Wonderful Wednesday

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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby Nancy » Wed Jan 17, 2018 3:40 pm

I tried two lines but ran out of page before the end of the day on the tiny lined pages. I need to look at their options again. Looking on pintrist.
I flipped the laundry had breakfast got dressed before 11. :roll: to go get mail we do have neighbors, they see me out feding he s in pjs in th am often. I did a pile of papers got notes cut comp notebook covers to punch later. Have moved table loom and dusted off the sm rolling cart. Next up get name & address off pile of aarp mags to declutter.

WTG everyone hoping K not in C can get some pool time in this week.

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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby CathyS » Wed Jan 17, 2018 4:12 pm

Couch sprayer has come and gone. He really loved our fireplace. The cat even came out and looked him over. He was here for less than 10 minutes.

House is clean other than pantry which has 3 stacks of bins which should be in the closet.

Dh came home for lunch and we talked about his lack of sleep last night. He had an elderly customer get very upset with him yesterday because his car wasn't finished yesterday when dh said it would be finished. Dh did finish it this morning and took the guy into the shop and showed him where 2 bolts had snapped off and explained why it was so difficult to remove the broken bits and replace with new bolts. He said that kept him up on and off for most of the night. He also said that sleeping after 4 a.m. this morning was absolutely impossible for some reason and then realized that he hadn't set his alarm last night.

He did say that the house looked and smelled great.

I bought a spin mop last week and it's easy to use and I have been using it.

I am making a roast chicken for supper, so I should go get it into the pan and into the oven.
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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jan 17, 2018 4:32 pm

my dd younger's room is making me cranky :? It's too much - I know a lot of this craziness happened after her brain got hurt etc. but she has always been a hoarder/keeper from toddler on - she for a long time didn't think she needs routines so I am hoping that she can see the benefit of have some basic routine - But the chaos in this room is overwhelming to the point where she said she is overwhelmed and her depression deepened. She asked for help while she was gone and I agreed. She is starting to take 15 minutes at a time and trying to limit her vision on what she wants to do. I kept telling her not try to see all those doors of what she wants to do all open at once - no one can do that. It doesn't mean that she won't get to things but she can concentrate on what she really wants to do first and work a little bit at a time on it. Hoping that she continues this path for herself.

Her room, as I go through it, it stressing me out and depressing me too!

both d kids used to laugh at me all the time in their teens about my doing monday: laundry room, tuesday bathrooms etc. Even dh who never goals anything used to smile. It's weird - they noticed this summer when I didn't do my cards or routines. They don't realize how much all of you keep me focused!

so far I took 2 baskets out of her room and did a put away. :D :D Next another basket to either toss, wash or put away. :D
another one done :D cranky at this point ;) - two more done :D :D
Last edited by blessedw2 on Wed Jan 17, 2018 6:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jan 17, 2018 4:33 pm

I am so happy you home is nice a clean! good for you. d cathy
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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Jan 17, 2018 5:15 pm

Hello from Thursday morning.

I have to scramble now. We need to be out of here in 50 minutes.

I slept through the night without getting up and slept in until 8! Have started to pack up. The clothes mostly dried overnight but my t-shirt might have been a bit damp, then I realized I could wear it and didn't care so that solved that problem!

Dd Skyped us so we could visit with dgs. He just got back from the doctor and she found out the physical reason he can't walk or stand on his own. He is 5th percentile for height and 95th percentile for head size. He can't balance that big head on the tiny body!

The 'deadline' for walking is 18 months so he still has 3 months to go and she's actively practicing it with him. She posted a video yesterday and he is giggling because he loves the practice so much.

He should have 5 words by 15 months and 20 for 18 months. He has 22 now (16 spoken, 6 signed, no overlap) so that's one less worry for dd.

When we said it was time to go, he walked over to her laptop, said "Ah duh" (all done) and shut the lid of the laptop. So he has a good sense of how the tech works!

I've had my breakfast (cheese and crackers and big bowl of berries and watermelon, plus a glass of milk) and now I'll finish packing up.

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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby Harriet » Wed Jan 17, 2018 5:51 pm

HRH and dstepson took off after the "men-can't-stay-inside" bluebird of happiness and proved once again that they can brave the elements whether they have any reason or not. The most they could say they accomplished was that they got good photos, and I agree with that - quite lovely.

Ds has been at work since early - hope everything has been calm. His children made a snowman with ddil. She has changed her fb photo now to one of Gunner in the snow which is especially darling. He looks bewildered, but just about to make mischief. I know she's thinking there's not much longer for him with puppy expressions.

Elizabeth, the collar photo opposites sounds clever for your newsletter! :)

Cornbread, 3 kinds of cooked greens, and beans with kimchi for lunch. I finished the greens "pot liquor", delish. A store cherry pie in the oven now.

I have worked on decluttering in the office. Really I have. Sigh. I just can't prove it. Not even to myself, much. blessed's post about her dd and the feeling you get with just too much stuff going on in one space - that's me in office area, for sure. An entire day is needed, 8 to 5, and then, I don't know.

I have a gardening tangent overwhelming my better judgement. Not just planting some microgreens, which has been fun, but also staring at seed company online presences. A new small 6 to 7 inch tall Marigold (new to me at least - I believe I missed it last year) has caught my attention, as well as outdoor bed preparation, growing in containers. I would have to grow the marigold myself from seed if I'm serious about having it. Expecting a nursery around here to carry it is wishful thinking.

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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby Ramblinrose » Wed Jan 17, 2018 6:17 pm

My day has been spent tying up loose ends in my office...not much on the house, but Sweetie is content because he's trying to baby me after the last two weeks and my teaching assignment, but I'm to the point I want to finish my projects. He just came in to update my computer and when I mentioned I didn't get as much as I wanted done in the house he hugged me and said...I don't care, stop worrying I just want to see you relax.

And this has nothing to do with my house stuff but I thought I would post something I wrote on my FB pg. Some of you have already seen it, but I'm sure the rest of you are gonna say..Oh my...especially Lucylee ;)

In the facts are stranger than fiction catagory...

Two weeks ago Brian found a very large bird... a chicken, thanks Harvey.... buried in a deep hole on the left side corner of our house where the community wall meets ours.
Only a few feathers were sticking up out of the dirt when Brian found it. Harvey thought a coyote had buried it there. We covered up the hole, bagged the carcass and put it in the garbage.
Then this morning while checking out our front yard Brian found that the spot was dug up again and almost a foot deep and wide
Looking at the dirt that was dug from the hole I discovered a foot print... no toe marks like a dog or coyote, but rather a large print that was bigger than a silver dollar. Remember this is two weeks after we found the buried chicken, a very big one at that.
I have seen bob cat prints before and that’s what it looked like to me...but I couldn’t believe a cat would bury its prey and come back to retrieve it two weeks later.

I was wrong.

After reading four articles about the hunting and eating habits of Bob Cats I discover this is a common practice of these cats.
So be warned...take good care of your cats and dogs especially at night and if they go missing I’ll let you know if they are buried in the corner of my front yard..

And then I got these two responses from my friends. Heather live in my community a block away, and Stephanie lives sort of near Norma, several miles away. We all live in the same desert area. I have a small mountain a half mile from me..Stephanie live near a large mountain range.

Stephanie Hopkins ... Must be bobcat season. So I am out on the patio grilling steaks a couple weeks ago. I turned to the right after flipping the steaks and there five feet from me was a bobcat behind the wrought iron fence. (her fence is about three feet tall, stands on a 2.5 foot stone wall that literally backs into a stone mountain) I thought this could get interesting with meat on the grill. He was big and it would have been simple to leap the fence. I looked at him and he looked at me, stood there a few more minutes then continued toward the mountain. Guess he likes his meat raw not cooked :lol:

Then Heather wrote:

I’ve been having one come into my garage recently! I’ll keep my eye out for it Thanks for the info... I don’t want anchor eating a bob cat!

Lezlie Feiring Well we know one used to live up on the mountain... how did you know he/she’d been in your garage?

Heather Dixon Because it left paw prints all over my car and scat in my garage...

Heather Dixon Yay I love wildlife!! Just don’t want anchor getting in a fight with it

Lezlie Feiring Heather Dixon which dog is anchor...( she is a 100+lb Atkia known to fight wolves and lions) that would be a mean fight. Same with Willis... he may be smaller but he wouldn’t back down.

But I’m with you with the wild life... however I was sleeping in the front guest bedroom the first night and heard noises outside, got up and looked but couldn’t see anything ..never expected it to be a cat. And Willis has slept with me a few nights and alerted me that something was outside... he was growling but I never saw anything then. We have sensor front lights that come on all the time at night and thought it was leaves cause I never could see anything but now I’m really wondering..

Would be funny to see him/her strolling down the sidewalk late at night though with or without a chicken in its mouth.

Keep your garage door shut my dear... more than big cats might get in :D
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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby Nancy » Wed Jan 17, 2018 6:24 pm

Am back from my walk timed it 20 min. Got some rocks drying now. 51* when I left and sunny. Last load in the dryer now.

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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Jan 17, 2018 7:01 pm

Rosie, that is quite the neighbourhood excitement!

At the airport but not in the lounge because it is too early to check in. I had a bottle of sparkling water to drink up so we are eating cheese and crackers as well as getting through the water. I will have to dump a third of it but it was cheaper than pop and no calories.

My jeans were tight this morning but then I remembered they were washed and dried during the week so maybe I didn't gain.

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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jan 17, 2018 7:15 pm

listened to a podcast by a woman called a slob comes clean. I never heard it before so it was interesting listening while I was in chaos in dd youngers room :D I also found out dh has been putting my cloths in dd youngers bedroom - He would bring it up for me and then I could not find it in our room which didn't make sense - I found it! I guess dh thought no one would notice :shock: :D

last basket to be put away (for today) folded down all of dd's empty came equipment boxes - She needs to keep them but they don't need to be in bulk.

hi d nancy yay on the walk and on the laundry

hi d rose we used to have bobcats when we lived up north - I had no idea they did that. interesting -
so interesting that it was sitting outside of your fence watching you cook!
"Guess he likes his meat raw not cooked :lol: " lol

we have coyotes and they are more the attack and run. dogs and cats have to watched and on a leash so that they can't hit and run with them. we lost a cat to a coyote once. one of the boys in the neighbourhood found 3 cat skulls by the woods and we knew one of those was our cat. really sad. When our last outside cat died (22 year old) we never let the new ones out again. They still try to escape and sometimes I don't know how they do it but I will find them outside once in a blue moon. Their was no way of keeping them in when they were used to the country side. I can't tell you how many screens we had ruined by the outside cats forcing themselves outside.

So nice that your dh and d stepson got some out door time and nice pictures (was that quiet time for you? :lol: I feel exactly the same way d harriet. I feel like I have worked hard but it barely shows that I took out so much stuff.

hello Thursday Kathryn!
Last edited by blessedw2 on Wed Jan 17, 2018 7:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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