Stick to it Saturday

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Donna's Lifestyle

Re: Stick to it Saturday

Postby Donna's Lifestyle » Sat Jan 27, 2018 1:42 pm

Moving slow today, my Ta-Das so far
Morning stuff done
Sheets washed-in dryer
Talked with DK5 will be watching 11month old DGRK tonite, yea :D
2 Projects completed-a zillion more to go
December and January shredding done
Basement swept including stairs-Thank you Dh
Off I try to reorganize big freezer and re inventory.

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Re: Stick to it Saturday

Postby Nancy » Sat Jan 27, 2018 2:12 pm

Hens have been fed, it is windy and raining outside here now 41*. I painted some rocks, dumped coffee grounds. H is up we had breakfast and came up with a lunch plan alternative for the granola bars. Might be watching net flicks in a while. Pjs still on to remind me to not over do it today.

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Re: Stick to it Saturday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Jan 27, 2018 2:30 pm

Stick to it Saturday:

Hmmmm, I missed the New Years Resolution time so am working on that now. Definitely weight. My knees are bad now and my ankle. I knew my weight had crept up before I left but while away, I 'gained' another 10 pounds (that can't be right and flying adds to weight but I'm guessing I gained 5 pounds.)

So that is my focus for this upcoming month. I have opened up MyFitnessPal and filled in today. Now to stick with the plan. And take my scale to the pub to measure out my food there.

Dd posted this morning with major weight loss issues. She's on higher protein/fat to improve egg quality but she can't eat enough protein because the right percentage of protein is too much to safely consume for her weight. And so she loses more weight and therefore the amount of protein she can have drops further. She is now way too light and may not be allowed to do IVF until she gains it back. Poor darling. She got pregnant last time following the diet (but wasn't burning as many calories back then.)

Her problem is she follows everything EXACTLY. So she weighs her carrot sticks as well as the high fat food and she never, ever, cheats. It does show that if you pick a healthy eating plan, track everything accurately and don't cheat, you'll lose weight even if you don't want to. Poor thing is getting upset and the only solution I can see is to stop burning calories which means they need to buy a car. She has to walk everywhere and dgs won't nap unless being walked so she burns a lot of calories each day.

She's working things from safe amount of protein instead of calorie count. That limits her to about 1600 calories a day. Obviously between nursing and the fact that she easily does 10K steps a day, she can't maintain weight at that calorie amount.

I slept 11.5 hours last night. And was only up once through the night. Rolled out of bed just past 9:30 and am ready for a nap now!

I had my tea and chocolate but didn't eat my breakfast until almost noon since I wasn't hungry.

I'm s2s now and have been puttering around. I've been to the office and I don't have to get the donated furniture out of the apartment for Feb 1, so that is a relief. It will likely have to move here at some point but we'll see.

Next up, put away the laundry from yesterday and hang up the load of laundry I did this morning.

Then finish putting away the stuff from the trip.

Oh, and write a church service. Keep forgetting that one!

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Re: Stick to it Saturday

Postby Nancy » Sat Jan 27, 2018 3:59 pm

Watching "The Jack King Affair" on net flicks now.
Both beds have been made.
Laundry is in the dryer now.
I baked muffins. Had soup & veg for lunch.
Continuing to plug away on my dailies.

We have wind rain snow in the mtns. 44* outside br-r-r feels cold.
Last edited by Nancy on Sat Jan 27, 2018 8:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Stick to it Saturday

Postby lucylee » Sat Jan 27, 2018 4:06 pm

Sticking to ballgame schedule here. That is all.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Stick to it Saturday

Postby Harmony » Sat Jan 27, 2018 4:28 pm

I'm still sticking to my chores in the kitchen. I've taken my tip-out drawers and spray painted them outside, dried and now they're back. Another 2 drawers done and counters wiped and cleaned off. It's beginning to look better in there.

Wiped down the backsplash tiles and under the cabinets and cleaned the microwave and scrubbed the filters underneath the vent.

Soaked the house plants while I was doing all that and they're back where they belong.

Working on the kitchen table now. It's always such a mess, because DH uses it to do work there and he leaves a trail of papers.

Running out of steam here...

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Re: Stick to it Saturday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Jan 27, 2018 5:22 pm


I'm out of steam as well.

I have finished unpacking and the spare bedroom is back to rights.

I have finished the laundry (although there is a load on the drying rack still.) Not all the laundry is put away. We have 4 pairs of PJs from Qantas to find homes for. I'm thinking I'll keep 2 in the spare bedroom for guests although there may be a pair of Lufthansa PJs there already.

I washed up all the dishes and the water bottles and the plastic bags I will reuse. That was after I had my lunch of an omelet, bacon and some salad plus a glass of milk.

I'm ready for a nap but the church service remains untouched today.

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Re: Stick to it Saturday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Jan 27, 2018 5:29 pm

Home from a trip to check out potential horse lessons for homeschoolers. It was not for us. When we arrived and got out of SUV, a woman (a total stranger) walked up to me and announced: "I pulled my kids out of public school and we are going to homeschool.". Uhm..... Okay. I still don't know why she walked up to me and announced that but unfortunately it didn't get any better and sorta went downhill from there.

In order to not totally waste our 2 hours of driving, we went to a couple car lots while we were there. I am going to switch vehicles as soon as I find what I am looking for. I know exactly what I want, so it is just a matter of finding it. There was one in that location but I discovered that it sold yesterday. Ohs well. I'm not in a hurry.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Stick to it Saturday

Postby Nancy » Sat Jan 27, 2018 7:31 pm

We had lunch. I was able to walk the dog for a ways out of the wind some is better than none. I finished a dish cloth I was knitting on. The last of a cone of yarn. I was curious to see how many hot pads and dish cloths I could get out of a cone have not counted them yet. H is done in his office we are watching pet videos.

Laundry is in the dryer ready to fold.
I set up some Feb. bujo pages just for fun.
Last edited by Nancy on Sat Jan 27, 2018 8:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Stick to it Saturday

Postby Lilac » Sat Jan 27, 2018 8:02 pm

Welcome Donna!

Dgs12 had his first basketball game of the YMCA series today. They were beat 35-20. Dgs12 is not use to that. Usually his dad is coaching him and during the fall Rec series they only lost 1 game and came in 1st in the tournament. Dgs12 did most of the scoring, including the last 9 points. His coach is new to coaching, but a very nice guy. After the game dd2, the 2 little girls and I went out for a late lunch. I am stuffed and feel like I won't want to eat much the rest of the day. I went and picked dh up a salad so his supper is covered.

Last night dgd21 posted a video of baby K eating his first solid food (cereal). She was feeding him and daddy was filming it. As she was lowering the spoon towards his mouth, he put his hand on hers and guided it right to his mouth. He did this for the first 3 bites. I thought maybe the dr. had told her to start him on solids but dd2 said that dgd21 had asked her when she had started the 5 of them on solids. Dd2 said she started them around 4 months. Dgd21 said that he has started acting really interested in what they are eating and she thought he was ready. I think he was wondering if he was ever going to eat solid food because he looked very happy.

I need to work on balancing the checkbook and the budget this evening while I listen to a H allmark movie. Where has January went? There was a thing on FB the other day that said something to the effect that January is almost over, Feb. is 2 days long, then it's Easter, summer and Christmas so there went 2018. That's just about how fast time flies by.

This time last year dh was planning to paint our kitchen cabinets after Christmas. He hadn't mentioned it and I didn't want to force him to do it, if he didn't really want to. Last night he was looking at our investments and mentioned that we ought to take a lump sum out and have our kitchen redone. That sounds well and good BUT can we find someone to do it and do it right? Dd2 and dsil spent a lot money putting in Corian countertops, tile backsplash and kitchen and dining area flooring, 8 + years ago. She has said more than once, don't keep anything just because we did it. That isn't really my issue. I love what they did and hate to see it go to the rubbish pile, seems like such a waste of money. Guess I will just keep thinking on this. The other issue is our home property tax jumped over $500 last year. What would it jump to if we spent $40,000 or more on a new kitchen? I am thinking that we need to keep the footprint and either have a professional paint the cabinet doors or replace all the cabinet doors with new ones. Then either paint or reface the cabinet exteriors. We wouldn't need a permit for that, so it shouldn't affect the taxes like a total gut job would do.

It is suppose to be in the high 60's on Tuesday. I am going to see if dh will grill hamburgers. Even though he has been retired now for over 3 years, he still acts like you can only grill on weekends. Is someone set in his ways?

LadyM, at least you found out now that the potential horse lessons aren't a good fit, rather than start them and then discover that. Maybe something closer to you will come about. I think that is great that they have canceled school and church activities to get a handle on the spread of germs.

Yesterday at my drs. appt he was talking about my health and commented that I was fortunate to look younger than my age. I was really surprised at that comment. I guess I compare myself to some of my classmates who haven't seemed to age at all and I must think I look older than I am. I went in there thinking that I might need to have my blood pressure meds increased because it seems like anytime I take it or have it taken it is higher. Yesterday it was perfect. So I guess I need to be more consistent in taking it so that next time I will have a record of it.

Awfully quiet in the village today.

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