in. Praying before I ring her back.
The other was from my daughter who had previously said, I thought, she was picking me up to spend the day at the resort with her. I had cancelled home help because of this. I was mistaken, or she has changed her plans, and her plan now is to pick me up late in the afternoon, beach walk, and dinner. The time she is leaving her holiday resort and the time she will arrive here do not compute, but we will see. Perhaps she will leave early.
Assumptions makes an (donkey's other name, forbidden in US) out of u and me. Never truer. I guess the phrase doesn't work when a word has been made to mean something else.

The gifts are mostly for a life I don't lead. Does that make me ungrateful? I guess it does.
I can't see myself having people over for nibblies from fancy bowls.
One place mat will fit on my table. The cotton/linen napkins - a scarf? I'd also thought of one as a table cloth. If I can get my table out from under the papers and sewing machine and stuff. :roll:
The jewellery roll would be good to use if I get organised. The jewellery drawer is somewhat helter skelter.

Certainly it is a time to think of where I want to be, and live, and how.
I've been reading a book about angel interactions. I think I'd use a different words than just thinking in terms of angel insights. Maybe there is something in it for me, in all this. Prayers for guidance at the right time.

Harriet - its midday here - so thank you for your timely good wishes.
Prayers for you and your faith community, and for Dee's too.

Prayers for all ill to steadily recover, and for inspired living for us all.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Standby Sunday

Postby DeeClutter » Sun Jan 07, 2018 9:54 pm

Mr. Dee is still not anywhere near 'healed'. We both have a lot of congestion. He's finished his prednisone and is nearly done with his antibiotic. Can't see where either one did him much good. I seemed better for half the day -2 steps forward and 3 back seems to be the routine.

I'm sure getting these reports is just a matter of a small reminder. I've been hesitant as this dfriend (our dShelley's former dsisil) lost both her Mom and her dsis this last month. Among other things. Have hated to bother her but guess the time has come.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Standby Sunday

Postby lucylee » Sun Jan 07, 2018 9:57 pm

Standing in the (one open) checkout line at Wmart — smh...
One poor girl having to checkout all these people who don’t want to “scan and go.” Grrrr...
Dh couldn’t hold out — got about half the stuff on the list and went to the car.chest congestion/flu symptoms — but no fever! He’s depressed bc he fears his heart isn’t pumping hard enough. I think/HOPE it’s just this crud virus everyone has. Sigh...
(((Hugs))) to all still suffering here.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Standby Sunday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Jan 07, 2018 10:01 pm

Happy Birthday Lynlee!!

I have OD on planning & design of BuJo. I have struggled with how to capture details but display in simplicity. I think I have it. I'll need to use it for several days/weeks to see if it performs as well as I hope.

I am still dabbling in considering food elimination diet. Each time I start to consider it then it quickly overwhelms me. I found a simple chart and explanation that seems doable at first consideration. There are so many factors that feed into this decision. Is that true or an excuse? hum....still pondering it.
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Re: Standby Sunday

Postby Nancy » Sun Jan 07, 2018 10:25 pm

Payroll is over.
Dinner is done waiting for it to cool.
I walked ddog to the corner.
Closed chicken's run.
I have home blessing done except for vauuming mirrors and inside zone windows.

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Re: Standby Sunday

Postby Harmony » Sun Jan 07, 2018 11:20 pm

Happy Birthday Lynlee! Are you anticipating moving sometime in the future?

Thank you for the ideas about the hook for my calendar. Does anyone know if one of those self-adhesive hooks will even stick on a corkboard? I'm not sure about that. There isn't really a hole I can see. It's just that when we use the same spots over and over with a push pin, those spots get a bit bigger and don't really hold the pin any more. I use one pin in the middle and one at each end along the top. So it seems wherever I move the calendar I end up at a spot I've used before. I used to hang it higher but DH couldn't get his arms up to reach it if he wanted to write on it. so that basically left one spot that got used over and over. There isn't another wall nearby that is big enough. It's beside the laundry room door, the key rack on the other side. I'm going to go to HD and look at everything there and see if I can find an idea.

I like the system I've been using. I put all the important things also on the corkboard. Appointment cards, library book due receipts, presently there are papers for DH to take to Continuing Ed this summer.... and the calendar NEEDS to be there.

Standby. I think of standby as waiting to do something. I usually just keep doing whatever I can until that other thing I'm waiting for happens. Sometimes I end up doing nothing, like when I sit in a county office. I'm not sure if I'd bother with a smart phone there if I had one. That's what most people do when they're sitting there waiting. We're actually not supposed to have phones going in there anyway.

Supposed to warm up this coming week. 50 - 75. Much better. We've let the fireplace go out except for the many live embers in all the ash. It will be a couple days before we can clean that out.

Had no idea cats would eat the sorts of things Harriet's cat eats! He must be one healthy cat! Did you ever figure out what made him so nervous?

Ok, off to bed. Hope everybody is on a healing trend.

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Re: Standby Sunday

Postby lucylee » Sun Jan 07, 2018 11:33 pm

:D :D :D Happy birthday, Lynlee!!! :D :D :D
LOL at the problem of making assumptions... I had a high school teacher who told us that. I've never forgotten it!

I need to shower before bed tonight, though, b/c dgd will be here around 8:30 a.m. DS called to ask if that was okay, b/c they are taking dgs to the dermatologist -- just a six month check-up. It is amazing how much better dgs's skin is! He used to scratch and itch to the point of bleeding, and his hands stayed red and cracked all the time. People were constantly asking about him and offering advice... and now his skin is 99% clear as can be! He still has itchy times, but it is a miracle how much better he is. But since it is so hard to see the dermatologist, they decided to make regular appts from now on, I think.
And they do EVERYTHING together. I could probably count on one hand, with fingers left over, the times dh accompanied me & ds to the doctor's office. DS and DDIL almost ALWAYS go together. I guess that's a good thing -- but it requires more babysitting for the healthy child!
DGD would actually be better off, I imagine, to go to the dermatologist office rather than be in this house w/dh. OTOH, dh probably caught his bug from HER... so maybe she won't get any sicker. She still has a runny nose. I have a runny nose!

We've been to Wmart... and ate supper at home before. Kitchen is cleaned up, all groceries put away...

Dee, do they let you take prednisone? I doubt if dh here could take it anyway -- they advised him against steroid shots for arthritis, and they took him off all psuedophedrine meds, like Claritin-D. Kinda scary to even go to regular doctor... and of course he doesn't want to get involved with heart doctor till he has to see him on the 29th.

Harmony -- how much trouble would it be to replace the corkboard? I have a calendar hanging just like that -- beside the key rack and the laundry room door! :D Mine hangs from a large hat pin, and I have the same problem -- hole getting larger and larger. I just keep trying to angle the pin in differently. But I could hang the calendar a bit higher if I had to. Good luck!

Much I would like to reply to but I'm so far behind that I can't keep up! :oops:
Especially when posting on the phone, it's so hard to look back at what someone said. I don't think I every said how happy I was to see that Ken's passport was found! :shock: That was such a relief, I am sure!
We had a nice weekend at college town -- basketball game turned out very well -- and dh did almost all the driving... but still, I would have been just as well off at home. :P No more basketball for me for two weeks, but Saturday, dh is already making plans for us & dgs to go to Nashville IF dh feels better. We shall see...
Tomorrow is another day.

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