Friday firsts

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Re: Friday firsts

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Jan 19, 2018 1:43 pm

today is hot spot conga* - - and maybe I will call myself Put away Pattie today :D

*actually I am going to try all kind of dances to get the work done.. a bit of ballet, irish, tap, salsa - I might even try different music as I go room by room to spice things up a bit and trick my brain to think it's having fun and not working.

I locked the d dogs away from me (they are in the kitchen and family room) as I needed a little separate time :D I don't think dh will let me do that to him 8-)

yesterday spending: I dislike spending money but I needed stuff but it still shocks me on how much it added up.
today I have to list what I spent in my book. I may add up my spending each week instead of the end of the month.
I need to pay v isa for what I spent on the 1rst.

My fabric is being shipped - I couldn't find it and had to order it online from Etsy - d mil made an angel (very cute) christmas card holders for each of us (adults) and I thought it would be nice to take her pattern and make one for each of the nieces and nephews using the lace and some of the fabric that d mil had left over. It's an easy pattern but I needed the swiss polka dot (tiny) print green and red fabric which I found very difficult to find in our area.

spoke to dd younger and she went sailing today - she said the weather wasn't bad 55 degrees but I guess thats cold for southern Florida - she enjoyed herself. d mom was extremely covered int he photo she sent.
The other day when I had a visit with grammar school friends the one girl mentioned we had a fancy boat- lol I told her that it leaked so much that d bro and I had to pump it out before we left and when we came back and even during sometimes. D mom had to caulk sand it etc. and it was a cheap broken down boat my dad fixed bit by bit. It's funny how people have impressions of others.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Fri Jan 19, 2018 2:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Friday firsts

Postby Harmony » Fri Jan 19, 2018 2:14 pm

There aren't many firsts in my life. Same old same old around here. Maybe someday.

I'm getting a little mojo to get things done around here now. Quiet morning, just puttering around. I did stop to look for information and get some desk chores done and couple phone calls made. One project happened too easily, 1 phone call instead of a dozen and I'm happy about that!

Laundry going now, work clothes. They are bulkier and take up more space. I didn't realize when we bought our washer/dryer I didn't get the biggest drum size so my loads are smaller. It's only a problem when I do blankets, winter work duds and throw rugs. Then I get annoyed with our mistake.

We were 20° warmer than yesterday but it is not warming up as quickly as yesterday and the house is cold. I don't know if I'd ever get used to this cold weather. Good thing I'm not up north.

Kathryn, I'm thinking I'm glad I'm not traveling. I've never read you having so many problems on a trip before.

I'm in the not spontaneous boat too. I've become used to the "get me this" calls now but a trip away, no, give me some notice so I can get into my do-it-all-perfect mode before we go away. It's always nice to come back to a clean house with no glaring problems.

Dee, sure hope you get your water fixed today. That sounds awful.
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Re: Friday firsts

Postby DeeClutter » Fri Jan 19, 2018 2:42 pm

Dh went out to check the pump, Harmony. Says it's completely out of chlorine and there's none in the shed. I asked dd about it yesterday and she was sure there was plenty in there. Dh is hoping that's the problem. It's no wonder we don't drink it. I'm sure none has been put in since we came down. Have to wait for dd to come home to go get some.
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Re: Friday firsts

Postby Nancy » Fri Jan 19, 2018 3:05 pm

Did errands 1st thing today did not wait.
1st chance I had to cuop. X
S2s x

Waving to all.
On stat bike now.
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Re: Friday firsts

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri Jan 19, 2018 3:46 pm

Oh my goodness. The smoke detector is going off randomly again and this dog is traumatized. She met me at the garage door trying to get outside. She had turned over a plant in the bathroom and a laundry hamper in the closet. I was getting something off the front porch and she got out and it took a treat to get her back inside the house. And she is right under my feet right now. Poor girl.

Right now I have the power turned off to the MBR, hoping that will stop it. Of course, dh and I sat here last night and slept in that room and it never beeped. It's not the chirp that battery is dying it's a full on beep, either two or three usually. :shock:

I need to work on Pro Gen work next.
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Re: Friday firsts

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Jan 19, 2018 4:24 pm

(((poor dog))) and twins for having to get her dog inside again!!!
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Re: Friday firsts

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Jan 19, 2018 5:18 pm

struggling on getting anything done! Nothing is done - I have been sitting all day. Time for the timer to get my brain in gear.
2 - 15 minute timer done (kitchen and put away)

now to boil potato and celeriac
Last edited by blessedw2 on Fri Jan 19, 2018 6:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Friday firsts

Postby Harmony » Fri Jan 19, 2018 5:51 pm

Got one bed all remade and I've been washing sheets and blankets. I always have to soak and bleach 1 set of sheets because poor DH always comes home with cuts and scrapes which bleed....though I try to patch everything over. Bandaids and first aid patches always seem to come off during the night. He asked the dr. yesterday about cutting down the aspirin from 2 to 1 so maybe he'll quit bleeding all over everything and she said yes.

Got another LOL done and hanging up. The work clothes are all hanging up too.

So, today DH comes home with a heart of palm to eat. They are doing site work where he'll be building a house and they took down a cabbage palm and he and the excavator split the heart. I've never cooked one before so I looked it up in the cookbook. They get blanched and boiled or roasted. The boiled ones get white sauce (butter butter :o ) and the roasted get lemon juice and salt. I have a huge casserole in the oven roasting now. Raw it tasted like a core of a cabbage except without the peppery taste, almost a creamy buttery taste by itself. I hope I like it, there's a lot there. It's a real southern thing.

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Re: Friday firsts

Postby Nancy » Fri Jan 19, 2018 6:07 pm

Todays laugh when I read thd title fast I read f Friday Farts!
Just got back from a walk w ddog, got rocks to paint also. Sun came out made the walk a lot more fun.
Lunch is over, hens are on free range time.
Payroll has begun.
Working on home blessing kit spiff accomplished.
H is home from work.
Last edited by Nancy on Fri Jan 19, 2018 9:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Friday firsts

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Jan 19, 2018 7:42 pm

I am thankful K&K are such experienced travelers and know how to develop and execute multiple plans when things go wrong. I would be clueless.

DH is gifting me several hours of being "off duty" with DS9 and DGD6.

...................hours later. I just discovered I didn't finish my post and hit submit. In the meantime -

I spent 5 hours with DGS21 today. It thrills me to see him continue to make strides in "Adulting".
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