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Postby Nancy » Mon Jan 29, 2018 4:54 pm

I have put fresh shavings out in the coop and run for the hens.
I am also working on decluttering the deck & swept it off.
Payroll on a couple of hours. Glad I walked earlier.
Lunch is over.
The boys use one bathroom we use the other most of the time when they are here.
Back from a rock drop decluttered more of those. It is a nice mild day here 2day.
I mopped that completes my whb yea!
Last edited by Nancy on Mon Jan 29, 2018 6:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Jan 29, 2018 4:59 pm

Twins' Mom wrote:Getting into bed for a nap. Not sure if I'm sick or just wanting to get away from it all.

Yes. You've had a stressful day (on top of a stressful weekend with too much interaction with strangers.) You also just flew in a plane during cold/flu season. The odds are you've picked up a cold virus while in the dry air of the plane and your immune system down due to the busy weekend. Take your favourite cocktail of vitamins and get some rest.

I'm off to bed for a nap myself. Dinner has been planned and my food diary filled in for the day.

Dh and I walked to the store so I got some sunlight, fresh air and exercise.

Some dgs stories - I had a good time with him:

His mom was getting ready to go and was by the door. He was squirming to be put down so I put him down, he crawled over to her, turned to me and waved bye-bye! (Love his positive thinking - but nope, he had to stay with me.) She was worried he'd be anxious but in fact he was fine, just one low point and one major cry but my phone bopped him on the head when I leaned over and it fell out of my pocket.

Later after some independent play, he was really tired and starting to get whiny. He went to the door and was banging on it so I opened it up. Immediately he alternated be "Brrrrr!" and "Outside!" So, I took the ten minutes to dress him up and we went out for a walk. Then he wanted into the neighbour's wagon so I brought him home, got into their garage (not easy, two locked doors!), found out the wagon isn't set up, pulled out the stroller and put him in. Looked at my watch, 20 minutes before nap time. Brought him inside, took off everything, took him to the bathroom (that's when he was crying from the phone to the head incident), changed his diaper, put outdoor clothing on again and headed on a walk with him in the stroller.

Five minutes into the walk, his mom texts to figure out where we were. She took my keys for the car but left hers at home so was locked out. I told her I had fake closed the garage so she could break in that way, and I turned around to walk back. He was awake at that point but was asleep by the time I walked the 1.5 blocks home.

We left him outside for 20 minutes until his cheek started to feel cool, then brought the whole stroller in. That trapped me in the house so I stayed until he had slept for over an hour and then went home, figuring if the movement woke him, he had napped long enough. Dd and I had a nice talk and she showed me another feature of My Fitness Pal.

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Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Jan 29, 2018 6:10 pm

I slept at least two hours. DD came by here while I was asleep and is at grocery now. She's going to bring me a gallon of milk.

I hung the load of laundry from earlier and started a load of towels. They're easy to put away (hang back up in some cases) and I can't leave them in the washer so I'll get those through the cycle I hope.

Let Muffin into the back yard and did some poop scooping for her while I was out there. I found vitamin C and took with a snack too.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Jan 29, 2018 6:30 pm

My day has progressed as planned. Typical Monday activities. DGD6 care, DS9 homeschool lessons, extra planning and prep of food plan, some home cleaning, some phone calls. Just normal stuff. I love normal.

Our home is 60+ years old and most definitely does not look like a mansion. However, to me it is. After living in smaller homes for years it feels massive. There are rooms in this house that I don't enter for days. Recently DH and I had a conversion about this house
Me: After we finish raising kids, I think we will want to move to a smaller home.
DH: I'm not moving again. We will just tear down the parts of this house that makes it too big.
ME: :? :shock: :o :roll:

DS9 is still working on homeschool lessons. Working this late in the day is the consequence of him procrastinating. Did he really think I wouldn't notice? Silly boy. I am seeking to give him as much responsibility as he can handle. That means giving him options and choices......and also reaping the consequences and benefits of his decisions. Life lessons. No anger. No disappointment. No frustration. Just the facts.
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Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Jan 29, 2018 6:37 pm

((((( Cathy)))) I remember living through those weeks/months we had of very limited sewer system. I did have thoughts of temporarily moving out of our home. We decided to stick it out but it was a struggle. If I remember right, we had the septic tank pumped out several times to buy us time while we were waiting for the government to decide what we had to do. It was $350 to have our septic tank pumped out but that would give us sewer usage for a couple weeks. We greatly limited our usage during that time. We took clothes to be washed elsewhere. Used paper plates. Didn't cook much. Bathed the kids at others home. Anything other than flushing the toilets was considered to be almost extravagant.

You will get through this. ((((Hugs)))
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jan 29, 2018 7:01 pm

((((d cathy)))))
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jan 29, 2018 7:05 pm

had a lovely time with d cousin and d aunt and dd younger! so much fun. Then we stopped by a bakery and then saw dearest sil and d niece and d nephew. lot of fun today. We just got home and we could have run more errands but realized it would be too much.

I still have to list spending from today
and yesterday.

I flipped laundry from this am into the dryer.
dh emptied the dw yahoo! :D I didn't expect it to be done but he did it which makes it even more special.

I need to change into house cloths - my nice shirt sweater is not worth ruining.

sending you all a huge hug and lots of love!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jan 29, 2018 7:18 pm

"so far, you've survived 100% of your worst days - this too shall pass"

"A bad day is like a bad hair day - tomorrow it WILL be better" even if it doesn't feel like it now. lots of love!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby lucylee » Mon Jan 29, 2018 9:13 pm

:D :D :D PRAISE REPORT – PRAISE REPORT – Probably should go in J&C but I’ve taken up so much brain space here AND there, I have to put it here so none of you miss it! DH was doing so well today that the cardiologist said he doesn’t have to come back for SIX MONTHS!!! DH is so happy!!! (We both are!) We’ll probably be watching his diet and weight (for fluid build-up) forever, but oh my goodness – what a relief this is! Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement through this past year. It was just about this time last year that we started in with the cardiologist, and he told us today, “I didn’t think you’d BE here this year.”

Nope, no mansion here, but it’s more than I can cover in a Weekly Home Blessing session. I’m certainly glad it’s no bigger! It takes me about an hour to vacuum the floors of our “living” areas – master bedroom/bath, computer room, den/kitchen/dining room/hallway, second bath, and laundry room. I leave the study, guest room, and “baby room” and their baths for the weeks that they fall into the focus zones, and sometimes they don’t get touched then!

Talking about kitchen cabinets (Elizabeth mentioned this) – what colors are all of yours?
Mine are still just plain wood finish, a medium brown oak finish. All the woodwork in my house is still just stained wood. I say “still” b/c I like it… but I am beginning to admire more and more the clean white cabinets & woodwork that seems so popular now, and thinking my wood and wallpaper makes my house look awfully “dated.” (House was built in 1985.) But – no way dh would EVER in a million years agree to change it, AND I suspect white would show dirt a 1000 times more, so – we’ll stay with what we’ve got.
Dmom painted her cabinets white several years ago, and I believe she has the ones at my grandmother’s house painted now. I’m not sure about those, though. I know she painted the paneling between the top & bottom cabinets.
I’m LOL at LordM’s solution to a “too big” house.
Just curious as to what you ladies have.

Dated… we still have the dishtowels hanging from the oven door (crocheted tops) that ds’s babysitter made for us back in the late 80s.

So glad you’re getting a little visit in with DS-R and ddil, Dee!

LOL, Harriet – I’d say there are definitely “times for jotting and times for refusing to jot”!

Oh, Twins… the best laid plans of mice and men, right… (((HUGS))) for you and your dmom! Do take care of yourself!

It would be nice to be able to afford a mansion AND the accompanying people to clean it, blessed!
I didn’t get my master list on paper yesterday, either. That is usually part of my Sunday routine, but I did a lot of nothing yesterday too. I must do some catch-up after I finish this post!

I want to start making them into dvd's.

This is a MAJOR project that I must undertake SOON, Blessed. In fact, I was fully prepared to start last night, b/c the bug lady had asked if I could make her some. So… started in on it… kept getting message: Playback is not allowed on this disc. Please eject disc and try again.
* sheesh * Can y’all BELIEVE this – it took TWO times at this before I realized I had bought recordable CDs, NOT DVDs.
I feel so stupid. I do NOT need recordable CDs at all. Fortunately, ds said he can always use them, so they won’t be a total waste.
And ds said he would be glad to make the DVDs for the bug lady, and he will probably do a much better job in half the time it would take me.

Dee, you’re lucky they re-deliver on the same day! If our carrier misses us, our only options are that they will deliver the FOLLOWING day or they will add a day to our subscription. We always just add a day.

Salsa IS a vegetable, isn’t it, Nancy! Now… how many chips can I eat before I negate the value of the vegetable? ;)

Oh, (((Cathy)))… that IS a lot to have on your shoulders at once. This too will pass… but my goodness I know you are worn out with it all!

Harmony, my maternal grandmother ALWAYS wore a duster like that, snaps up the front, when she was home. On Sundays after church, the first thing she would do was put her duster on (and my dmom would usually borrow one too) to wear while she finished getting dinner ready. In fact, her old chiffarobe (sp?) where she kept those dusters is one of the things I really want some day in our house. I have no idea where I’ll put it…
WTG on those homemade pies!

I have my own version of a duster -- wearing it now. I noticed I was getting little tiny grease spatters on my shirts whenever I did hamburger or Philly cheese steaks, so I asked dmom if I could have one of ddad's work shirts. It is short sleeved, but the sleeves come down over my elbows, and the length covers my bottom, so it's a pretty good substitute for an apron. It has ddad's name/company logo on it so it's a nice sentimental item too. I keep it hanging by the back door and put it on when I'm cooking something that splatters.

So nice to read of sweet times with dgs, Kathryn!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Postby Nancy » Mon Jan 29, 2018 9:51 pm

No payroll after all. We have had dinner. I found a few more items to toss in the carport before dark, and 4 empty coffee cans metal ones not sure about those. I finished knitting up a red round dish cloth this evening. I think I can put the snow shovels away now too next time I am out.

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