Wonderful Wednesday

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Wonderful Wednesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Jan 17, 2018 5:32 am

I hope you all have wonderful days.

Mine is almost over here and it was not really wonderful. The perils of travel, sometimes you just wear out.

But Worn-out Wednesday didn't sound like a promising PWYC thread title!

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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Jan 17, 2018 5:39 am


I did get another load of laundry washed. Hopefully it will dry by morning. If not, I'll toss the items into the dryer but tonight the dryers were occupied. Not running, but occupied.

I got the credit card chits entered up until Dec. 31. Still have the trip ones to do but I also managed to reconcile the credit cards themselves. That gives me more weight to put in my suitcase since these things don't have to be handy anymore and paper is heavy.

We don't have to leave here until noon to get to our flight but must be out of here by 11 so we'll head out to the airport.

I picked up a New Zealand book for dgs.


Dinner was really late so we couldn't get to the pizza place we wanted to go to. It was too far and then to wait for food would have been too long. So we went the same place as last night and had the garlic bread again because it was quite good. I compensated by eating only 1/3 of my hamburg bun and having a salad instead of fries (although I ate about 1/3 of dh's.) The hamburg was better than the chicken schnitzel I had the night before.

I'm done with traveling. Unfortunately, I'm still on the road, but the fun of it is over right now.

It is so much work handling packing and unpacking, avoiding the temptation of poor food choices everywhere you go, especially when meals are at odd times, the jet lag, and just being tired all the time.

I may or may not get the magic back, we'll see. Otherwise, I'll spend the next week just waiting for the trip to be over. That has happened in the past.

I'm still looking forward to Coogee just because I'm doing nothing then. And the hotel clerk wrote today and sounds lovely so I'm looking forward to meeting her. On the other hand, dh has booked meetings so he will be doing things. And there's going to be a rail strike that day according to our contacts so he'll have a hard time getting into the city from the beach. Sigh...

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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby Lynlee » Wed Jan 17, 2018 8:45 am

hugs and prayers - for whatever is most needed.

I hope you get some time to rest Kathryn. And for Ken to get to where he wants to go for the mtg.

I need to wind up my day here. Kitchen is still to happen. oh poooft.
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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Jan 17, 2018 9:21 am

I woke up a bit early due to the puppy needing to go out. This puppy is so bonded with DH that it won't leave his side even to go outside. So it was useless for me to get up to take the puppy outside. I had hoped DH and the puppy would bond but I have been surprised at the results. DH and the puppy devotion to each other is stronger than I could have dreamed.

DGD6 is spending the night with us tonight. This will be the 2nd time this week. DD has taken a second job of waitressing at an upscale restaurant after she gets off work from her daytime office job. DSIL has a weekly poker game on Wednesday nights so DGD6 can't stay with him. I suspect DGD6 will be staying with us every Wednesday night. That means we have to adjust our Wednesday evening activities. DGD6 has a 7pm bedtime which is the same time that church service starts. DH and I will have to start driving separately to church so I can leave in time to get DGD6 home and into bed. If I leave after serving the church meal then DGD6 will only miss about 30 minutes of her normal sleep time. DGD6 is going to be sad that she can't stay for children church but that would mean she misses about 2 hours of sleep on a school night. She can only stay for children church when there is no school the next day.
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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby CathyS » Wed Jan 17, 2018 10:28 am


Sleepy and wanting a nap which won't happen today. I love dh dearly, but he has been having a hard time sleeping since the doctor adjusted his meds over the weekend.

I am being absolutely foolish, as if it really matters to anyone coming to spray stuff on my couch... I have been sweeping and vacuuming and making sure that the view from the door of every room is "nice" considering dh ripped out a storage area over the weekend and everything has been upside down.

I don't know if I have ever mentioned that we have a resident trouble maker at times. While dh was working with his drill on Sunday, his drill was pushed out of his hands and it fell and broke a cabinet that dh had made a couple of years ago. That set the tone for Sunday in this house, because all of a sudden he was dropping all kinds of things and breaking a couple of things in the process. That included a kitchen chair that he will repair and a ceramic floor tile in front of the dishwasher.

I'm beginning to think that there is a reason that the former female occupants both wanted out of this house. The first wife left and later divorced the former owner and the second wife demanded that they sell the house.

I'm probably not making sense. I'm hungry and tired and worried about dh's health.
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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Jan 17, 2018 10:44 am

Wow, that would change your schedule LadyM. The late to bed isn't a good thing.

Dh is doing a coaching program and last night we talked about what he wants out of his work and eventual partial retirement, in which we would probably take a bunch of his best clients and continue to work with them, and work fewer hours. He wants to travel more (I'm listening, Kathryn) and I told him we have to have an idea of what we want to do. He suggested taking off work on a Friday and doing some short road trips - to where? to do what? I'm not even sure what he has in mind. Like Kathryn, I hate these moving trips where we spend two nights there and three somewhere else and have to keep packing and repacking. I did remind him numerous times that he needs hobbies for himself and he did include.

I have a hair cut/color appt at noon and Tai Chi tonight. I'm trying to decide whether to go with M today at 3:30 for a workout, or whether that would be too much with Tai Chi tonight. Probably would be okay, workout today is upper body.

Gotta get going, again, I need an earlier start. Didn't get up until almost 8 and have been lollygagging since.
-breakfast and meds
-make the bed
-start a lol

Poor ddog is not getting a walk, just meandering around the backyard a bit today. Ten degrees here, feels like -5. Not me. Yes, I'm a wuss.
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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby DeeClutter » Wed Jan 17, 2018 11:03 am

I would be more than a 'wuss', Twins. Bury myself under blankets -call me when it's over (winter that is).

Slept great until 2am. Got up and took bs and it was down to 70 at that point. So ate just a couple small pieces of licorice and took a couple of ty lenol. Then I couldn't back to sleep until around 6:30 and slept till 8, then dozed a little till 8:30.

Sent a text to our dsons and ddils up home to give them a heads up on what's going on with dsonil's Mom. Don't want them to do anything, but didn't want to suddenly say, "oh by the way......"

Not very energetic this morning. Think I'll at least get the dishes done.

Tomorrow we're supposed to go to Sarasota for a gathering of fellow campers from up north. I detest that trip every year. Hate going 75 for one thing -especially coming back in rush hour. I always say, "For what? We get to say hi to a few and sit next to 2 or 3 and then leave after lunch. We're seated at long tables so are restricted to very few contacts. But it is what it is and dh loves to go. If dsonil is able he wants to go with dh so he can meet dh's boss from the campground. Depends if there's someone to stay with his Mom and how she's doing.
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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jan 17, 2018 11:34 am

it looks like many of us have had a rough start since last night. Praying that today is filled with good! Sending those who need it - a new positive outlook to start to your day! Wishing everyone the best.

d kathryn I will say dd's don't like mutton (bc our culture here doesn't have mutton) and found getting used to the food at times difficult. Dd older brought Frango mints from here and the family that she was staying with thought they were awful in a kind way though. But both the family and dd laughed when they found out Oreos were loved by everyone. Hope you get your spirit back for traveling - it's so hard packing and unpacking - it gets old fast. Hope it is better today!

I hope you get a wee nap at least today. Good thing you checked your bs. Hope it normalizes during the day. I hope tomorrow is a good day for you d dee and that they have a chat time where instead of sitting down you can mingle a bit and say hi to each other.

I have been reminding dh the same thing for years d twins. Very cold for you! You are just like us here - I will talk to the weather person to send warm breezes your way.

hi d cathy I hope you and your dh get a good night sleep tonight. Hope you can get a quick nap today.

d lady so sweet that puppy and your dh are bonding so well! That is late for children's church. so sweet that your dgd wants to go.

hi d lynn hope you had a lovely day and I hope you have a restful wonderful sleep.
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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jan 17, 2018 11:37 am

I have a nervous body again - no reason but I had horrible nightmares and found myself clutching my teeth hard and my body tight. Hoping that a little yoga will help.

today the hope is:
do the focus work in powder room. :D done
laundry: miscellaneous whites, gentles.
dd younger's room
paper work focus - handle one thing.
laundry room - match up socks

dh and I have sat a bit and chatted. I don't wanna work ;)
Last edited by blessedw2 on Wed Jan 17, 2018 3:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby Nancy » Wed Jan 17, 2018 12:39 pm

I slept well yea. Sunny out today glad for that! Got washer twins going now. Have fed critters. Woke up remembering how I used to log stuff yea! I have today off and it is sunny here making it sunny. Glad it is not as cold as some places. Did LI ( log Info.) This a m . Journaling done. Dumped basement trash.

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